Regulator ID target symbol target name hgnc_id ensembl_gene_id uniprot ID Entrez_id type type_class cell_line cell_id species cell_disease ICD_disease method PMID GSE log2FoldChange perturbation direction pvalue REG00015 RGS4 Regulator of G protein signaling 4 HGNC:10000 ENSG00000117152 RGS4_HUMAN 5999 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.665891249 knock down down-regulator 1.18E-05 REG00015 RNPEPL1 Arginyl aminopeptidase like 1 HGNC:10079 ENSG00000142327 RNPL1_HUMAN 57140 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.868667456 knock down down-regulator 1.36E-08 REG00015 BCL9 BCL9 transcription coactivator HGNC:1008 ENSG00000116128 BCL9_HUMAN 607 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.16E+00 . . . REG00015 BCR BCR activator of RhoGEF and GTPase HGNC:1014 ENSG00000186716 BCR_HUMAN 613 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.31E+00 . . . REG00015 ROBO1 Roundabout guidance receptor 1 HGNC:10249 ENSG00000169855 ROBO1_HUMAN 6091 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 ROR1 Receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 1 HGNC:10256 ENSG00000185483 ROR1_HUMAN 4919 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.33E+00 . . . REG00015 RORB RAR related orphan receptor B HGNC:10259 ENSG00000198963 RORB_HUMAN 6096 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.279936087 knock out down-regulator 0.004997379 REG00015 RPA3 Replication protein A3 HGNC:10291 ENSG00000106399 RFA3_HUMAN 6119 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.031824849 knock down down-regulator 1.61E-05 REG00015 CNNM2 Cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 2 HGNC:103 ENSG00000148842 CNNM2_HUMAN 54805 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.34E+00 . . . REG00015 CFB Complement factor B HGNC:1037 ENSG00000243649 CFAB_HUMAN 629 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.907976513 knock down down-regulator 0.003044425 REG00015 RPLP0 Ribosomal protein lateral stalk subunit P0 HGNC:10371 ENSG00000089157 RLA0_HUMAN 6175 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.947809174 knock down up-regulate 7.52E-05 REG00015 RPS6KC1 Ribosomal protein S6 kinase C1 HGNC:10439 ENSG00000136643 KS6C1_HUMAN 26750 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.332523673 knock down down-regulator 0.000318995 REG00015 BGN Biglycan HGNC:1044 ENSG00000182492 PGS1_HUMAN 633 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.381618678 knock down down-regulator 1.91E-13 REG00015 RRAD RRAD, Ras related glycolysis inhibitor and calcium channel regulator HGNC:10446 ENSG00000166592 RAD_HUMAN 6236 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.047388193 knock out down-regulator 0.026828343 REG00015 RREB1 Ras responsive element binding protein 1 HGNC:10449 ENSG00000124782 RREB1_HUMAN 6239 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.26E+00 . . . REG00015 RUNX3 RUNX family transcription factor 3 HGNC:10473 ENSG00000020633 RUNX3_HUMAN 864 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 BHMT2 Betaine--homocysteine S-methyltransferase 2 HGNC:1048 ENSG00000132840 BHMT2_HUMAN 23743 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 3.82769765 knock down up-regulate 0.01256908 REG00015 RYR2 Ryanodine receptor 2 HGNC:10484 ENSG00000198626 RYR2_HUMAN 6262 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.71E+00 . . . REG00015 S100A4 S100 calcium binding protein A4 HGNC:10494 ENSG00000196154 S10A4_HUMAN 6275 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.659231576 knock out down-regulator 0.018949175 REG00015 SAFB Scaffold attachment factor B HGNC:10520 ENSG00000160633 SAFB1_HUMAN 6294 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.26171706 knock out down-regulator 6.95E-05 REG00015 MSMO1 Methylsterol monooxygenase 1 HGNC:10545 ENSG00000052802 MSMO1_HUMAN 6307 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.89819063 knock out up-regulate 0.001387763 REG00015 SC5D Sterol-C5-desaturase HGNC:10547 ENSG00000109929 SC5D_HUMAN 6309 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.63164459 knock out up-regulate 0.001960777 REG00015 SCAND1 SCAN domain containing 1 HGNC:10566 ENSG00000171222 SCND1_HUMAN 51282 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -3.297964437 knock down down-regulator 2.33E-05 REG00015 SCD Stearoyl-CoA desaturase HGNC:10571 ENSG00000099194 SCD_HUMAN 6319 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.900220168 knock out down-regulator 0.009500939 REG00015 SCN4A Sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 4 HGNC:10591 ENSG00000007314 SCN4A_HUMAN 6329 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.66E+00 . . . REG00015 SCN5A Sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 HGNC:10593 ENSG00000183873 SCN5A_HUMAN 6331 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.785476423 knock out down-regulator 0.013819332 REG00015 CCL14 C-C motif chemokine ligand 14 HGNC:10612 ENSG00000276409 CCL14_HUMAN 6358 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.667986303 knock down up-regulate 0.035086858 REG00015 CCL27 C-C motif chemokine ligand 27 HGNC:10626 ENSG00000213927 CCL27_HUMAN 10850 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.43E+00 . . . REG00015 SDC2 Syndecan 2 HGNC:10659 ENSG00000169439 SDC2_HUMAN 6383 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.20E+00 . . . REG00015 SDCCAG8 SHH signaling and ciliogenesis regulator SDCCAG8 HGNC:10671 ENSG00000054282 SDCG8_HUMAN 10806 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.719420305 knock down up-regulate 0.010808429 REG00015 SDF2L1 Stromal cell derived factor 2 like 1 HGNC:10676 ENSG00000128228 SDF2L_HUMAN 23753 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.964046496 knock out up-regulate 0.000728115 REG00015 CAVIN2 Caveolae associated protein 2 HGNC:10690 ENSG00000168497 CAVN2_HUMAN 8436 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.957657148 knock out up-regulate 0.039489638 REG00015 SEL1L SEL1L adaptor subunit of ERAD E3 ubiquitin ligase HGNC:10717 ENSG00000071537 SE1L1_HUMAN 6400 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.10E+00 . . . REG00015 SEMA3C Semaphorin 3C HGNC:10725 ENSG00000075223 SEM3C_HUMAN 10512 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.53E+00 . . . REG00015 SEMA3D Semaphorin 3D HGNC:10726 ENSG00000153993 SEM3D_HUMAN 223117 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.555022445 knock out up-regulate 0.015955451 REG00015 SEMA3E Semaphorin 3E HGNC:10727 ENSG00000170381 SEM3E_HUMAN 9723 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.613280613 knock out up-regulate 0.005882629 REG00015 SEMA3F Semaphorin 3F HGNC:10728 ENSG00000001617 SEM3F_HUMAN 6405 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.772169004 knock down down-regulator 0.002735995 REG00015 SEMA3F Semaphorin 3F HGNC:10728 ENSG00000001617 SEM3F_HUMAN 6405 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.636004661 knock out up-regulate 5.16E-05 REG00015 SEMA4A Semaphorin 4A HGNC:10729 ENSG00000196189 SEM4A_HUMAN 64218 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.599138725 knock down up-regulate 0.024249918 REG00015 SEMA4B Semaphorin 4B HGNC:10730 ENSG00000185033 SEM4B_HUMAN 10509 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -3.526997022 knock down down-regulator 0.000131259 REG00015 SEMA7A Semaphorin 7A (John Milton Hagen blood group) HGNC:10741 ENSG00000138623 SEM7A_HUMAN 8482 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.79860887 knock out up-regulate 0.014189124 REG00015 BMPR1B Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1B HGNC:1077 ENSG00000138696 BMR1B_HUMAN 658 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.691740412 knock out down-regulator 0.007524318 REG00015 SFN Stratifin HGNC:10773 ENSG00000175793 1433S_HUMAN 2810 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.36915709 knock out down-regulator 0.046869182 REG00015 POLR3D RNA polymerase III subunit D HGNC:1080 ENSG00000168495 RPC4_HUMAN 661 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.129027682 knock down up-regulate 0.000152327 REG00015 SH2D2A SH2 domain containing 2A HGNC:10821 ENSG00000027869 SH22A_HUMAN 9047 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.61305988 knock down down-regulator 0.000583501 REG00015 SH3BGRL SH3 domain binding glutamate rich protein like HGNC:10823 ENSG00000131171 SH3L1_HUMAN 6451 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.58847262 knock out down-regulator 0.003430905 REG00015 SH3BP5 SH3 domain binding protein 5 HGNC:10827 ENSG00000131370 3BP5_HUMAN 9467 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.808973031 knock out down-regulator 3.94E-07 REG00015 BNIP3 BCL2 interacting protein 3 HGNC:1084 ENSG00000176171 BNIP3_HUMAN 664 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.984708624 knock out up-regulate 9.49E-12 REG00015 ST3GAL2 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 2 HGNC:10863 ENSG00000157350 SIA4B_HUMAN 6483 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.01E+00 . . . REG00015 ST6GALNAC2 ST6 N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2 HGNC:10867 ENSG00000070731 SIA7B_HUMAN 10610 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.686922447 knock out down-regulator 0.003257638 REG00015 ST8SIA1 ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 HGNC:10869 ENSG00000111728 SIA8A_HUMAN 6489 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.766528802 knock out down-regulator 1.82E-05 REG00015 ST8SIA4 ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 4 HGNC:10871 ENSG00000113532 SIA8D_HUMAN 7903 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.604206635 knock out up-regulate 0.011160363 REG00015 GEMIN2 Gem nuclear organelle associated protein 2 HGNC:10884 ENSG00000092208 GEMI2_HUMAN 8487 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.720640419 knock down down-regulator 8.34E-05 REG00015 SIX1 SIX homeobox 1 HGNC:10887 ENSG00000126778 SIX1_HUMAN 6495 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.620901847 knock out up-regulate 0.000482219 REG00015 SIX4 SIX homeobox 4 HGNC:10890 ENSG00000100625 SIX4_HUMAN 51804 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.679098371 knock out up-regulate 0.000192759 REG00015 SLC14A1 Solute carrier family 14 member 1 (Kidd blood group) HGNC:10918 ENSG00000141469 UT1_HUMAN 6563 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.885292756 knock out down-regulator 0.004656295 REG00015 SLC16A4 Solute carrier family 16 member 4 HGNC:10925 ENSG00000168679 MOT5_HUMAN 9122 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.048808399 knock down down-regulator 0.006009598 REG00015 SLC16A6 Solute carrier family 16 member 6 HGNC:10927 ENSG00000108932 MOT7_HUMAN 9120 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.992504322 knock out down-regulator 0.003804919 REG00015 SLC1A3 Solute carrier family 1 member 3 HGNC:10941 ENSG00000079215 EAA1_HUMAN 6507 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.825878952 knock out down-regulator 0.006792974 REG00015 SLC1A7 Solute carrier family 1 member 7 HGNC:10945 ENSG00000162383 EAA5_HUMAN 6512 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.730908578 knock out down-regulator 0.022269594 REG00015 SLC24A1 Solute carrier family 24 member 1 HGNC:10975 ENSG00000074621 NCKX1_HUMAN 9187 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.04E+00 . . . REG00015 SLC25A15 Solute carrier family 25 member 15 HGNC:10985 ENSG00000102743 ORNT1_HUMAN 10166 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.678298616 knock down down-regulator 0.000445068 REG00015 SLC26A1 Solute carrier family 26 member 1 HGNC:10993 ENSG00000145217 S26A1_HUMAN 10861 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.82E+00 . . . REG00015 SLC27A2 Solute carrier family 27 member 2 HGNC:10996 ENSG00000140284 S27A2_HUMAN 11001 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.744256057 knock out down-regulator 0.009116828 REG00015 SLC29A2 Solute carrier family 29 member 2 HGNC:11004 ENSG00000174669 S29A2_HUMAN 3177 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.914465781 knock out down-regulator 0.002327288 REG00015 SLC4A7 Solute carrier family 4 member 7 HGNC:11033 ENSG00000033867 S4A7_HUMAN 9497 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.87E+00 . . . REG00015 SLC5A3 Solute carrier family 5 member 3 HGNC:11038 ENSG00000198743 SC5A3_HUMAN 6526 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.128859454 knock down down-regulator 0.007062481 REG00015 SLC5A4 Solute carrier family 5 member 4 HGNC:11039 ENSG00000100191 SC5A4_HUMAN 6527 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.46E+00 . . . REG00015 BRD3 Bromodomain containing 3 HGNC:1104 ENSG00000169925 BRD3_HUMAN 8019 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.03E+00 . . . REG00015 SLC5A6 Solute carrier family 5 member 6 HGNC:11041 ENSG00000138074 SC5A6_HUMAN 8884 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.789635037 knock out down-regulator 0.014141087 REG00015 BABAM2 BRISC and BRCA1 A complex member 2 HGNC:1106 ENSG00000158019 BABA2_HUMAN 9577 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.818467122 knock down up-regulate 0.011421012 REG00015 SLC7A2 Solute carrier family 7 member 2 HGNC:11060 ENSG00000003989 CTR2_HUMAN 6542 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.38762831 knock down down-regulator 0.000302675 REG00015 SLC7A2 Solute carrier family 7 member 2 HGNC:11060 ENSG00000003989 CTR2_HUMAN 6542 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.322258409 knock out down-regulator 0.000850231 REG00015 SLC7A4 Solute carrier family 7 member 4 HGNC:11062 ENSG00000099960 CTR4_HUMAN 6545 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.39E+00 . . . REG00015 SLC7A6 Solute carrier family 7 member 6 HGNC:11064 ENSG00000103064 YLAT2_HUMAN 9057 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.886574881 knock out down-regulator 0.007380254 REG00015 SLIT2 Slit guidance ligand 2 HGNC:11086 ENSG00000145147 SLIT2_HUMAN 9353 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.29E+00 . . . REG00015 SLK STE20 like kinase HGNC:11088 ENSG00000065613 SLK_HUMAN 9748 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.20E+00 . . . REG00015 SLPI Secretory leukocyte peptidase inhibitor HGNC:11092 ENSG00000124107 SLPI_HUMAN 6590 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.90955992 knock out down-regulator 0.000852429 REG00015 SMARCA2 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 HGNC:11098 ENSG00000080503 SMCA2_HUMAN 6595 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.14E+00 . . . REG00015 SMARCA4 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 4 HGNC:11100 ENSG00000127616 SMCA4_HUMAN 6597 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.24E+00 . . . REG00015 SMARCC1 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily c member 1 HGNC:11104 ENSG00000173473 SMRC1_HUMAN 6599 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.05E+00 . . . REG00015 SMARCC2 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily c member 2 HGNC:11105 ENSG00000139613 SMRC2_HUMAN 6601 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.38E+00 . . . REG00015 SMARCD3 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 3 HGNC:11108 ENSG00000082014 SMRD3_HUMAN 6604 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.934621751 knock down up-regulate 0.018434618 REG00015 SNCA Synuclein alpha HGNC:11138 ENSG00000145335 SYUA_HUMAN 6622 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.704976565 knock down down-regulator 0.02502618 REG00015 BSN Bassoon presynaptic cytomatrix protein HGNC:1117 ENSG00000164061 BSN_HUMAN 8927 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.92E+00 . . . REG00015 SON SON DNA and RNA binding protein HGNC:11183 ENSG00000159140 SON_HUMAN 6651 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.802738875 knock down down-regulator 0.019206716 REG00015 SOX4 SRY-box transcription factor 4 HGNC:11200 ENSG00000124766 SOX4_HUMAN 6659 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.93197248 knock out down-regulator 0.01784317 REG00015 SOX5 SRY-box transcription factor 5 HGNC:11201 ENSG00000134532 SOX5_HUMAN 6660 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.49E+00 . . . REG00015 KLF9 KLF transcription factor 9 HGNC:1123 ENSG00000119138 KLF9_HUMAN 687 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.000604237 knock out down-regulator 7.45E-11 REG00015 ATL1 Atlastin GTPase 1 HGNC:11231 ENSG00000198513 ATLA1_HUMAN 51062 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.721372933 knock down up-regulate 0.04969499 REG00015 SPINT2 Serine peptidase inhibitor, Kunitz type 2 HGNC:11247 ENSG00000167642 SPIT2_HUMAN 10653 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.505275623 knock down up-regulate 0.010855163 REG00015 SPOCK1 SPARC (osteonectin), cwcv and kazal like domains proteoglycan 1 HGNC:11251 ENSG00000152377 TICN1_HUMAN 6695 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.833848812 knock down down-regulator 0.009189447 REG00015 SPON2 Spondin 2 HGNC:11253 ENSG00000159674 SPON2_HUMAN 10417 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 SPP1 Secreted phosphoprotein 1 HGNC:11255 ENSG00000118785 OSTP_HUMAN 6696 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.264354314 knock out down-regulator 0.000376639 REG00015 SPTB Spectrin beta, erythrocytic HGNC:11274 ENSG00000070182 SPTB1_HUMAN 6710 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.17E+00 . . . REG00015 SPTBN1 Spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 1 HGNC:11275 ENSG00000115306 SPTB2_HUMAN 6711 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.85E+00 . . . REG00015 SPTLC2 Serine palmitoyltransferase long chain base subunit 2 HGNC:11278 ENSG00000100596 SPTC2_HUMAN 9517 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.90E+00 . . . REG00015 SQLE Squalene epoxidase HGNC:11279 ENSG00000104549 ERG1_HUMAN 6713 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.796167256 knock out down-regulator 0.002661346 REG00015 SQSTM1 Sequestosome 1 HGNC:11280 ENSG00000161011 SQSTM_HUMAN 8878 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.724041778 knock out down-regulator 0.000119143 REG00015 SRL Sarcalumenin HGNC:11295 ENSG00000185739 SRCA_HUMAN 6345 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 BTG1 BTG anti-proliferation factor 1 HGNC:1130 ENSG00000133639 BTG1_HUMAN 694 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.343122172 knock down down-regulator 0.002475898 REG00015 SSPN Sarcospan HGNC:11322 ENSG00000123096 SSPN_HUMAN 8082 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.004319416 knock out up-regulate 0.000336891 REG00015 ST14 ST14 transmembrane serine protease matriptase HGNC:11344 ENSG00000149418 ST14_HUMAN 6768 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.217609886 knock out down-regulator 0.00831362 REG00015 IL24 Interleukin 24 HGNC:11346 ENSG00000162892 IL24_HUMAN 11009 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.722348071 knock out down-regulator 0.000552273 REG00015 STC2 Stanniocalcin 2 HGNC:11374 ENSG00000113739 STC2_HUMAN 8614 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.911367117 knock down down-regulator 0.013936058 REG00015 STK10 Serine/threonine kinase 10 HGNC:11388 ENSG00000072786 STK10_HUMAN 6793 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.16E+00 . . . REG00015 AURKB Aurora kinase B HGNC:11390 ENSG00000178999 AURKB_HUMAN 9212 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -3.712146308 knock down down-regulator 1.49E-64 REG00015 STK17A Serine/threonine kinase 17a HGNC:11395 ENSG00000164543 ST17A_HUMAN 9263 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.807410936 knock out up-regulate 5.32E-05 REG00015 BTN3A3 Butyrophilin subfamily 3 member A3 HGNC:1140 ENSG00000111801 BT3A3_HUMAN 10384 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.945202471 knock down down-regulator 3.91E-07 REG00015 CDKL5 Cyclin dependent kinase like 5 HGNC:11411 ENSG00000008086 CDKL5_HUMAN 6792 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.53E+00 . . . REG00015 STRN Striatin HGNC:11424 ENSG00000115808 STRN_HUMAN 6801 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.37E+00 . . . REG00015 STS Steroid sulfatase HGNC:11425 ENSG00000101846 STS_HUMAN 412 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.643545078 knock out up-regulate 0.002813016 REG00015 STX3 Syntaxin 3 HGNC:11438 ENSG00000166900 STX3_HUMAN 6809 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.618098862 knock out up-regulate 0.004920913 REG00015 SUPT6H SPT6 homolog, histone chaperone and transcription elongation factor HGNC:11470 ENSG00000109111 SPT6H_HUMAN 6830 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.03E+00 . . . REG00015 SVIL Supervillin HGNC:11480 ENSG00000197321 SVIL_HUMAN 6840 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.63E+00 . . . REG00015 BUB1B BUB1 mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase B HGNC:1149 ENSG00000156970 BUB1B_HUMAN 701 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.71486612 knock down down-regulator 1.54E-06 REG00015 SYN1 Synapsin I HGNC:11494 ENSG00000008056 SYN1_HUMAN 6853 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.06E+00 . . . REG00015 SYNGAP1 Synaptic Ras GTPase activating protein 1 HGNC:11497 ENSG00000197283 SYGP1_HUMAN 8831 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.048014072 knock down up-regulate 0.004675032 REG00015 SYNGR1 Synaptogyrin 1 HGNC:11498 ENSG00000100321 SNG1_HUMAN 9145 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.708614474 knock down down-regulator 0.039860205 REG00015 SYPL1 Synaptophysin like 1 HGNC:11507 ENSG00000008282 SYPL1_HUMAN 6856 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.863428571 knock down down-regulator 0.016840727 REG00015 TACC1 Transforming acidic coiled-coil containing protein 1 HGNC:11522 ENSG00000147526 TACC1_HUMAN 6867 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 TAF13 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 13 HGNC:11546 ENSG00000197780 TAF13_HUMAN 6884 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.063595154 knock out down-regulator 0.047124682 REG00015 TAGLN Transgelin HGNC:11553 ENSG00000149591 TAGL_HUMAN 6876 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.05432454 knock down down-regulator 3.10E-06 REG00015 TWNK Twinkle mtDNA helicase HGNC:1160 ENSG00000107815 PEO1_HUMAN 56652 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.688458226 knock out up-regulate 0.000974994 REG00015 TCF20 Transcription factor 20 HGNC:11631 ENSG00000100207 TCF20_HUMAN 6942 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.97E+00 . . . REG00015 DAGLA Diacylglycerol lipase alpha HGNC:1165 ENSG00000134780 DGLA_HUMAN 747 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.05E+00 . . . REG00015 TCN1 Transcobalamin 1 HGNC:11652 ENSG00000134827 TCO1_HUMAN 6947 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.536523742 knock out down-regulator 9.32E-05 REG00015 TCOF1 Treacle ribosome biogenesis factor 1 HGNC:11654 ENSG00000070814 TCOF_HUMAN 6949 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.02E+00 . . . REG00015 NRIP3 Nuclear receptor interacting protein 3 HGNC:1167 ENSG00000175352 NRIP3_HUMAN 56675 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.64700724 knock down down-regulator 0.000445228 REG00015 TCTE1 T-complex-associated-testis-expressed 1 HGNC:11693 ENSG00000146221 DRC5_HUMAN 202500 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 DYNLT3 Dynein light chain Tctex-type 3 HGNC:11694 ENSG00000165169 DYLT3_HUMAN 6990 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.856204664 knock out down-regulator 0.043217468 REG00015 TEAD2 TEA domain transcription factor 2 HGNC:11715 ENSG00000074219 TEAD2_HUMAN 8463 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.755925476 knock out up-regulate 0.019744273 REG00015 TEAD4 TEA domain transcription factor 4 HGNC:11717 ENSG00000197905 TEAD4_HUMAN 7004 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.674852582 knock out up-regulate 0.018092694 REG00015 TERT Telomerase reverse transcriptase HGNC:11730 ENSG00000164362 TERT_HUMAN 7015 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.596676469 knock out up-regulate 0.041316391 REG00015 TFPI Tissue factor pathway inhibitor HGNC:11760 ENSG00000003436 TFPI1_HUMAN 7035 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.14329235 knock out up-regulate 0.001891859 REG00015 TFRC Transferrin receptor HGNC:11763 ENSG00000072274 TFR1_HUMAN 7037 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.934899028 knock out down-regulator 0.000482924 REG00015 TGFBR3 Transforming growth factor beta receptor 3 HGNC:11774 ENSG00000069702 TGBR3_HUMAN 7049 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.72E+00 . . . REG00015 TGM2 Transglutaminase 2 HGNC:11778 ENSG00000198959 TGM2_HUMAN 7052 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -3.449751366 knock out down-regulator 4.92E-06 REG00015 TGM5 Transglutaminase 5 HGNC:11781 ENSG00000104055 TGM5_HUMAN 9333 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.00E+00 . . . REG00015 THBS1 Thrombospondin 1 HGNC:11785 ENSG00000137801 TSP1_HUMAN 7057 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.49E+00 . . . REG00015 TIAM1 TIAM Rac1 associated GEF 1 HGNC:11805 ENSG00000156299 TIAM1_HUMAN 7074 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -3.430343974 knock out down-regulator 2.95E-07 REG00015 TIMELESS Timeless circadian regulator HGNC:11813 ENSG00000111602 TIM_HUMAN 8914 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -3.16722186 knock down down-regulator 1.02E-06 REG00015 TIGAR TP53 induced glycolysis regulatory phosphatase HGNC:1185 ENSG00000078237 TIGAR_HUMAN 57103 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.279616449 knock out down-regulator 0.000822898 REG00015 CEMIP2 Cell migration inducing hyaluronidase 2 HGNC:11869 ENSG00000135048 CEIP2_HUMAN 23670 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.006942299 knock out up-regulate 0.02383632 REG00015 TMOD4 Tropomodulin 4 HGNC:11874 ENSG00000163157 TMOD4_HUMAN 29765 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.117783824 knock down down-regulator 0.008245432 REG00015 TMPRSS2 Transmembrane serine protease 2 HGNC:11876 ENSG00000184012 TMPS2_HUMAN 7113 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.658282212 knock out down-regulator 0.000372966 REG00015 TNFAIP2 TNF alpha induced protein 2 HGNC:11895 ENSG00000185215 TNAP2_HUMAN 7127 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.996615985 knock down down-regulator 1.72E-05 REG00015 FAS Fas cell surface death receptor HGNC:11920 ENSG00000026103 TNR6_HUMAN 355 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.585671628 knock down down-regulator 2.60E-20 REG00015 TNFRSF6B TNF receptor superfamily member 6b HGNC:11921 ENSG00000243509 TNF6B_HUMAN 8771 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 TNFSF15 TNF superfamily member 15 HGNC:11931 ENSG00000181634 TNF15_HUMAN 9966 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.831200065 knock out down-regulator 0.000485662 REG00015 TNRC18 Trinucleotide repeat containing 18 HGNC:11962 ENSG00000182095 TNC18_HUMAN 84629 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.38E+00 . . . REG00015 TNS1 Tensin 1 HGNC:11973 ENSG00000079308 TENS1_HUMAN 7145 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.33E+00 . . . REG00015 TOP1 DNA topoisomerase I HGNC:11986 ENSG00000198900 TOP1_HUMAN 7150 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.10E+00 . . . REG00015 TOR3A Torsin family 3 member A HGNC:11997 ENSG00000186283 TOR3A_HUMAN 64222 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.131446041 knock down up-regulate 8.66E-05 REG00015 TPST2 Tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase 2 HGNC:12021 ENSG00000128294 TPST2_HUMAN 8459 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.571101624 knock out down-regulator 7.93E-05 REG00015 TPT1 Tumor protein, translationally-controlled 1 HGNC:12022 ENSG00000133112 TCTP_HUMAN 7178 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.260389017 knock out down-regulator 0.010481152 REG00015 TRHR Thyrotropin releasing hormone receptor HGNC:12299 ENSG00000174417 TRFR_HUMAN 7201 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.91E+00 . . . REG00015 TRIP11 Thyroid hormone receptor interactor 11 HGNC:12305 ENSG00000100815 TRIPB_HUMAN 9321 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.02E+00 . . . REG00015 TRIP12 Thyroid hormone receptor interactor 12 HGNC:12306 ENSG00000153827 TRIPC_HUMAN 9320 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 TRO Trophinin HGNC:12326 ENSG00000067445 TROP_HUMAN 7216 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -3.936135841 knock down down-regulator 3.21E-05 REG00015 TRPC3 Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 3 HGNC:12335 ENSG00000138741 TRPC3_HUMAN 7222 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.15E+00 . . . REG00015 TRPS1 Transcriptional repressor GATA binding 1 HGNC:12340 ENSG00000104447 TRPS1_HUMAN 7227 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.16E+00 . . . REG00015 TRRAP Transformation/transcription domain associated protein HGNC:12347 ENSG00000196367 TRRAP_HUMAN 8295 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.57E+00 . . . REG00015 TTF2 Transcription termination factor 2 HGNC:12398 ENSG00000116830 TTF2_HUMAN 8458 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.03E+00 . . . REG00015 TTF2 Transcription termination factor 2 HGNC:12398 ENSG00000116830 TTF2_HUMAN 8458 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -4.110017978 knock down down-regulator 0.000168541 REG00015 TUFT1 Tuftelin 1 HGNC:12422 ENSG00000143367 TUFT1_HUMAN 7286 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.556870834 knock out down-regulator 0.000624778 REG00015 TULP1 TUB like protein 1 HGNC:12423 ENSG00000112041 TULP1_HUMAN 7287 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.81E+00 . . . REG00015 TULP2 TUB like protein 2 HGNC:12424 ENSG00000104804 TULP2_HUMAN 7288 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.26E+00 . . . REG00015 TXNRD1 Thioredoxin reductase 1 HGNC:12437 ENSG00000198431 TRXR1_HUMAN 7296 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.80618306 knock down up-regulate 0.040053501 REG00015 U2AF1 U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1 HGNC:12453 ENSG00000160201 U2AF1_HUMAN 7307 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.151552696 knock down up-regulate 7.91E-05 REG00015 UBE2E3 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 E3 HGNC:12479 ENSG00000170035 UB2E3_HUMAN 10477 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.892042711 knock out down-regulator 0.000201843 REG00015 TPX2 TPX2 microtubule nucleation factor HGNC:1249 ENSG00000088325 TPX2_HUMAN 22974 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.07E+00 . . . REG00015 UCHL3 Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L3 HGNC:12515 ENSG00000118939 UCHL3_HUMAN 7347 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.955260041 knock down down-regulator 9.90E-05 REG00015 UHRF1 Ubiquitin like with PHD and ring finger domains 1 HGNC:12556 ENSG00000276043 UHRF1_HUMAN 29128 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.635317903 knock down up-regulate 5.13E-05 REG00015 USP13 Ubiquitin specific peptidase 13 HGNC:12611 ENSG00000058056 UBP13_HUMAN 8975 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.30E+00 . . . REG00015 UTRN Utrophin HGNC:12635 ENSG00000152818 UTRN_HUMAN 7402 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.38E+00 . . . REG00015 VAMP5 Vesicle associated membrane protein 5 HGNC:12646 ENSG00000168899 VAMP5_HUMAN 10791 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.499642254 knock down down-regulator 0.003508429 REG00015 VAV1 Vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1 HGNC:12657 ENSG00000141968 VAV_HUMAN 7409 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.784063157 knock out down-regulator 0.00117805 REG00015 VDR Vitamin D receptor HGNC:12679 ENSG00000111424 VDR_HUMAN 7421 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.633605159 knock out up-regulate 8.91E-05 REG00015 VRK1 VRK serine/threonine kinase 1 HGNC:12718 ENSG00000100749 VRK1_HUMAN 7443 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.79420075 knock down up-regulate 0.000462582 REG00015 WARS1 Tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase 1 HGNC:12729 ENSG00000140105 SYWC_HUMAN 7453 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.00451975 knock down up-regulate 0.01472265 REG00015 LAT2 Linker for activation of T cells family member 2 HGNC:12749 ENSG00000086730 NTAL_HUMAN 7462 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -3.579959564 knock down down-regulator 0.020361827 REG00015 WDR4 WD repeat domain 4 HGNC:12756 ENSG00000160193 WDR4_HUMAN 10785 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.161341268 knock out up-regulate 6.15E-10 REG00015 WNT4 Wnt family member 4 HGNC:12783 ENSG00000162552 WNT4_HUMAN 54361 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.39E+00 . . . REG00015 XPR1 Xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1 HGNC:12827 ENSG00000143324 XPR1_HUMAN 9213 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.953683684 knock down down-regulator 6.31E-11 REG00015 YARS1 Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 1 HGNC:12840 ENSG00000134684 SYYC_HUMAN 8565 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.731300379 knock down down-regulator 0.000498094 REG00015 ZNF10 Zinc finger protein 10 HGNC:12879 ENSG00000256223 ZNF10_HUMAN 7556 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.381950048 knock down up-regulate 1.18E-27 REG00015 ZNF106 Zinc finger protein 106 HGNC:12886 ENSG00000103994 ZN106_HUMAN 64397 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.19E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF114 Zinc finger protein 114 HGNC:12894 ENSG00000178150 ZN114_HUMAN 163071 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 2.653315813 knock out up-regulate 0.028315001 REG00015 DOPEY2 DOP1 leucine zipper like protein B HGNC:1291 ENSG00000142197 DOP2_HUMAN 9980 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.33E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF142 Zinc finger protein 142 HGNC:12927 ENSG00000115568 ZN142_HUMAN 7701 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 TSHZ2 Teashirt zinc finger homeobox 2 HGNC:13010 ENSG00000182463 TSH2_HUMAN 128553 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.52E+00 . . . REG00015 KAT6A Lysine acetyltransferase 6A HGNC:13013 ENSG00000083168 KAT6A_HUMAN 7994 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.33E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF236 Zinc finger protein 236 HGNC:13028 ENSG00000130856 ZN236_HUMAN 7776 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.03E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF254 Zinc finger protein 254 HGNC:13047 ENSG00000213096 ZN254_HUMAN 9534 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.724186192 knock down up-regulate 0.001540389 REG00015 ZNF277 Zinc finger protein 277 HGNC:13070 ENSG00000198839 ZN277_HUMAN 11179 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.628145185 knock down up-regulate 1.89E-05 REG00015 ZSCAN20 Zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 20 HGNC:13093 ENSG00000121903 ZSC20_HUMAN 7579 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF79 Zinc finger protein 79 HGNC:13153 ENSG00000196152 ZNF79_HUMAN 7633 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.06E+00 . . . REG00015 C3AR1 Complement C3a receptor 1 HGNC:1319 ENSG00000171860 C3AR_HUMAN 719 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.47E+00 . . . REG00015 ZW10 Zw10 kinetochore protein HGNC:13194 ENSG00000086827 ZW10_HUMAN 9183 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.440107724 knock down down-regulator 0.003471324 REG00015 ZWINT ZW10 interacting kinetochore protein HGNC:13195 ENSG00000122952 ZWINT_HUMAN 11130 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.479877043 knock down down-regulator 0.001850015 REG00015 FIGN Fidgetin, microtubule severing factor HGNC:13285 ENSG00000182263 FIGN_HUMAN 55137 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 GPR62 G protein-coupled receptor 62 HGNC:13301 ENSG00000180929 GPR62_HUMAN 118442 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 GPR63 G protein-coupled receptor 63 HGNC:13302 ENSG00000112218 GPR63_HUMAN 81491 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.65797828 knock out up-regulate 6.47E-05 REG00015 GPRC5C G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member C HGNC:13309 ENSG00000170412 GPC5C_HUMAN 55890 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.210468798 knock out down-regulator 3.74E-13 REG00015 HUNK Hormonally up-regulated Neu-associated kinase HGNC:13326 ENSG00000142149 HUNK_HUMAN 30811 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.85E+00 . . . REG00015 FAM114A2 Family with sequence similarity 114 member A2 HGNC:1333 ENSG00000055147 F1142_HUMAN 10827 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -4.804433529 knock down down-regulator 0.035005015 REG00015 LPIN1 Lipin 1 HGNC:13345 ENSG00000134324 LPIN1_HUMAN 23175 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 2.243656745 knock out up-regulate 0.004269966 REG00015 LXN Latexin HGNC:13347 ENSG00000079257 LXN_HUMAN 56925 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.667797466 knock out up-regulate 0.001877316 REG00015 MCOLN2 Mucolipin TRP cation channel 2 HGNC:13357 ENSG00000153898 MCLN2_HUMAN 255231 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.97570544 knock out up-regulate 0.006552044 REG00015 MS4A6A Membrane spanning 4-domains A6A HGNC:13375 ENSG00000110077 M4A6A_HUMAN 64231 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.798751725 knock down down-regulator 1.39E-06 REG00015 NSDHL NAD(P) dependent steroid dehydrogenase-like HGNC:13398 ENSG00000147383 NSDHL_HUMAN 50814 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.610424645 knock out up-regulate 0.017915311 REG00015 PCLO Piccolo presynaptic cytomatrix protein HGNC:13406 ENSG00000186472 PCLO_HUMAN 27445 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.12E+00 . . . REG00015 PDCD11 Programmed cell death 11 HGNC:13408 ENSG00000148843 RRP5_HUMAN 22984 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 TSPAN32 Tetraspanin 32 HGNC:13410 ENSG00000064201 TSN32_HUMAN 10077 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.32E+00 . . . REG00015 SCUBE1 Signal peptide, CUB domain and EGF like domain containing 1 HGNC:13441 ENSG00000159307 SCUB1_HUMAN 80274 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.95E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF286A Zinc finger protein 286A HGNC:13501 ENSG00000187607 Z286A_HUMAN 57335 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.62026837 knock down down-regulator 0.001074472 REG00015 ZBTB20 Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 20 HGNC:13503 ENSG00000181722 ZBT20_HUMAN 26137 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.12E+00 . . . REG00015 BIRC6 Baculoviral IAP repeat containing 6 HGNC:13516 ENSG00000115760 BIRC6_HUMAN 57448 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.11E+00 . . . REG00015 CLIC5 Chloride intracellular channel 5 HGNC:13517 ENSG00000112782 CLIC5_HUMAN 53405 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.32E+00 . . . REG00015 ATP6V1D ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit D HGNC:13527 ENSG00000100554 VATD_HUMAN 51382 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.29168291 knock down down-regulator 4.26E-07 REG00015 C8G Complement C8 gamma chain HGNC:1354 ENSG00000176919 CO8G_HUMAN 733 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.092465328 knock down down-regulator 0.015461047 REG00015 ATP11A ATPase phospholipid transporting 11A HGNC:13552 ENSG00000068650 AT11A_HUMAN 23250 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.46E+00 . . . REG00015 ACE2 Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 HGNC:13557 ENSG00000130234 ACE2_HUMAN 59272 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.74E+00 . . . REG00015 HIVEP3 HIVEP zinc finger 3 HGNC:13561 ENSG00000127124 ZEP3_HUMAN 59269 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.03E+00 . . . REG00015 SPOCK3 SPARC (osteonectin), cwcv and kazal like domains proteoglycan 3 HGNC:13565 ENSG00000196104 TICN3_HUMAN 50859 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.830852275 knock out down-regulator 0.004246603 REG00015 TCIM Transcriptional and immune response regulator HGNC:1357 ENSG00000176907 TCIM_HUMAN 56892 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.170587647 knock out down-regulator 0.005634634 REG00015 FCGBP Fc gamma binding protein HGNC:13572 ENSG00000275395 FCGBP_HUMAN 8857 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.43E+00 . . . REG00015 MAGEC2 MAGE family member C2 HGNC:13574 ENSG00000046774 MAGC2_HUMAN 51438 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 BRD4 Bromodomain containing 4 HGNC:13575 ENSG00000141867 BRD4_HUMAN 23476 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF318 Zinc finger protein 318 HGNC:13578 ENSG00000171467 ZN318_HUMAN 24149 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.03E+00 . . . REG00015 FBXL4 F-box and leucine rich repeat protein 4 HGNC:13601 ENSG00000112234 FBXL4_HUMAN 26235 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.686530093 knock out up-regulate 0.019353759 REG00015 FBXL17 F-box and leucine rich repeat protein 17 HGNC:13615 ENSG00000145743 FXL17_HUMAN 64839 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.14E+00 . . . REG00015 MAL2 Mal, T cell differentiation protein 2 HGNC:13634 ENSG00000147676 MAL2_HUMAN 114569 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.633164674 knock out up-regulate 0.000359414 REG00015 MACF1 Microtubule actin crosslinking factor 1 HGNC:13664 ENSG00000127603 MACF1_HUMAN 23499 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.21E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2AH H2A clustered histone 12 HGNC:13671 ENSG00000274997 H2A1H_HUMAN 85235 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.35E+00 . . . REG00015 DCHS1 Dachsous cadherin-related 1 HGNC:13681 ENSG00000166341 PCD16_HUMAN 8642 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.58E+00 . . . REG00015 CA11 Carbonic anhydrase 11 HGNC:1370 ENSG00000063180 CAH11_HUMAN 770 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.802760833 knock down down-regulator 8.95E-05 REG00015 ATP6V0D1 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit d1 HGNC:13724 ENSG00000159720 VA0D1_HUMAN 9114 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.386198921 knock down up-regulate 0.012978197 REG00015 KMT2C Lysine methyltransferase 2C HGNC:13726 ENSG00000055609 KMT2C_HUMAN 58508 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.28E+00 . . . REG00015 HERPUD1 Homocysteine inducible ER protein with ubiquitin like domain 1 HGNC:13744 ENSG00000051108 HERP1_HUMAN 9709 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.812119245 knock down down-regulator 0.000143196 REG00015 CA4 Carbonic anhydrase 4 HGNC:1375 ENSG00000167434 CAH4_HUMAN 762 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.220066704 knock down down-regulator 0.00014185 REG00015 CYFIP1 Cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 1 HGNC:13759 ENSG00000273749 CYFP1_HUMAN 23191 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.13E+00 . . . REG00015 CA9 Carbonic anhydrase 9 HGNC:1383 ENSG00000107159 CAH9_HUMAN 768 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.845520756 knock out up-regulate 0.007683694 REG00015 FOXP2 Forkhead box P2 HGNC:13875 ENSG00000128573 FOXP2_HUMAN 93986 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.15E+00 . . . REG00015 GPANK1 G-patch domain and ankyrin repeats 1 HGNC:13920 ENSG00000204438 GPAN1_HUMAN 7918 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.648664127 knock down down-regulator 1.47E-09 REG00015 HIST1H2BK H2B clustered histone 12 HGNC:13954 ENSG00000197903 H2B1K_HUMAN 85236 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.37E+00 . . . REG00015 H2BC12 H2B clustered histone 12 HGNC:13954 ENSG00000197903 H2B1K_HUMAN 85236 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.879479153 knock down down-regulator 7.99E-05 REG00015 CACNA2D1 Calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit alpha2delta 1 HGNC:1399 ENSG00000153956 CA2D1_HUMAN 781 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.46E+00 . . . REG00015 CACNA2D1 Calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit alpha2delta 1 HGNC:1399 ENSG00000153956 CA2D1_HUMAN 781 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.929178334 knock down down-regulator 0.014967849 REG00015 PRDM16 PR/SET domain 16 HGNC:14000 ENSG00000142611 PRD16_HUMAN 63976 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.28E+00 . . . REG00015 MGA MAX dimerization protein MGA HGNC:14010 ENSG00000174197 MGAP_HUMAN 23269 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.10E+00 . . . REG00015 LPXN Leupaxin HGNC:14061 ENSG00000110031 LPXN_HUMAN 9404 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.777740339 knock out up-regulate 0.010200143 REG00015 HDAC4 Histone deacetylase 4 HGNC:14063 ENSG00000068024 HDAC4_HUMAN 9759 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.93E+00 . . . REG00015 HDAC9 Histone deacetylase 9 HGNC:14065 ENSG00000048052 HDAC9_HUMAN 9734 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.690160085 knock out down-regulator 2.96E-09 REG00015 BACH2 BTB domain and CNC homolog 2 HGNC:14078 ENSG00000112182 BACH2_HUMAN 60468 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.24E+00 . . . REG00015 ANLN Anillin, actin binding protein HGNC:14082 ENSG00000011426 ANLN_HUMAN 54443 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.834522696 knock down down-regulator 0.000533054 REG00015 ZNF324 Zinc finger protein 324 HGNC:14096 ENSG00000083812 Z324A_HUMAN 25799 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.14E+00 . . . REG00015 METRN Meteorin, glial cell differentiation regulator HGNC:14151 ENSG00000103260 METRN_HUMAN 79006 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.586034418 knock out down-regulator 0.002275824 REG00015 TMEM204 Transmembrane protein 204 HGNC:14158 ENSG00000131634 TM204_HUMAN 79652 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.28E+00 . . . REG00015 ARHGEF12 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 12 HGNC:14193 ENSG00000196914 ARHGC_HUMAN 23365 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 JPH1 Junctophilin 1 HGNC:14201 ENSG00000104369 JPH1_HUMAN 56704 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.616358255 knock out down-regulator 1.31E-06 REG00015 RBM14 RNA binding motif protein 14 HGNC:14219 ENSG00000239306 RBM14_HUMAN 10432 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.039053234 knock down up-regulate 0.004598508 REG00015 NSD1 Nuclear receptor binding SET domain protein 1 HGNC:14234 ENSG00000165671 NSD1_HUMAN 64324 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.86E+00 . . . REG00015 RSPH6A Radial spoke head 6 homolog A HGNC:14241 ENSG00000104941 RSH6A_HUMAN 81492 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.32E+00 . . . REG00015 RAB23 RAB23, member RAS oncogene family HGNC:14263 ENSG00000112210 RAB23_HUMAN 51715 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.998062983 knock down down-regulator 0.00198093 REG00015 PCDH18 Protocadherin 18 HGNC:14268 ENSG00000189184 PCD18_HUMAN 54510 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.897763914 knock out down-regulator 0.000627963 REG00015 SHANK2 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 HGNC:14295 ENSG00000162105 SHAN2_HUMAN 22941 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.70E+00 . . . REG00015 SPRYD7 SPRY domain containing 7 HGNC:14297 ENSG00000123178 SPRY7_HUMAN 57213 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.996970808 knock down down-regulator 0.009884405 REG00015 SPANXC SPANX family member C HGNC:14331 ENSG00000198573 SPNXC_HUMAN 64663 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.625755047 knock out down-regulator 0.046923997 REG00015 PLEKHA3 Pleckstrin homology domain containing A3 HGNC:14338 ENSG00000116095 PKHA3_HUMAN 65977 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.786469802 knock down up-regulate 0.000590268 REG00015 C1QTNF5 C1q and TNF related 5 HGNC:14344 ENSG00000223953 C1QT5_HUMAN 114902 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.58E+00 . . . REG00015 ARID3B AT-rich interaction domain 3B HGNC:14350 ENSG00000179361 ARI3B_HUMAN 10620 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.942157011 knock out up-regulate 5.89E-10 REG00015 NHP2 NHP2 ribonucleoprotein HGNC:14377 ENSG00000145912 NHP2_HUMAN 55651 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.950207787 knock down down-regulator 5.98E-06 REG00015 FBXW10B F-box and WD repeat domain containing 10B HGNC:14379 ENSG00000241322 CDRT1_HUMAN 374286 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.459856489 knock down down-regulator 0.006757559 REG00015 CALCR Calcitonin receptor HGNC:1440 ENSG00000004948 CALCR_HUMAN 799 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.674394004 knock out up-regulate 0.017145204 REG00015 HIPK2 Homeodomain interacting protein kinase 2 HGNC:14402 ENSG00000064393 HIPK2_HUMAN 28996 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.12E+00 . . . REG00015 KIF13B Kinesin family member 13B HGNC:14405 ENSG00000197892 KI13B_HUMAN 23303 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 BBX BBX high mobility group box domain containing HGNC:14422 ENSG00000114439 BBX_HUMAN 56987 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.80E+00 . . . REG00015 SLC13A3 Solute carrier family 13 member 3 HGNC:14430 ENSG00000158296 S13A3_HUMAN 64849 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 RAPH1 Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) and pleckstrin homology domains 1 HGNC:14436 ENSG00000173166 RAPH1_HUMAN 65059 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.59E+00 . . . REG00015 PARD3B Par-3 family cell polarity regulator beta HGNC:14446 ENSG00000116117 PAR3L_HUMAN 117583 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.03E+00 . . . REG00015 MRPS2 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein S2 HGNC:14495 ENSG00000122140 RT02_HUMAN 51116 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.617531919 knock down down-regulator 0.040749131 REG00015 MRPS24 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein S24 HGNC:14510 ENSG00000062582 RT24_HUMAN 64951 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.784558589 knock out down-regulator 0.004940684 REG00015 RNF213 Ring finger protein 213 HGNC:14539 ENSG00000173821 RN213_HUMAN 57674 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.29E+00 . . . REG00015 RASGRP3 RAS guanyl releasing protein 3 HGNC:14545 ENSG00000152689 GRP3_HUMAN 25780 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.992149105 knock out up-regulate 0.000825008 REG00015 STOML1 Stomatin like 1 HGNC:14560 ENSG00000067221 STML1_HUMAN 9399 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.610229436 knock down up-regulate 0.00935071 REG00015 IMMP2L Inner mitochondrial membrane peptidase subunit 2 HGNC:14598 ENSG00000184903 IMP2L_HUMAN 83943 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.713802909 knock down down-regulator 0.000491723 REG00015 ADAMTS12 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 12 HGNC:14605 ENSG00000151388 ATS12_HUMAN 81792 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.295049479 knock out down-regulator 0.000295471 REG00015 PAPPA2 Pappalysin 2 HGNC:14615 ENSG00000116183 PAPP2_HUMAN 60676 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.81E+00 . . . REG00015 CDCA7 Cell division cycle associated 7 HGNC:14628 ENSG00000144354 CDCA7_HUMAN 83879 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.903194278 knock down down-regulator 0.013651499 REG00015 CDCA8 Cell division cycle associated 8 HGNC:14629 ENSG00000134690 BOREA_HUMAN 55143 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.351898462 knock down down-regulator 0.001184633 REG00015 ABCA13 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 13 HGNC:14638 ENSG00000179869 ABCAD_HUMAN 154664 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.672780474 knock out up-regulate 0.017242789 REG00015 CAMK4 Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IV HGNC:1464 ENSG00000152495 KCC4_HUMAN 814 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.650865126 knock out up-regulate 9.68E-05 REG00015 PARVG Parvin gamma HGNC:14654 ENSG00000138964 PARVG_HUMAN 64098 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.00E+00 . . . REG00015 FYCO1 FYVE and coiled-coil domain autophagy adaptor 1 HGNC:14673 ENSG00000163820 FYCO1_HUMAN 79443 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.25E+00 . . . REG00015 CAPN11 Calpain 11 HGNC:1478 ENSG00000137225 CAN11_HUMAN 11131 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.17E+00 . . . REG00015 APOL4 Apolipoprotein L4 HGNC:14867 ENSG00000100336 APOL4_HUMAN 80832 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.737440051 knock down down-regulator 0.001647008 REG00015 APOL3 Apolipoprotein L3 HGNC:14868 ENSG00000128284 APOL3_HUMAN 80833 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.55397338 knock down down-regulator 0.00092304 REG00015 NIN Ninein HGNC:14906 ENSG00000100503 NIN_HUMAN 51199 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.23E+00 . . . REG00015 TAS2R3 Taste 2 receptor member 3 HGNC:14910 ENSG00000127362 TA2R3_HUMAN 50831 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.52E+00 . . . REG00015 TAS2R5 Taste 2 receptor member 5 HGNC:14912 ENSG00000127366 TA2R5_HUMAN 54429 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.684567876 knock down up-regulate 0.04758531 REG00015 SIRT5 Sirtuin 5 HGNC:14933 ENSG00000124523 SIR5_HUMAN 23408 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.744285172 knock down up-regulate 9.70E-05 REG00015 PPP1R9A Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 9A HGNC:14946 ENSG00000158528 NEB1_HUMAN 55607 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.75E+00 . . . REG00015 RBM15 RNA binding motif protein 15 HGNC:14959 ENSG00000162775 RBM15_HUMAN 64783 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.31E+00 . . . REG00015 PXDN Peroxidasin HGNC:14966 ENSG00000130508 PXDN_HUMAN 7837 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 LUZP1 Leucine zipper protein 1 HGNC:14985 ENSG00000169641 LUZP1_HUMAN 7798 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.65E+00 . . . REG00015 CAST Calpastatin HGNC:1515 ENSG00000153113 ICAL_HUMAN 831 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.24E+00 . . . REG00015 TLN2 Talin 2 HGNC:15447 ENSG00000171914 TLN2_HUMAN 83660 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.61E+00 . . . REG00015 CBR1 Carbonyl reductase 1 HGNC:1548 ENSG00000159228 CBR1_HUMAN 873 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.625366247 knock down up-regulate 0.004678985 REG00015 ANKH ANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator HGNC:15492 ENSG00000154122 ANKH_HUMAN 56172 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.941551778 knock out down-regulator 0.01827453 REG00015 CBS Cystathionine beta-synthase HGNC:1550 ENSG00000160200 CBS_HUMAN 875 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.459058662 knock down down-regulator 0.000157768 REG00015 PUS1 Pseudouridine synthase 1 HGNC:15508 ENSG00000177192 PUS1_HUMAN 80324 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.787501095 knock out down-regulator 0.001790482 REG00015 ARHGEF16 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 16 HGNC:15515 ENSG00000130762 ARHGG_HUMAN 27237 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.645629247 knock out up-regulate 0.020663131 REG00015 XYLT1 Xylosyltransferase 1 HGNC:15516 ENSG00000103489 XYLT1_HUMAN 64131 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.66E+00 . . . REG00015 CBX2 Chromobox 2 HGNC:1552 ENSG00000173894 CBX2_HUMAN 84733 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.745683472 knock down up-regulate 0.025692344 REG00015 TULP4 TUB like protein 4 HGNC:15530 ENSG00000130338 TULP4_HUMAN 56995 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.87E+00 . . . REG00015 SETBP1 SET binding protein 1 HGNC:15573 ENSG00000152217 SETBP_HUMAN 26040 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.24E+00 . . . REG00015 EPPK1 Epiplakin 1 HGNC:15577 ENSG00000261150 EPIPL_HUMAN 83481 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 5.35E+00 . . . REG00015 TRIM8 Tripartite motif containing 8 HGNC:15579 ENSG00000171206 TRIM8_HUMAN 81603 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.765511937 knock down down-regulator 0.028567529 REG00015 MUC16 Mucin 16, cell surface associated HGNC:15582 ENSG00000181143 MUC16_HUMAN 94025 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.56E+00 . . . REG00015 LRRC4 Leucine rich repeat containing 4 HGNC:15586 ENSG00000128594 LRRC4_HUMAN 64101 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.90E+00 . . . REG00015 LRRC4 Leucine rich repeat containing 4 HGNC:15586 ENSG00000128594 LRRC4_HUMAN 64101 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.316367139 knock down up-regulate 0.002945186 REG00015 TAS1R3 Taste 1 receptor member 3 HGNC:15661 ENSG00000169962 TS1R3_HUMAN 83756 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.87E+00 . . . REG00015 CTTNBP2 Cortactin binding protein 2 HGNC:15679 ENSG00000077063 CTTB2_HUMAN 83992 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.54E+00 . . . REG00015 SPTBN5 Spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 5 HGNC:15680 ENSG00000137877 SPTN5_HUMAN 51332 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.91E+00 . . . REG00015 PHC3 Polyhomeotic homolog 3 HGNC:15682 ENSG00000173889 PHC3_HUMAN 80012 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.51E+00 . . . REG00015 GEMIN4 Gem nuclear organelle associated protein 4 HGNC:15717 ENSG00000179409 GEMI4_HUMAN 50628 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 OBSCN Obscurin, cytoskeletal calmodulin and titin-interacting RhoGEF HGNC:15719 ENSG00000154358 OBSCN_HUMAN 84033 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.05E+00 . . . REG00015 CPA4 Carboxypeptidase A4 HGNC:15740 ENSG00000128510 CBPA4_HUMAN 51200 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.745553882 knock out down-regulator 0.000755077 REG00015 PRND Prion like protein doppel HGNC:15748 ENSG00000171864 PRND_HUMAN 23627 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.794619571 knock down down-regulator 0.012946739 REG00015 OGFR Opioid growth factor receptor HGNC:15768 ENSG00000060491 OGFR_HUMAN 11054 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.953553605 knock down down-regulator 0.000196338 REG00015 CCNA2 Cyclin A2 HGNC:1578 ENSG00000145386 CCNA2_HUMAN 890 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.792820038 knock down up-regulate 0.001423997 REG00015 CHRFAM7A CHRNA7 (exons 5-10) and FAM7A (exons A-E) fusion HGNC:15781 ENSG00000166664 CRFM7_HUMAN 89832 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.701781563 knock down up-regulate 0.002749547 REG00015 ANKRD1 Ankyrin repeat domain 1 HGNC:15819 ENSG00000148677 ANKR1_HUMAN 27063 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.333511686 knock out down-regulator 1.44E-08 REG00015 HIF3A Hypoxia inducible factor 3 subunit alpha HGNC:15825 ENSG00000124440 HIF3A_HUMAN 64344 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.886314994 knock down down-regulator 0.048429728 REG00015 RASD1 Ras related dexamethasone induced 1 HGNC:15828 ENSG00000108551 RASD1_HUMAN 51655 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.35E+00 . . . REG00015 SSBP2 Single stranded DNA binding protein 2 HGNC:15831 ENSG00000145687 SSBP2_HUMAN 23635 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.645684233 knock out up-regulate 0.003518394 REG00015 CCND3 Cyclin D3 HGNC:1585 ENSG00000112576 CCND3_HUMAN 896 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.503801196 knock down up-regulate 4.77E-05 REG00015 KIF16B Kinesin family member 16B HGNC:15869 ENSG00000089177 KI16B_HUMAN 55614 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.06E+00 . . . REG00015 CCNDBP1 Cyclin D1 binding protein 1 HGNC:1587 ENSG00000166946 CCDB1_HUMAN 23582 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.968143696 knock down down-regulator 0.000541341 REG00015 CCNE1 Cyclin E1 HGNC:1589 ENSG00000105173 CCNE1_HUMAN 898 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.851832884 knock out up-regulate 0.000336294 REG00015 CCNE2 Cyclin E2 HGNC:1590 ENSG00000175305 CCNE2_HUMAN 9134 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.689638614 knock down down-regulator 0.019834957 REG00015 MYH7B Myosin heavy chain 7B HGNC:15906 ENSG00000078814 MYH7B_HUMAN 57644 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.53E+00 . . . REG00015 NAA20 N-alpha-acetyltransferase 20, NatB catalytic subunit HGNC:15908 ENSG00000173418 NAA20_HUMAN 51126 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.158519345 knock down up-regulate 0.000918466 REG00015 PLCB1 Phospholipase C beta 1 HGNC:15917 ENSG00000182621 PLCB1_HUMAN 23236 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.14E+00 . . . REG00015 STMN3 Stathmin 3 HGNC:15926 ENSG00000197457 STMN3_HUMAN 50861 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.715733942 knock down down-regulator 0.009586497 REG00015 CCNG2 Cyclin G2 HGNC:1593 ENSG00000138764 CCNG2_HUMAN 901 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.127201644 knock out up-regulate 0.002238331 REG00015 ZHX3 Zinc fingers and homeoboxes 3 HGNC:15935 ENSG00000174306 ZHX3_HUMAN 23051 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.01E+00 . . . REG00015 PARD6A Par-6 family cell polarity regulator alpha HGNC:15943 ENSG00000102981 PAR6A_HUMAN 50855 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.140069293 knock down down-regulator 0.036919475 REG00015 RP1L1 RP1 like 1 HGNC:15946 ENSG00000183638 RP1L1_HUMAN 94137 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.74E+00 . . . REG00015 VPS18 VPS18 core subunit of CORVET and HOPS complexes HGNC:15972 ENSG00000104142 VPS18_HUMAN 57617 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.08E+00 . . . REG00015 TP63 Tumor protein p63 HGNC:15979 ENSG00000073282 P63_HUMAN 8626 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.56837462 knock out down-regulator 0.030454075 REG00015 SVEP1 Sushi, von Willebrand factor type A, EGF and pentraxin domain containing 1 HGNC:15985 ENSG00000165124 SVEP1_HUMAN 79987 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.45E+00 . . . REG00015 MPPE1 Metallophosphoesterase 1 HGNC:15988 ENSG00000154889 MPPE1_HUMAN 65258 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 7.234421639 knock down up-regulate 8.95E-05 REG00015 NAV1 Neuron navigator 1 HGNC:15989 ENSG00000134369 NAV1_HUMAN 89796 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.04E+00 . . . REG00015 GCA Grancalcin HGNC:15990 ENSG00000115271 GRAN_HUMAN 25801 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.888548529 knock out down-regulator 2.03E-15 REG00015 NAV2 Neuron navigator 2 HGNC:15997 ENSG00000166833 NAV2_HUMAN 89797 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.72E+00 . . . REG00015 GLRX2 Glutaredoxin 2 HGNC:16065 ENSG00000023572 GLRX2_HUMAN 51022 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.891521637 knock down down-regulator 0.008261992 REG00015 SFXN2 Sideroflexin 2 HGNC:16086 ENSG00000156398 SFXN2_HUMAN 118980 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.788112857 knock out up-regulate 0.029517516 REG00015 PHF20 PHD finger protein 20 HGNC:16098 ENSG00000025293 PHF20_HUMAN 51230 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.15E+00 . . . REG00015 SOGA1 Suppressor of glucose, autophagy associated 1 HGNC:16111 ENSG00000149639 SOGA1_HUMAN 140710 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.80E+00 . . . REG00015 FAM83C Family with sequence similarity 83 member C HGNC:16121 ENSG00000125998 FA83C_HUMAN 128876 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 MACROD2 Mono-ADP ribosylhydrolase 2 HGNC:16126 ENSG00000172264 MACD2_HUMAN 140733 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.03E+00 . . . REG00015 ACTL10 Actin like 10 HGNC:16127 ENSG00000288649 ACL10_HUMAN 170487 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.96E+00 . . . REG00015 C20orf144 Chromosome 20 open reading frame 144 HGNC:16137 ENSG00000149609 CT144_HUMAN 128864 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.80E+00 . . . REG00015 C20orf144 Chromosome 20 open reading frame 144 HGNC:16137 ENSG00000149609 CT144_HUMAN 128864 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.892600827 knock out down-regulator 0.017892462 REG00015 CCT3 Chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 3 HGNC:1616 ENSG00000163468 TCPG_HUMAN 7203 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.716216325 knock down up-regulate 0.026506529 REG00015 DSN1 DSN1 component of MIS12 kinetochore complex HGNC:16165 ENSG00000149636 DSN1_HUMAN 79980 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.391840081 knock down up-regulate 0.00394006 REG00015 DOK5 Docking protein 5 HGNC:16173 ENSG00000101134 DOK5_HUMAN 55816 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.638750191 knock down up-regulate 0.007958902 REG00015 RALGAPA2 Ral GTPase activating protein catalytic subunit alpha 2 HGNC:16207 ENSG00000188559 RGPA2_HUMAN 57186 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.14E+00 . . . REG00015 ISM1 Isthmin 1 HGNC:16213 ENSG00000101230 ISM1_HUMAN 140862 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.139773476 knock out up-regulate 7.52E-06 REG00015 CCT7 Chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 7 HGNC:1622 ENSG00000135624 TCPH_HUMAN 10574 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.090748523 knock down down-regulator 0.005751281 REG00015 MAML2 Mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 2 HGNC:16259 ENSG00000184384 MAML2_HUMAN 84441 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.50E+00 . . . REG00015 MAML3 Mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 3 HGNC:16272 ENSG00000196782 MAML3_HUMAN 55534 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.96E+00 . . . REG00015 TRIM6 Tripartite motif containing 6 HGNC:16277 ENSG00000121236 TRIM6_HUMAN 117854 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 3.72217768 knock out up-regulate 2.81E-05 REG00015 ACTN1 Actinin alpha 1 HGNC:163 ENSG00000072110 ACTN1_HUMAN 87 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.49E+00 . . . REG00015 ADAMTS15 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 15 HGNC:16305 ENSG00000166106 ATS15_HUMAN 170689 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.13E+00 . . . REG00015 SNX22 Sorting nexin 22 HGNC:16315 ENSG00000157734 SNX22_HUMAN 79856 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.732079848 knock out down-regulator 0.013503369 REG00015 USH1G USH1 protein network component sans HGNC:16356 ENSG00000182040 USH1G_HUMAN 124590 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.66E+00 . . . REG00015 FAM8A1 Family with sequence similarity 8 member A1 HGNC:16372 ENSG00000137414 FA8A1_HUMAN 51439 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.161337348 knock down down-regulator 0.007457978 REG00015 PPM1L Protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1L HGNC:16381 ENSG00000163590 PPM1L_HUMAN 151742 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 CARD11 Caspase recruitment domain family member 11 HGNC:16393 ENSG00000198286 CAR11_HUMAN 84433 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.867308264 knock out up-regulate 0.011532961 REG00015 OSBPL8 Oxysterol binding protein like 8 HGNC:16396 ENSG00000091039 OSBL8_HUMAN 114882 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.17E+00 . . . REG00015 EFHC1 EF-hand domain containing 1 HGNC:16406 ENSG00000096093 EFHC1_HUMAN 114327 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.96272375 knock down up-regulate 0.002181713 REG00015 AFG1L AFG1 like ATPase HGNC:16411 ENSG00000135537 AFG1L_HUMAN 246269 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.675332368 knock down up-regulate 1.77E-10 REG00015 SOX6 SRY-box transcription factor 6 HGNC:16421 ENSG00000110693 SOX6_HUMAN 55553 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.65E+00 . . . REG00015 CD22 CD22 molecule HGNC:1643 ENSG00000012124 CD22_HUMAN 933 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.33E+00 . . . REG00015 LACTB Lactamase beta HGNC:16468 ENSG00000103642 LACTB_HUMAN 114294 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.869696391 knock out up-regulate 0.023379474 REG00015 HUS1B HUS1 checkpoint clamp component B HGNC:16485 ENSG00000188996 HUS1B_HUMAN 135458 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.21E+00 . . . REG00015 DKKL1 Dickkopf like acrosomal protein 1 HGNC:16528 ENSG00000104901 DKKL1_HUMAN 27120 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.140746751 knock down up-regulate 1.07E-06 REG00015 CD2BP2 CD2 cytoplasmic tail binding protein 2 HGNC:1656 ENSG00000169217 CD2B2_HUMAN 10421 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.813852982 knock down down-regulator 0.035730917 REG00015 ACTN4 Actinin alpha 4 HGNC:166 ENSG00000130402 ACTN4_HUMAN 81 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.47E+00 . . . REG00015 PYCARD PYD and CARD domain containing HGNC:16608 ENSG00000103490 ASC_HUMAN 29108 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.642860947 knock down down-regulator 0.003644356 REG00015 KIF1B Kinesin family member 1B HGNC:16636 ENSG00000054523 KIF1B_HUMAN 23095 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 SCARB1 Scavenger receptor class B member 1 HGNC:1664 ENSG00000073060 SCRB1_HUMAN 949 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.035814911 knock out down-regulator 0.003070103 REG00015 CXCR6 C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 6 HGNC:16647 ENSG00000172215 CXCR6_HUMAN 10663 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.37E+00 . . . REG00015 MRPL50 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L50 HGNC:16654 ENSG00000136897 RM50_HUMAN 54534 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.732354322 knock down up-regulate 0.029439786 REG00015 BCL2L14 BCL2 like 14 HGNC:16657 ENSG00000121380 B2L14_HUMAN 79370 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 ANP32E Acidic nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member E HGNC:16673 ENSG00000143401 AN32E_HUMAN 81611 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 3.012765306 knock down up-regulate 0.000515621 REG00015 GPR162 G protein-coupled receptor 162 HGNC:16693 ENSG00000250510 GP162_HUMAN 27239 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.939869855 knock down up-regulate 1.53E-07 REG00015 FAM89B Family with sequence similarity 89 member B HGNC:16708 ENSG00000176973 LRA25_HUMAN 23625 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 4.207265729 knock out up-regulate 0.00045962 REG00015 HEATR4 HEAT repeat containing 4 HGNC:16761 ENSG00000187105 HEAT4_HUMAN 399671 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.16E+00 . . . REG00015 GRIN3B Glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 3B HGNC:16768 ENSG00000116032 NMD3B_HUMAN 116444 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.04E+00 . . . REG00015 EDEM3 ER degradation enhancing alpha-mannosidase like protein 3 HGNC:16787 ENSG00000116406 EDEM3_HUMAN 80267 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.68474476 knock down down-regulator 0.002211572 REG00015 TUBD1 Tubulin delta 1 HGNC:16811 ENSG00000108423 TBD_HUMAN 51174 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.843841669 knock down up-regulate 0.00377069 REG00015 PPP1R27 Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 27 HGNC:16813 ENSG00000182676 PPR27_HUMAN 116729 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.13E+00 . . . REG00015 CHD5 Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 5 HGNC:16816 ENSG00000116254 CHD5_HUMAN 26038 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.30E+00 . . . REG00015 ESS2 Ess-2 splicing factor homolog HGNC:16817 ENSG00000100056 ESS2_HUMAN 8220 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.484293062 knock down up-regulate 0.007791413 REG00015 FAM193A Family with sequence similarity 193 member A HGNC:16822 ENSG00000125386 F193A_HUMAN 8603 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.03E+00 . . . REG00015 TSC22D1 TSC22 domain family member 1 HGNC:16826 ENSG00000102804 T22D1_HUMAN 8848 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -3.535023527 knock out down-regulator 6.44E-06 REG00015 RRP9 Ribosomal RNA processing 9, U3 small nucleolar RNA binding protein HGNC:16829 ENSG00000114767 U3IP2_HUMAN 9136 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.912336335 knock down up-regulate 0.000194293 REG00015 RALGPS1 Ral GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 1 HGNC:16851 ENSG00000136828 RGPS1_HUMAN 9649 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.185583322 knock down down-regulator 0.001919829 REG00015 RAPGEF2 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2 HGNC:16854 ENSG00000109756 RPGF2_HUMAN 9693 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.29E+00 . . . REG00015 NOS1AP Nitric oxide synthase 1 adaptor protein HGNC:16859 ENSG00000198929 CAPON_HUMAN 9722 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.41E+00 . . . REG00015 NOS1AP Nitric oxide synthase 1 adaptor protein HGNC:16859 ENSG00000198929 CAPON_HUMAN 9722 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.483712896 knock out down-regulator 0.001285363 REG00015 PIAS3 Protein inhibitor of activated STAT 3 HGNC:16861 ENSG00000131788 PIAS3_HUMAN 10401 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.745668513 knock down down-regulator 0.02370865 REG00015 RAPGEF5 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 5 HGNC:16862 ENSG00000136237 RPGF5_HUMAN 9771 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.45E+00 . . . REG00015 MELK Maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase HGNC:16870 ENSG00000165304 MELK_HUMAN 9833 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -5.776667022 knock down down-regulator 0.017140002 REG00015 ARNT2 Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 HGNC:16876 ENSG00000172379 ARNT2_HUMAN 9915 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.989644977 knock out down-regulator 0.005515563 REG00015 SH2D3A SH2 domain containing 3A HGNC:16885 ENSG00000125731 SH23A_HUMAN 10045 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.663671342 knock out up-regulate 0.000671297 REG00015 PSMD14 Proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 14 HGNC:16889 ENSG00000115233 PSDE_HUMAN 10213 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.961063702 knock down down-regulator 0.010271126 REG00015 CD96 CD96 molecule HGNC:16892 ENSG00000153283 TACT_HUMAN 10225 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.069737627 knock out up-regulate 0.032523241 REG00015 LRRC17 Leucine rich repeat containing 17 HGNC:16895 ENSG00000128606 LRC17_HUMAN 10234 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.35529306 knock down up-regulate 0.044793532 REG00015 ARAP2 ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 2 HGNC:16924 ENSG00000047365 ARAP2_HUMAN 116984 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.05E+00 . . . REG00015 HYOU1 Hypoxia up-regulated 1 HGNC:16931 ENSG00000149428 HYOU1_HUMAN 10525 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.465687108 knock down up-regulate 0.014147581 REG00015 FEM1A Fem-1 homolog A HGNC:16934 ENSG00000141965 FEM1A_HUMAN 55527 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.18E+00 . . . REG00015 TXNIP Thioredoxin interacting protein HGNC:16952 ENSG00000265972 TXNIP_HUMAN 10628 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.785250688 knock out up-regulate 0.044167618 REG00015 POSTN Periostin HGNC:16953 ENSG00000133110 POSTN_HUMAN 10631 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.995388545 knock down down-regulator 0.000655743 REG00015 RASL10A RAS like family 10 member A HGNC:16954 ENSG00000100276 RSLAA_HUMAN 10633 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.76700313 knock out down-regulator 0.016850545 REG00015 RAD51AP1 RAD51 associated protein 1 HGNC:16956 ENSG00000111247 R51A1_HUMAN 10635 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.721210431 knock down down-regulator 0.007459789 REG00015 CD74 CD74 molecule HGNC:1697 ENSG00000019582 HG2A_HUMAN 972 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.37E+00 . . . REG00015 CD74 CD74 molecule HGNC:1697 ENSG00000019582 HG2A_HUMAN 972 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -3.000512232 knock down down-regulator 0.006043312 REG00015 MFHAS1 Multifunctional ROCO family signaling regulator 1 HGNC:16982 ENSG00000147324 MFHA1_HUMAN 9258 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.37E+00 . . . REG00015 LRRC8D Leucine rich repeat containing 8 VRAC subunit D HGNC:16992 ENSG00000171492 LRC8D_HUMAN 55144 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 2.642027919 knock out up-regulate 0.000138184 REG00015 MLLT11 MLLT11 transcription factor 7 cofactor HGNC:16997 ENSG00000213190 AF1Q_HUMAN 10962 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.762693754 knock down up-regulate 0.022183564 REG00015 PRICKLE1 Prickle planar cell polarity protein 1 HGNC:17019 ENSG00000139174 PRIC1_HUMAN 144165 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.626908121 knock out down-regulator 0.023380332 REG00015 MGLL Monoglyceride lipase HGNC:17038 ENSG00000074416 MGLL_HUMAN 11343 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.81539871 knock out down-regulator 0.001994574 REG00015 PLEKHA6 Pleckstrin homology domain containing A6 HGNC:17053 ENSG00000143850 PKHA6_HUMAN 22874 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.52E+00 . . . REG00015 ERC1 ELKS/RAB6-interacting/CAST family member 1 HGNC:17072 ENSG00000082805 RB6I2_HUMAN 23085 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.15E+00 . . . REG00015 ARHGAP26 Rho GTPase activating protein 26 HGNC:17073 ENSG00000145819 RHG26_HUMAN 23092 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.28E+00 . . . REG00015 RRS1 Ribosome biogenesis regulator 1 homolog HGNC:17083 ENSG00000179041 RRS1_HUMAN 23212 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.419883432 knock out down-regulator 2.47E-06 REG00015 SYNE2 Spectrin repeat containing nuclear envelope protein 2 HGNC:17084 ENSG00000054654 SYNE2_HUMAN 23224 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.08E+00 . . . REG00015 EXOC6B Exocyst complex component 6B HGNC:17085 ENSG00000144036 EXC6B_HUMAN 23233 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 ICOSLG Inducible T cell costimulator ligand HGNC:17087 ENSG00000160223 ICOSL_HUMAN 23308 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 SYNE1 Spectrin repeat containing nuclear envelope protein 1 HGNC:17089 ENSG00000131018 SYNE1_HUMAN 23345 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 ARHGAP45 Rho GTPase activating protein 45 HGNC:17102 ENSG00000180448 HMHA1_HUMAN 23526 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.647165222 knock down up-regulate 0.006361098 REG00015 ADAMTS16 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 16 HGNC:17108 ENSG00000145536 ATS16_HUMAN 170690 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.627010423 knock out up-regulate 0.039267687 REG00015 CDA Cytidine deaminase HGNC:1712 ENSG00000158825 CDD_HUMAN 978 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.911029227 knock out down-regulator 0.000168239 REG00015 SP140 SP140 nuclear body protein HGNC:17133 ENSG00000079263 SP140_HUMAN 11262 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.715092811 knock out down-regulator 0.001944782 REG00015 ORC6 Origin recognition complex subunit 6 HGNC:17151 ENSG00000091651 ORC6_HUMAN 23594 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.27388728 knock down up-regulate 0.00142971 REG00015 LY96 Lymphocyte antigen 96 HGNC:17156 ENSG00000154589 LY96_HUMAN 23643 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.974109521 knock out down-regulator 4.50E-05 REG00015 ARFIP2 ADP ribosylation factor interacting protein 2 HGNC:17160 ENSG00000132254 ARFP2_HUMAN 23647 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.060063876 knock down up-regulate 2.81E-16 REG00015 CDK1 Cyclin dependent kinase 1 HGNC:1722 ENSG00000170312 CDK1_HUMAN 983 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.663546511 knock down down-regulator 0.001545816 REG00015 TRIM16 Tripartite motif containing 16 HGNC:17241 ENSG00000221926 TRI16_HUMAN 10626 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.233867407 knock down down-regulator 0.007218958 REG00015 CDC25A Cell division cycle 25A HGNC:1725 ENSG00000164045 MPIP1_HUMAN 993 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.995903082 knock out up-regulate 0.006746281 REG00015 POLR1A RNA polymerase I subunit A HGNC:17264 ENSG00000068654 RPA1_HUMAN 25885 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.44E+00 . . . REG00015 CENPH Centromere protein H HGNC:17268 ENSG00000153044 CENPH_HUMAN 64946 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.80085145 knock down up-regulate 0.019504545 REG00015 KIF15 Kinesin family member 15 HGNC:17273 ENSG00000163808 KIF15_HUMAN 56992 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.121282628 knock down down-regulator 1.40E-32 REG00015 RIMS2 Regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 2 HGNC:17283 ENSG00000176406 RIMS2_HUMAN 9699 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.986481358 knock out down-regulator 1.73E-05 REG00015 CDK11B Cyclin dependent kinase 11B HGNC:1729 ENSG00000248333 CD11B_HUMAN 984 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.688396869 knock out up-regulate 0.006622889 REG00015 IL27RA Interleukin 27 receptor subunit alpha HGNC:17290 ENSG00000104998 I27RA_HUMAN 9466 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.803680422 knock down up-regulate 0.000246145 REG00015 CRYBG2 Crystallin beta-gamma domain containing 2 HGNC:17295 ENSG00000176092 CRBG2_HUMAN 55057 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.727915282 knock out down-regulator 0.005550413 REG00015 NEGR1 Neuronal growth regulator 1 HGNC:17302 ENSG00000172260 NEGR1_HUMAN 257194 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.765598411 knock down up-regulate 0.01182837 REG00015 APOBEC3B Apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic subunit 3B HGNC:17352 ENSG00000179750 ABC3B_HUMAN 9582 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.646423313 knock down down-regulator 0.015823331 REG00015 APOBEC3D Apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic subunit 3D HGNC:17354 ENSG00000243811 ABC3D_HUMAN 140564 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.81E+00 . . . REG00015 APOBEC3G Apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic subunit 3G HGNC:17357 ENSG00000239713 ABC3G_HUMAN 60489 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.2400863 knock out down-regulator 6.33E-07 REG00015 TPK1 Thiamin pyrophosphokinase 1 HGNC:17358 ENSG00000196511 TPK1_HUMAN 27010 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.297730251 knock down up-regulate 3.95E-05 REG00015 LRIG1 Leucine rich repeats and immunoglobulin like domains 1 HGNC:17360 ENSG00000144749 LRIG1_HUMAN 26018 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.738280249 knock out up-regulate 0.029474323 REG00015 ARID5B AT-rich interaction domain 5B HGNC:17362 ENSG00000150347 ARI5B_HUMAN 84159 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.37E+00 . . . REG00015 APBB1IP Amyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 1 interacting protein HGNC:17379 ENSG00000077420 AB1IP_HUMAN 54518 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.830251421 knock out down-regulator 0.000172087 REG00015 SRGAP1 SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 1 HGNC:17382 ENSG00000196935 SRGP1_HUMAN 57522 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.948266734 knock out down-regulator 0.000943465 REG00015 CDC45 Cell division cycle 45 HGNC:1739 ENSG00000093009 CDC45_HUMAN 8318 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.739331366 knock down down-regulator 0.01367291 REG00015 ARHGAP32 Rho GTPase activating protein 32 HGNC:17399 ENSG00000134909 RHG32_HUMAN 9743 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 NPFFR1 Neuropeptide FF receptor 1 HGNC:17425 ENSG00000148734 NPFF1_HUMAN 64106 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.32E+00 . . . REG00015 DPF3 Double PHD fingers 3 HGNC:17427 ENSG00000205683 DPF3_HUMAN 8110 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.02E+00 . . . REG00015 DPF3 Double PHD fingers 3 HGNC:17427 ENSG00000205683 DPF3_HUMAN 8110 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.621507062 knock down up-regulate 0.013698439 REG00015 CGN Cingulin HGNC:17429 ENSG00000143375 CING_HUMAN 57530 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.378353037 knock out down-regulator 0.034333644 REG00015 CDC6 Cell division cycle 6 HGNC:1744 ENSG00000094804 CDC6_HUMAN 990 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.198693451 knock down up-regulate 0.033634238 REG00015 CDC6 Cell division cycle 6 HGNC:1744 ENSG00000094804 CDC6_HUMAN 990 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.496304787 knock out down-regulator 0.000588074 REG00015 GPR132 G protein-coupled receptor 132 HGNC:17482 ENSG00000183484 GP132_HUMAN 29933 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.24E+00 . . . REG00015 GMNN Geminin DNA replication inhibitor HGNC:17493 ENSG00000112312 GEMI_HUMAN 51053 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.983873217 knock down up-regulate 1.45E-15 REG00015 EPDR1 Ependymin related 1 HGNC:17572 ENSG00000086289 EPDR1_HUMAN 54749 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.777040797 knock out down-regulator 0.009399165 REG00015 ALPK3 Alpha kinase 3 HGNC:17574 ENSG00000136383 ALPK3_HUMAN 57538 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.31E+00 . . . REG00015 SPEN Spen family transcriptional repressor HGNC:17575 ENSG00000065526 MINT_HUMAN 23013 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.31E+00 . . . REG00015 KAT6B Lysine acetyltransferase 6B HGNC:17582 ENSG00000156650 KAT6B_HUMAN 23522 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.70E+00 . . . REG00015 KCP Kielin cysteine rich BMP regulator HGNC:17585 ENSG00000135253 KCP_HUMAN 375616 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.496763318 knock out down-regulator 3.87E-09 REG00015 LTO1 LTO1 maturation factor of ABCE1 HGNC:17589 ENSG00000149716 LTO1_HUMAN 220064 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.974068231 knock out up-regulate 0.009172932 REG00015 CDH4 Cadherin 4 HGNC:1763 ENSG00000179242 CADH4_HUMAN 1002 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.624033476 knock out up-regulate 6.20E-05 REG00015 CDH5 Cadherin 5 HGNC:1764 ENSG00000179776 CADH5_HUMAN 1003 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.70E+00 . . . REG00015 CDK6 Cyclin dependent kinase 6 HGNC:1777 ENSG00000105810 CDK6_HUMAN 1021 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.11E+00 . . . REG00015 FARSB Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta HGNC:17800 ENSG00000116120 SYFB_HUMAN 10056 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.991698015 knock down up-regulate 0.000596216 REG00015 ZC3H4 Zinc finger CCCH-type containing 4 HGNC:17808 ENSG00000130749 ZC3H4_HUMAN 23211 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.43E+00 . . . REG00015 AMOTL1 Angiomotin like 1 HGNC:17811 ENSG00000166025 AMOL1_HUMAN 154810 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.66E+00 . . . REG00015 AMOTL2 Angiomotin like 2 HGNC:17812 ENSG00000114019 AMOL2_HUMAN 51421 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 AMOTL2 Angiomotin like 2 HGNC:17812 ENSG00000114019 AMOL2_HUMAN 51421 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.038683413 knock out down-regulator 0.000588684 REG00015 SULT1B1 Sulfotransferase family 1B member 1 HGNC:17845 ENSG00000173597 ST1B1_HUMAN 27284 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.725232035 knock down up-regulate 0.011375799 REG00015 ST6GALNAC4 ST6 N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 4 HGNC:17846 ENSG00000136840 SIA7D_HUMAN 27090 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.691751177 knock out down-regulator 0.009403302 REG00015 UPF2 UPF2 regulator of nonsense mediated mRNA decay HGNC:17854 ENSG00000151461 RENT2_HUMAN 26019 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.40E+00 . . . REG00015 HACL1 2-hydroxyacyl-CoA lyase 1 HGNC:17856 ENSG00000131373 HACL1_HUMAN 26061 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.605356381 knock down up-regulate 0.02381847 REG00015 CDKN1C Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1C HGNC:1786 ENSG00000129757 CDN1C_HUMAN 1028 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.203938639 knock down up-regulate 0.000685992 REG00015 FAM162A Family with sequence similarity 162 member A HGNC:17865 ENSG00000114023 F162A_HUMAN 26355 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.837150714 knock down down-regulator 0.03908164 REG00015 FAM162A Family with sequence similarity 162 member A HGNC:17865 ENSG00000114023 F162A_HUMAN 26355 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.697352952 knock out up-regulate 0.018528994 REG00015 AFF4 AF4/FMR2 family member 4 HGNC:17869 ENSG00000072364 AFF4_HUMAN 27125 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.74E+00 . . . REG00015 LMTK2 Lemur tyrosine kinase 2 HGNC:17880 ENSG00000164715 LMTK2_HUMAN 22853 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.01E+00 . . . REG00015 APEX2 Apurinic/apyrimidinic endodeoxyribonuclease 2 HGNC:17889 ENSG00000169188 APEX2_HUMAN 27301 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.645219186 knock down down-regulator 2.06E-51 REG00015 UTP20 UTP20 small subunit processome component HGNC:17897 ENSG00000120800 UTP20_HUMAN 27340 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.06E+00 . . . REG00015 SMCR8 SMCR8-C9orf72 complex subunit HGNC:17921 ENSG00000176994 SMCR8_HUMAN 140775 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.14E+00 . . . REG00015 TFCP2L1 Transcription factor CP2 like 1 HGNC:17925 ENSG00000115112 TF2L1_HUMAN 29842 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.198795139 knock out down-regulator 0.012337786 REG00015 PSMC3IP PSMC3 interacting protein HGNC:17928 ENSG00000131470 HOP2_HUMAN 29893 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.706736489 knock down down-regulator 0.021172455 REG00015 PSMC3IP PSMC3 interacting protein HGNC:17928 ENSG00000131470 HOP2_HUMAN 29893 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.618359026 knock out down-regulator 0.002261969 REG00015 PODXL2 Podocalyxin like 2 HGNC:17936 ENSG00000114631 PDXL2_HUMAN 50512 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.085948145 knock down up-regulate 0.000167345 REG00015 THEM4 Thioesterase superfamily member 4 HGNC:17947 ENSG00000159445 THEM4_HUMAN 117145 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.694622176 knock down up-regulate 0.047375382 REG00015 B3GALT6 Beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 6 HGNC:17978 ENSG00000176022 B3GT6_HUMAN 126792 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.55E+00 . . . REG00015 ROBO4 Roundabout guidance receptor 4 HGNC:17985 ENSG00000154133 ROBO4_HUMAN 54538 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 TRPM3 Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 3 HGNC:17992 ENSG00000083067 TRPM3_HUMAN 80036 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 CDS1 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase 1 HGNC:1800 ENSG00000163624 CDS1_HUMAN 1040 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -3.662759621 knock out down-regulator 3.63E-06 REG00015 TOMM40 Translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 40 HGNC:18001 ENSG00000130204 TOM40_HUMAN 10452 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.21454824 knock down down-regulator 0.040439746 REG00015 TMC6 Transmembrane channel like 6 HGNC:18021 ENSG00000141524 TMC6_HUMAN 11322 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.14102847 knock out down-regulator 0.003157761 REG00015 TBC1D2 TBC1 domain family member 2 HGNC:18026 ENSG00000095383 TBD2A_HUMAN 55357 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.859253339 knock out up-regulate 0.00119268 REG00015 BMP2K BMP2 inducible kinase HGNC:18041 ENSG00000138756 BMP2K_HUMAN 55589 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -3.262648365 knock out down-regulator 2.95E-39 REG00015 MCM10 Minichromosome maintenance 10 replication initiation factor HGNC:18043 ENSG00000065328 MCM10_HUMAN 55388 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.03E+00 . . . REG00015 MCM10 Minichromosome maintenance 10 replication initiation factor HGNC:18043 ENSG00000065328 MCM10_HUMAN 55388 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.630744978 knock down up-regulate 0.007361934 REG00015 TAF1L TATA-box binding protein associated factor 1 like HGNC:18056 ENSG00000122728 TAF1L_HUMAN 138474 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 STARD4 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 4 HGNC:18058 ENSG00000164211 STAR4_HUMAN 134429 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.634322945 knock out down-regulator 0.038225903 REG00015 SLC2A12 Solute carrier family 2 member 12 HGNC:18067 ENSG00000146411 GTR12_HUMAN 154091 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.340333195 knock out down-regulator 0.002668961 REG00015 SLC15A3 Solute carrier family 15 member 3 HGNC:18068 ENSG00000110446 S15A3_HUMAN 51296 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.65E+00 . . . REG00015 CDYL Chromodomain Y like HGNC:1811 ENSG00000153046 CDYL_HUMAN 9425 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.68E+00 . . . REG00015 CCDC50 Coiled-coil domain containing 50 HGNC:18111 ENSG00000152492 CCD50_HUMAN 152137 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.445526247 knock down down-regulator 0.028062053 REG00015 RSF1 Remodeling and spacing factor 1 HGNC:18118 ENSG00000048649 RSF1_HUMAN 51773 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 MFRP Membrane frizzled-related protein HGNC:18121 ENSG00000235718 MFRP_HUMAN 83552 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.25E+00 . . . REG00015 ILDR2 Immunoglobulin like domain containing receptor 2 HGNC:18131 ENSG00000143195 ILDR2_HUMAN 387597 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.947074403 knock out down-regulator 0.035355239 REG00015 IGSF9 Immunoglobulin superfamily member 9 HGNC:18132 ENSG00000085552 TUTLA_HUMAN 57549 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.74E+00 . . . REG00015 TNFRSF12A TNF receptor superfamily member 12A HGNC:18152 ENSG00000006327 TNR12_HUMAN 51330 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.628077047 knock down down-regulator 0.039793614 REG00015 ETV7 ETS variant transcription factor 7 HGNC:18160 ENSG00000010030 ETV7_HUMAN 51513 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.44E+00 . . . REG00015 TPCN1 Two pore segment channel 1 HGNC:18182 ENSG00000186815 TPC1_HUMAN 53373 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.875969741 knock down up-regulate 0.006643404 REG00015 ZNF648 Zinc finger protein 648 HGNC:18190 ENSG00000179930 ZN648_HUMAN 127665 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 EML5 EMAP like 5 HGNC:18197 ENSG00000165521 EMAL5_HUMAN 161436 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.59608208 knock out down-regulator 0.001829266 REG00015 CEACAM8 CEA cell adhesion molecule 8 HGNC:1820 ENSG00000124469 CEAM8_HUMAN 1088 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.19E+00 . . . REG00015 CASKIN2 CASK interacting protein 2 HGNC:18200 ENSG00000177303 CSKI2_HUMAN 57513 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.55E+00 . . . REG00015 TMEM37 Transmembrane protein 37 HGNC:18216 ENSG00000171227 CCGL_HUMAN 140738 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -3.056548408 knock down down-regulator 0.000326984 REG00015 CDHR2 Cadherin related family member 2 HGNC:18231 ENSG00000074276 CDHR2_HUMAN 54825 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.21E+00 . . . REG00015 ATP6V0D2 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit d2 HGNC:18266 ENSG00000147614 VA0D2_HUMAN 245972 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -4.089966006 knock out down-regulator 3.45E-32 REG00015 SEC61G SEC61 translocon subunit gamma HGNC:18277 ENSG00000132432 SC61G_HUMAN 23480 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.850440241 knock down down-regulator 0.00054318 REG00015 PBK PDZ binding kinase HGNC:18282 ENSG00000168078 TOPK_HUMAN 55872 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.998521171 knock down down-regulator 0.005200865 REG00015 VPS37D VPS37D subunit of ESCRT-I HGNC:18287 ENSG00000176428 VP37D_HUMAN 155382 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.625667986 knock out up-regulate 5.90E-14 REG00015 SLC2A14 Solute carrier family 2 member 14 HGNC:18301 ENSG00000173262 GTR14_HUMAN 144195 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.08E+00 . . . REG00015 ATP6AP2 ATPase H+ transporting accessory protein 2 HGNC:18305 ENSG00000182220 RENR_HUMAN 10159 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.60329554 knock down down-regulator 1.29E-100 REG00015 ZNF367 Zinc finger protein 367 HGNC:18320 ENSG00000165244 ZN367_HUMAN 195828 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.859852074 knock down up-regulate 0.001587352 REG00015 HINT2 Histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 2 HGNC:18344 ENSG00000137133 HINT2_HUMAN 84681 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.091008996 knock down down-regulator 5.76E-05 REG00015 DHRS2 Dehydrogenase/reductase 2 HGNC:18349 ENSG00000100867 DHRS2_HUMAN 10202 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.077334684 knock out up-regulate 6.21E-06 REG00015 ARHGAP20 Rho GTPase activating protein 20 HGNC:18357 ENSG00000137727 RHG20_HUMAN 57569 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.59E+00 . . . REG00015 DHRSX Dehydrogenase/reductase X-linked HGNC:18399 ENSG00000169084 DHRSX_HUMAN 207063 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.728562645 knock down down-regulator 0.000362932 REG00015 FAM9B Family with sequence similarity 9 member B HGNC:18404 ENSG00000177138 FAM9B_HUMAN 171483 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.730177792 knock out up-regulate 0.010429429 REG00015 AGMAT Agmatinase HGNC:18407 ENSG00000116771 SPEB_HUMAN 79814 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 8.54712807 knock out up-regulate 0.004483958 REG00015 SNAI3 Snail family transcriptional repressor 3 HGNC:18411 ENSG00000185669 SNAI3_HUMAN 333929 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.52E+00 . . . REG00015 ACOT2 Acyl-CoA thioesterase 2 HGNC:18431 ENSG00000119673 ACOT2_HUMAN 10965 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.894224853 knock down up-regulate 0.00158166 REG00015 CELSR1 Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 HGNC:1850 ENSG00000075275 CELR1_HUMAN 9620 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.27E+00 . . . REG00015 BCO2 Beta-carotene oxygenase 2 HGNC:18503 ENSG00000197580 BCDO2_HUMAN 83875 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.442297089 knock down up-regulate 7.44E-43 REG00015 NUSAP1 Nucleolar and spindle associated protein 1 HGNC:18538 ENSG00000137804 NUSAP_HUMAN 51203 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.16347436 knock down up-regulate 7.63E-05 REG00015 PLLP Plasmolipin HGNC:18553 ENSG00000102934 PLLP_HUMAN 51090 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.495062499 knock out down-regulator 0.002730663 REG00015 CEP250 Centrosomal protein 250 HGNC:1859 ENSG00000126001 CP250_HUMAN 11190 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.139722893 knock out down-regulator 0.023870448 REG00015 PNPLA3 Patatin like phospholipase domain containing 3 HGNC:18590 ENSG00000100344 PLPL3_HUMAN 80339 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.74091901 knock out up-regulate 0.047769108 REG00015 RTN4R Reticulon 4 receptor HGNC:18601 ENSG00000040608 RTN4R_HUMAN 65078 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.791403264 knock out down-regulator 0.000128227 REG00015 FKBP11 FKBP prolyl isomerase 11 HGNC:18624 ENSG00000134285 FKB11_HUMAN 51303 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.893533087 knock down up-regulate 0.013684115 REG00015 FKBP14 FKBP prolyl isomerase 14 HGNC:18625 ENSG00000106080 FKB14_HUMAN 55033 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.593915999 knock down up-regulate 0.010858143 REG00015 CCNB3 Cyclin B3 HGNC:18709 ENSG00000147082 CCNB3_HUMAN 85417 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.73E+00 . . . REG00015 ABHD2 Abhydrolase domain containing 2, acylglycerol lipase HGNC:18717 ENSG00000140526 ABHD2_HUMAN 11057 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.72E+00 . . . REG00015 NFXL1 Nuclear transcription factor, X-box binding like 1 HGNC:18726 ENSG00000170448 NFXL1_HUMAN 152518 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.669346044 knock down down-regulator 0.001649228 REG00015 FBXO27 F-box protein 27 HGNC:18753 ENSG00000161243 FBX27_HUMAN 126433 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.673525927 knock out down-regulator 0.039787819 REG00015 RHOBTB3 Rho related BTB domain containing 3 HGNC:18757 ENSG00000164292 RHBT3_HUMAN 22836 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.773276525 knock out up-regulate 0.000691257 REG00015 B3GNT7 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 7 HGNC:18811 ENSG00000156966 B3GN7_HUMAN 93010 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.09E+00 . . . REG00015 CREB3L3 CAMP responsive element binding protein 3 like 3 HGNC:18855 ENSG00000060566 CR3L3_HUMAN 84699 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.04E+00 . . . REG00015 CREB3L1 CAMP responsive element binding protein 3 like 1 HGNC:18856 ENSG00000157613 CR3L1_HUMAN 90993 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.02E+00 . . . REG00015 CYP4F12 Cytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily F member 12 HGNC:18857 ENSG00000186204 CP4FC_HUMAN 66002 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.34068804 knock out down-regulator 0.002901415 REG00015 TAS2R40 Taste 2 receptor member 40 HGNC:18885 ENSG00000221937 T2R40_HUMAN 259286 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.64E+00 . . . REG00015 STYK1 Serine/threonine/tyrosine kinase 1 HGNC:18889 ENSG00000060140 STYK1_HUMAN 55359 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.84467904 knock out up-regulate 0.000977331 REG00015 DCXR Dicarbonyl and L-xylulose reductase HGNC:18985 ENSG00000169738 DCXR_HUMAN 51181 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.054931784 knock down down-regulator 2.46E-07 REG00015 AANAT Aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase HGNC:19 ENSG00000129673 SNAT_HUMAN 15 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.10E+00 . . . REG00015 MAST4 Microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase family member 4 HGNC:19037 ENSG00000069020 MAST4_HUMAN 375449 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.02E+00 . . . REG00015 FER1L5 Fer-1 like family member 5 HGNC:19044 ENSG00000249715 FR1L5_HUMAN 90342 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.32E+00 . . . REG00015 ASPM Assembly factor for spindle microtubules HGNC:19048 ENSG00000066279 ASPM_HUMAN 259266 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.103935381 knock out down-regulator 0.01332037 REG00015 CHD6 Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 6 HGNC:19057 ENSG00000124177 CHD6_HUMAN 84181 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.49E+00 . . . REG00015 PLEKHB1 Pleckstrin homology domain containing B1 HGNC:19079 ENSG00000021300 PKHB1_HUMAN 58473 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.893097291 knock out down-regulator 0.001261808 REG00015 TNKS1BP1 Tankyrase 1 binding protein 1 HGNC:19081 ENSG00000149115 TB182_HUMAN 85456 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.757084757 knock down up-regulate 0.001422341 REG00015 CKS1B CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 1B HGNC:19083 ENSG00000173207 CKS1_HUMAN 1163 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.101306992 knock down up-regulate 0.01289381 REG00015 ASH1L ASH1 like histone lysine methyltransferase HGNC:19088 ENSG00000116539 ASH1L_HUMAN 55870 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.13E+00 . . . REG00015 PSD3 Pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 3 HGNC:19093 ENSG00000156011 PSD3_HUMAN 23362 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.03E+00 . . . REG00015 PSD3 Pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 3 HGNC:19093 ENSG00000156011 PSD3_HUMAN 23362 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.009476609 knock out down-regulator 0.037061505 REG00015 PSD4 Pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 4 HGNC:19096 ENSG00000125637 PSD4_HUMAN 23550 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.18E+00 . . . REG00015 RBPMS RNA binding protein, mRNA processing factor HGNC:19097 ENSG00000157110 RBPMS_HUMAN 11030 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.568329461 knock out up-regulate 7.53E-05 REG00015 RBPMS2 RNA binding protein, mRNA processing factor 2 HGNC:19098 ENSG00000166831 RBPS2_HUMAN 348093 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.491284206 knock down up-regulate 8.94E-06 REG00015 TAS2R31 Taste 2 receptor member 31 HGNC:19113 ENSG00000256436 T2R31_HUMAN 259290 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.847222298 knock down up-regulate 0.003749921 REG00015 RCC1 Regulator of chromosome condensation 1 HGNC:1913 ENSG00000180198 RCC1_HUMAN 1104 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.857312596 knock down up-regulate 0.010762369 REG00015 STARD9 StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 9 HGNC:19162 ENSG00000159433 STAR9_HUMAN 57519 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.72E+00 . . . REG00015 CMTM1 CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 1 HGNC:19172 ENSG00000089505 CKLF1_HUMAN 113540 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.753748529 knock down down-regulator 0.002139337 REG00015 SASH1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 HGNC:19182 ENSG00000111961 SASH1_HUMAN 23328 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.31E+00 . . . REG00015 FRAS1 Fraser extracellular matrix complex subunit 1 HGNC:19185 ENSG00000138759 FRAS1_HUMAN 80144 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.631315474 knock out down-regulator 0.001795522 REG00015 DOCK7 Dedicator of cytokinesis 7 HGNC:19190 ENSG00000116641 DOCK7_HUMAN 85440 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 HMCN1 Hemicentin 1 HGNC:19194 ENSG00000143341 HMCN1_HUMAN 83872 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.80E+00 . . . REG00015 NANS N-acetylneuraminate synthase HGNC:19237 ENSG00000095380 SIAS_HUMAN 54187 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.813973523 knock down up-regulate 0.015375474 REG00015 CHEK1 Checkpoint kinase 1 HGNC:1925 ENSG00000149554 CHK1_HUMAN 1111 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.011658998 knock down down-regulator 0.000130759 REG00015 FOXN3 Forkhead box N3 HGNC:1928 ENSG00000053254 FOXN3_HUMAN 1112 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.18E+00 . . . REG00015 ACMSD Aminocarboxymuconate semialdehyde decarboxylase HGNC:19288 ENSG00000153086 ACMSD_HUMAN 130013 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.38E+00 . . . REG00015 SDK1 Sidekick cell adhesion molecule 1 HGNC:19307 ENSG00000146555 SDK1_HUMAN 221935 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.43E+00 . . . REG00015 KANK1 KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 1 HGNC:19309 ENSG00000107104 KANK1_HUMAN 23189 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.752762545 knock out down-regulator 0.000702407 REG00015 NPAS3 Neuronal PAS domain protein 3 HGNC:19311 ENSG00000151322 NPAS3_HUMAN 64067 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.77E+00 . . . REG00015 P3H2 Prolyl 3-hydroxylase 2 HGNC:19317 ENSG00000090530 P3H2_HUMAN 55214 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.692736958 knock out up-regulate 0.001476819 REG00015 SHPRH SNF2 histone linker PHD RING helicase HGNC:19336 ENSG00000146414 SHPRH_HUMAN 257218 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.10E+00 . . . REG00015 MAGEA2B MAGE family member A2B HGNC:19340 ENSG00000183305 MAGA2_HUMAN 266740 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.29E+00 . . . REG00015 ST6GALNAC5 ST6 N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 5 HGNC:19342 ENSG00000117069 SIA7E_HUMAN 81849 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.180553057 knock out down-regulator 0.002241554 REG00015 CHKA Choline kinase alpha HGNC:1937 ENSG00000110721 CHKA_HUMAN 1119 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.665656017 knock out down-regulator 0.006988773 REG00015 SOCS2 Suppressor of cytokine signaling 2 HGNC:19382 ENSG00000120833 SOCS2_HUMAN 8835 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.68344858 knock out down-regulator 0.012716625 REG00015 CHML CHM like Rab escort protein HGNC:1941 ENSG00000203668 RAE2_HUMAN 1122 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.710295164 knock down up-regulate 0.03467115 REG00015 CHRNA4 Cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 4 subunit HGNC:1958 ENSG00000101204 ACHA4_HUMAN 1137 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.32E+00 . . . REG00015 CHRNB2 Cholinergic receptor nicotinic beta 2 subunit HGNC:1962 ENSG00000160716 ACHB2_HUMAN 1141 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.17E+00 . . . REG00015 CHST10 Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 10 HGNC:19650 ENSG00000115526 CHSTA_HUMAN 9486 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.685602298 knock out up-regulate 0.002787431 REG00015 CHRNE Cholinergic receptor nicotinic epsilon subunit HGNC:1966 ENSG00000108556 ACHE_HUMAN 1145 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.00E+00 . . . REG00015 AAK1 AP2 associated kinase 1 HGNC:19679 ENSG00000115977 AAK1_HUMAN 22848 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 UHMK1 U2AF homology motif kinase 1 HGNC:19683 ENSG00000152332 UHMK1_HUMAN 127933 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.335500138 knock down down-regulator 0.001100352 REG00015 KCNV2 Potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily V member 2 HGNC:19698 ENSG00000168263 KCNV2_HUMAN 169522 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.00E+00 . . . REG00015 CHST3 Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 3 HGNC:1971 ENSG00000122863 CHST3_HUMAN 9469 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.40E+00 . . . REG00015 CLSPN Claspin HGNC:19715 ENSG00000092853 CLSPN_HUMAN 63967 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.075294907 knock out down-regulator 0.036519126 REG00015 PCNX Pecanex 1 HGNC:19740 ENSG00000100731 PCX1_HUMAN 22990 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.35E+00 . . . REG00015 CIDEA Cell death inducing DFFA like effector a HGNC:1976 ENSG00000176194 CIDEA_HUMAN 1149 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.609311429 knock down down-regulator 0.013312233 REG00015 ASB18 Ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 18 HGNC:19770 ENSG00000182177 ASB18_HUMAN 401036 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 KLHDC1 Kelch domain containing 1 HGNC:19836 ENSG00000197776 KLDC1_HUMAN 122773 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.81991292 knock down down-regulator 2.55E-24 REG00015 FRMD6 FERM domain containing 6 HGNC:19839 ENSG00000139926 FRMD6_HUMAN 122786 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 C14orf37 Armadillo like helical domain containing 4 HGNC:19846 ENSG00000139971 ARMD4_HUMAN 145407 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 BBOF1 Basal body orientation factor 1 HGNC:19855 ENSG00000119636 BBOF1_HUMAN 80127 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.772094846 knock down up-regulate 9.40E-28 REG00015 GALNT10 Polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 10 HGNC:19873 ENSG00000164574 GLT10_HUMAN 55568 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.10E+00 . . . REG00015 ZFAT Zinc finger and AT-hook domain containing HGNC:19899 ENSG00000066827 ZFAT_HUMAN 57623 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.20E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF407 Zinc finger protein 407 HGNC:19904 ENSG00000215421 ZN407_HUMAN 55628 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.70E+00 . . . REG00015 CAMSAP1 Calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein 1 HGNC:19946 ENSG00000130559 CAMP1_HUMAN 157922 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.69E+00 . . . REG00015 RDM1 RAD52 motif containing 1 HGNC:19950 ENSG00000278023 RDM1_HUMAN 201299 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.814327741 knock down down-regulator 0.001985715 REG00015 SLC25A22 Solute carrier family 25 member 22 HGNC:19954 ENSG00000177542 GHC1_HUMAN 79751 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.961457227 knock down down-regulator 0.008008151 REG00015 TECPR2 Tectonin beta-propeller repeat containing 2 HGNC:19957 ENSG00000196663 TCPR2_HUMAN 9895 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.25E+00 . . . REG00015 PRORP Protein only RNase P catalytic subunit HGNC:19958 ENSG00000100890 MRPP3_HUMAN 9692 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.786929799 knock down down-regulator 0.001916366 REG00015 RAB43 RAB43, member RAS oncogene family HGNC:19983 ENSG00000172780 RAB43_HUMAN 339122 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.90E+00 . . . REG00015 RAB43 RAB43, member RAS oncogene family HGNC:19983 ENSG00000172780 RAB43_HUMAN 339122 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.638215539 knock down down-regulator 0.024424247 REG00015 CKS2 CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 2 HGNC:2000 ENSG00000123975 CKS2_HUMAN 1164 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.198531567 knock down up-regulate 0.042431872 REG00015 PCSK9 Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 HGNC:20001 ENSG00000169174 PCSK9_HUMAN 255738 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.675697494 knock out down-regulator 0.020972123 REG00015 GEMIN6 Gem nuclear organelle associated protein 6 HGNC:20044 ENSG00000152147 GEMI6_HUMAN 79833 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.649989659 knock down down-regulator 0.000145064 REG00015 USP44 Ubiquitin specific peptidase 44 HGNC:20064 ENSG00000136014 UBP44_HUMAN 84101 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.70E+00 . . . REG00015 USP43 Ubiquitin specific peptidase 43 HGNC:20072 ENSG00000154914 UBP43_HUMAN 124739 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.600403017 knock out down-regulator 0.004412061 REG00015 USP45 Ubiquitin specific peptidase 45 HGNC:20080 ENSG00000123552 UBP45_HUMAN 85015 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.687102169 knock down down-regulator 0.012060756 REG00015 IGFBPL1 Insulin like growth factor binding protein like 1 HGNC:20081 ENSG00000137142 IBPL1_HUMAN 347252 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.954554064 knock out down-regulator 6.07E-06 REG00015 ATF7IP Activating transcription factor 7 interacting protein HGNC:20092 ENSG00000171681 MCAF1_HUMAN 55729 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.71E+00 . . . REG00015 PPP1R36 Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 36 HGNC:20097 ENSG00000165807 PPR36_HUMAN 145376 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.50E+00 . . . REG00015 FLVCR2 FLVCR heme transporter 2 HGNC:20105 ENSG00000119686 FLVC2_HUMAN 55640 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.818516429 knock out up-regulate 1.22E-08 REG00015 TDRD9 Tudor domain containing 9 HGNC:20122 ENSG00000156414 TDRD9_HUMAN 122402 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.672381264 knock down down-regulator 0.000940067 REG00015 AHNAK2 AHNAK nucleoprotein 2 HGNC:20125 ENSG00000185567 AHNK2_HUMAN 113146 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.30E+00 . . . REG00015 RAB15 RAB15, member RAS oncogene family HGNC:20150 ENSG00000139998 RAB15_HUMAN 376267 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.65E+00 . . . REG00015 ZFHX2 Zinc finger homeobox 2 HGNC:20152 ENSG00000136367 ZFHX2_HUMAN 85446 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.26E+00 . . . REG00015 CACNA2D4 Calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit alpha2delta 4 HGNC:20202 ENSG00000151062 CA2D4_HUMAN 93589 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.93E+00 . . . REG00015 CLCN4 Chloride voltage-gated channel 4 HGNC:2022 ENSG00000073464 CLCN4_HUMAN 1183 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.43E+00 . . . REG00015 CLCN4 Chloride voltage-gated channel 4 HGNC:2022 ENSG00000073464 CLCN4_HUMAN 1183 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.91481615 knock out up-regulate 0.004773574 REG00015 RPS6KL1 Ribosomal protein S6 kinase like 1 HGNC:20222 ENSG00000198208 RPKL1_HUMAN 83694 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.782010663 knock out down-regulator 0.003909307 REG00015 KIF26A Kinesin family member 26A HGNC:20226 ENSG00000066735 KI26A_HUMAN 26153 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 FNDC4 Fibronectin type III domain containing 4 HGNC:20239 ENSG00000115226 FNDC4_HUMAN 64838 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.641657152 knock down up-regulate 3.61E-07 REG00015 FNDC5 Fibronectin type III domain containing 5 HGNC:20240 ENSG00000160097 FNDC5_HUMAN 252995 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.60E+00 . . . REG00015 CYP2W1 Cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily W member 1 HGNC:20243 ENSG00000073067 CP2W1_HUMAN 54905 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.50E+00 . . . REG00015 AJUBA Ajuba LIM protein HGNC:20250 ENSG00000129474 AJUBA_HUMAN 84962 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.865698 knock out up-regulate 4.70E-07 REG00015 SLC22A15 Solute carrier family 22 member 15 HGNC:20301 ENSG00000163393 S22AF_HUMAN 55356 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.802598547 knock out down-regulator 0.004158258 REG00015 GRTP1 Growth hormone regulated TBC protein 1 HGNC:20310 ENSG00000139835 GRTP1_HUMAN 79774 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.972233143 knock out up-regulate 1.28E-07 REG00015 PRICKLE2 Prickle planar cell polarity protein 2 HGNC:20340 ENSG00000163637 PRIC2_HUMAN 166336 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.51E+00 . . . REG00015 GSKIP GSK3B interacting protein HGNC:20343 ENSG00000100744 GSKIP_HUMAN 51527 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.779866615 knock down down-regulator 0.007722104 REG00015 RGCC Regulator of cell cycle HGNC:20369 ENSG00000102760 RGCC_HUMAN 28984 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.103689225 knock out down-regulator 0.000326817 REG00015 UPF3B UPF3B regulator of nonsense mediated mRNA decay HGNC:20439 ENSG00000125351 REN3B_HUMAN 65109 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.571596849 knock out up-regulate 0.000234374 REG00015 MBD5 Methyl-CpG binding domain protein 5 HGNC:20444 ENSG00000204406 MBD5_HUMAN 55777 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.31E+00 . . . REG00015 RNF144A Ring finger protein 144A HGNC:20457 ENSG00000151692 R144A_HUMAN 9781 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.895943372 knock down down-regulator 7.98E-05 REG00015 CLDN5 Claudin 5 HGNC:2047 ENSG00000184113 CLD5_HUMAN 7122 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.76E+00 . . . REG00015 BRIP1 BRCA1 interacting helicase 1 HGNC:20473 ENSG00000136492 FANCJ_HUMAN 83990 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.849443857 knock down down-regulator 0.014400728 REG00015 TMC8 Transmembrane channel like 8 HGNC:20474 ENSG00000167895 TMC8_HUMAN 147138 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.058897313 knock out down-regulator 0.000461244 REG00015 SLIRP SRA stem-loop interacting RNA binding protein HGNC:20495 ENSG00000119705 SLIRP_HUMAN 81892 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.705646164 knock down down-regulator 0.00269584 REG00015 HIST2H3C H3 clustered histone 14 HGNC:20503 ENSG00000203811 H32_HUMAN 126961 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.05E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST2H3A H3 clustered histone 15 HGNC:20505 ENSG00000203852 H32_HUMAN 333932 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.41E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST2H2AB H2A clustered histone 21 HGNC:20508 ENSG00000184270 H2A2B_HUMAN 317772 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.68E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST4H4 H4 histone 16 HGNC:20510 ENSG00000197837 H4_HUMAN 121504 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.90E+00 . . . REG00015 CLEC2B C-type lectin domain family 2 member B HGNC:2053 ENSG00000110852 CLC2B_HUMAN 9976 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.778318483 knock out down-regulator 0.007103116 REG00015 ALPK2 Alpha kinase 2 HGNC:20565 ENSG00000198796 ALPK2_HUMAN 115701 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.14E+00 . . . REG00015 SLC35B4 Solute carrier family 35 member B4 HGNC:20584 ENSG00000205060 S35B4_HUMAN 84912 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.780993876 knock down down-regulator 0.004323351 REG00015 EGFL7 EGF like domain multiple 7 HGNC:20594 ENSG00000172889 EGFL7_HUMAN 51162 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.811723607 knock down down-regulator 0.001208834 REG00015 SLC23A3 Solute carrier family 23 member 3 HGNC:20601 ENSG00000213901 S23A3_HUMAN 151295 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.017021609 knock down down-regulator 0.011346287 REG00015 PHLPP1 PH domain and leucine rich repeat protein phosphatase 1 HGNC:20610 ENSG00000081913 PHLP1_HUMAN 23239 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.01E+00 . . . REG00015 MICAL1 Microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing 1 HGNC:20619 ENSG00000135596 MICA1_HUMAN 64780 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.692102543 knock down up-regulate 0.000184316 REG00015 CLIC1 Chloride intracellular channel 1 HGNC:2062 ENSG00000213719 CLIC1_HUMAN 1192 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.676407374 knock down up-regulate 0.002553749 REG00015 CHD7 Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 7 HGNC:20626 ENSG00000171316 CHD7_HUMAN 55636 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.73E+00 . . . REG00015 IPO11 Importin 11 HGNC:20628 ENSG00000086200 IPO11_HUMAN 51194 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.225130275 knock down up-regulate 0.002597153 REG00015 IQGAP3 IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 3 HGNC:20669 ENSG00000183856 IQGA3_HUMAN 128239 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.86587593 knock down up-regulate 1.51E-05 REG00015 ZNF425 Zinc finger protein 425 HGNC:20690 ENSG00000204947 ZN425_HUMAN 155054 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.21E+00 . . . REG00015 OTUD7A OTU deubiquitinase 7A HGNC:20718 ENSG00000169918 OTU7A_HUMAN 161725 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.13E+00 . . . REG00015 GNB4 G protein subunit beta 4 HGNC:20731 ENSG00000114450 GBB4_HUMAN 59345 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.672333209 knock down up-regulate 3.66E-07 REG00015 WDFY3 WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 3 HGNC:20751 ENSG00000163625 WDFY3_HUMAN 23001 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.48E+00 . . . REG00015 ZFYVE26 Zinc finger FYVE-type containing 26 HGNC:20761 ENSG00000072121 ZFY26_HUMAN 23503 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 TUBB3 Tubulin beta 3 class III HGNC:20772 ENSG00000258947 TBB3_HUMAN 10381 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.342627001 knock down down-regulator 0.01380589 REG00015 PPM1J Protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1J HGNC:20785 ENSG00000155367 PPM1J_HUMAN 333926 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.892616849 knock down down-regulator 0.013872771 REG00015 GPR156 G protein-coupled receptor 156 HGNC:20844 ENSG00000175697 GP156_HUMAN 165829 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.51E+00 . . . REG00015 GPR156 G protein-coupled receptor 156 HGNC:20844 ENSG00000175697 GP156_HUMAN 165829 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.893218619 knock out up-regulate 1.85E-09 REG00015 RNF145 Ring finger protein 145 HGNC:20853 ENSG00000145860 RN145_HUMAN 153830 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.611735629 knock out down-regulator 0.034418568 REG00015 SLC39A14 Solute carrier family 39 member 14 HGNC:20858 ENSG00000104635 S39AE_HUMAN 23516 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.814888174 knock down down-regulator 0.004895698 REG00015 SLC39A13 Solute carrier family 39 member 13 HGNC:20859 ENSG00000165915 S39AD_HUMAN 91252 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.880920409 knock down down-regulator 0.000648169 REG00015 CASKIN1 CASK interacting protein 1 HGNC:20879 ENSG00000167971 CSKI1_HUMAN 57524 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.64E+00 . . . REG00015 BCOR BCL6 corepressor HGNC:20893 ENSG00000183337 BCOR_HUMAN 54880 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.49E+00 . . . REG00015 CLTCL1 Clathrin heavy chain like 1 HGNC:2093 ENSG00000070371 CLH2_HUMAN 8218 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -3.975061772 knock out down-regulator 0.002384635 REG00015 VTA1 Vesicle trafficking 1 HGNC:20954 ENSG00000009844 VTA1_HUMAN 51534 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -4.372051914 knock down down-regulator 1.09E-07 REG00015 PHACTR2 Phosphatase and actin regulator 2 HGNC:20956 ENSG00000112419 PHAR2_HUMAN 9749 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.33E+00 . . . REG00015 SDHAF4 Succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 4 HGNC:20957 ENSG00000154079 SDHF4_HUMAN 135154 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.336078192 knock out up-regulate 0.002894617 REG00015 ANKS1A Ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 1A HGNC:20961 ENSG00000064999 ANS1A_HUMAN 23294 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.11E+00 . . . REG00015 PHACTR1 Phosphatase and actin regulator 1 HGNC:20990 ENSG00000112137 PHAR1_HUMAN 221692 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.614722503 knock out down-regulator 0.007127756 REG00015 ASF1B Anti-silencing function 1B histone chaperone HGNC:20996 ENSG00000105011 ASF1B_HUMAN 55723 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.63276223 knock down up-regulate 0.025099969 REG00015 HECA Hdc homolog, cell cycle regulator HGNC:21041 ENSG00000112406 HDC_HUMAN 51696 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.686991884 knock down down-regulator 3.63E-26 REG00015 PITPNM3 PITPNM family member 3 HGNC:21043 ENSG00000091622 PITM3_HUMAN 83394 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.635703046 knock out down-regulator 0.000101803 REG00015 PITPNC1 Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein cytoplasmic 1 HGNC:21045 ENSG00000154217 PITC1_HUMAN 26207 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.879776408 knock out down-regulator 4.33E-06 REG00015 RSPH9 Radial spoke head component 9 HGNC:21057 ENSG00000172426 RSPH9_HUMAN 221421 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.28E+00 . . . REG00015 HDDC2 HD domain containing 2 HGNC:21078 ENSG00000111906 HDDC2_HUMAN 51020 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.702405498 knock down up-regulate 1.15E-15 REG00015 MIB1 MIB E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 HGNC:21086 ENSG00000101752 MIB1_HUMAN 57534 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.21E+00 . . . REG00015 BTLA B and T lymphocyte associated HGNC:21087 ENSG00000186265 BTLA_HUMAN 151888 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.43E+00 . . . REG00015 GFOD1 Glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 1 HGNC:21096 ENSG00000145990 GFOD1_HUMAN 54438 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.839980293 knock out down-regulator 6.72E-22 REG00015 RCN3 Reticulocalbin 3 HGNC:21145 ENSG00000142552 RCN3_HUMAN 57333 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.954733013 knock down up-regulate 0.000524022 REG00015 RNF128 Ring finger protein 128 HGNC:21153 ENSG00000133135 RN128_HUMAN 79589 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.069836815 knock out down-regulator 6.38E-06 REG00015 RNF141 Ring finger protein 141 HGNC:21159 ENSG00000110315 RN141_HUMAN 50862 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.923318973 knock down up-regulate 7.52E-05 REG00015 MDC1 Mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1 HGNC:21163 ENSG00000137337 MDC1_HUMAN 9656 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.603738125 knock down down-regulator 0.000912429 REG00015 ARFGEF3 ARFGEF family member 3 HGNC:21213 ENSG00000112379 BIG3_HUMAN 57221 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.40E+00 . . . REG00015 BTBD9 BTB domain containing 9 HGNC:21228 ENSG00000183826 BTBD9_HUMAN 114781 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.43E+00 . . . REG00015 MRAP2 Melanocortin 2 receptor accessory protein 2 HGNC:21232 ENSG00000135324 MRAP2_HUMAN 112609 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.857561105 knock down down-regulator 0.000994567 REG00015 OARD1 O-acyl-ADP-ribose deacylase 1 HGNC:21257 ENSG00000124596 OARD1_HUMAN 221443 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.864963972 knock down up-regulate 0.000579096 REG00015 ASIC4 Acid sensing ion channel subunit family member 4 HGNC:21263 ENSG00000072182 ASIC4_HUMAN 55515 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.91E+00 . . . REG00015 C1RL Complement C1r subcomponent like HGNC:21265 ENSG00000139178 C1RL_HUMAN 51279 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.59312712 knock down down-regulator 0.002503134 REG00015 ANKRD11 Ankyrin repeat domain containing 11 HGNC:21316 ENSG00000167522 ANR11_HUMAN 29123 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.05E+00 . . . REG00015 CENPU Centromere protein U HGNC:21348 ENSG00000151725 CENPU_HUMAN 79682 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.112642918 knock down down-regulator 0.017672589 REG00015 MLIP Muscular LMNA interacting protein HGNC:21355 ENSG00000146147 MLIP_HUMAN 90523 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.619904851 knock down down-regulator 0.005409935 REG00015 CORO6 Coronin 6 HGNC:21356 ENSG00000167549 CORO6_HUMAN 84940 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.63216013 knock down up-regulate 0.010815188 REG00015 SLAMF7 SLAM family member 7 HGNC:21394 ENSG00000026751 SLAF7_HUMAN 57823 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.596067191 knock out up-regulate 0.001604423 REG00015 ABHD5 Abhydrolase domain containing 5, lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase HGNC:21396 ENSG00000011198 ABHD5_HUMAN 51099 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.325556061 knock out up-regulate 0.011437697 REG00015 LDHAL6B Lactate dehydrogenase A like 6B HGNC:21481 ENSG00000171989 LDH6B_HUMAN 92483 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.74E+00 . . . REG00015 GALNT15 Polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 15 HGNC:21531 ENSG00000131386 GLT15_HUMAN 117248 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.00E+00 . . . REG00015 RBM24 RNA binding motif protein 24 HGNC:21539 ENSG00000112183 RBM24_HUMAN 221662 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.193743138 knock down up-regulate 5.90E-05 REG00015 RBM24 RNA binding motif protein 24 HGNC:21539 ENSG00000112183 RBM24_HUMAN 221662 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.656149449 knock out down-regulator 7.45E-05 REG00015 TSPYL4 TSPY like 4 HGNC:21559 ENSG00000187189 TSYL4_HUMAN 23270 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.828025997 knock down down-regulator 0.032509091 REG00015 CARMIL1 Capping protein regulator and myosin 1 linker 1 HGNC:21581 ENSG00000079691 CARL1_HUMAN 55604 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.918706669 knock out up-regulate 0.002438514 REG00015 ACAD10 Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 10 HGNC:21597 ENSG00000111271 ACD10_HUMAN 80724 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.794005192 knock down down-regulator 0.000567637 REG00015 SAFB2 Scaffold attachment factor B2 HGNC:21605 ENSG00000130254 SAFB2_HUMAN 9667 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.710087958 knock out down-regulator 0.013292764 REG00015 MPC1 Mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 1 HGNC:21606 ENSG00000060762 MPC1_HUMAN 51660 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.495942079 knock out down-regulator 0.003386008 REG00015 TNS3 Tensin 3 HGNC:21616 ENSG00000136205 TENS3_HUMAN 64759 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.01E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF460 Zinc finger protein 460 HGNC:21628 ENSG00000197714 ZN460_HUMAN 10794 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.51E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF462 Zinc finger protein 462 HGNC:21684 ENSG00000148143 ZN462_HUMAN 58499 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.84E+00 . . . REG00015 LRRC61 Leucine rich repeat containing 61 HGNC:21704 ENSG00000127399 LRC61_HUMAN 65999 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.675409514 knock out up-regulate 0.032006658 REG00015 GGCT Gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase HGNC:21705 ENSG00000006625 GGCT_HUMAN 79017 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.733510277 knock down up-regulate 4.06E-09 REG00015 GPR146 G protein-coupled receptor 146 HGNC:21718 ENSG00000164849 GP146_HUMAN 115330 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.46E+00 . . . REG00015 IRF2BP2 Interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 2 HGNC:21729 ENSG00000168264 I2BP2_HUMAN 359948 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.476813506 knock down down-regulator 1.92E-06 REG00015 FGD6 FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 6 HGNC:21740 ENSG00000180263 FGD6_HUMAN 55785 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.50E+00 . . . REG00015 VPS13B Vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog B HGNC:2183 ENSG00000132549 VP13B_HUMAN 157680 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.57E+00 . . . REG00015 COL12A1 Collagen type XII alpha 1 chain HGNC:2188 ENSG00000111799 COCA1_HUMAN 1303 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.28E+00 . . . REG00015 COL12A1 Collagen type XII alpha 1 chain HGNC:2188 ENSG00000111799 COCA1_HUMAN 1303 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.511779859 knock out down-regulator 0.003751695 REG00015 VWDE Von Willebrand factor D and EGF domains HGNC:21897 ENSG00000146530 VWDE_HUMAN 221806 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.75E+00 . . . REG00015 NCAPG2 Non-SMC condensin II complex subunit G2 HGNC:21904 ENSG00000146918 CNDG2_HUMAN 54892 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.695629169 knock down up-regulate 0.030793918 REG00015 COL16A1 Collagen type XVI alpha 1 chain HGNC:2193 ENSG00000084636 COGA1_HUMAN 1307 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -3.571156022 knock out down-regulator 3.04E-06 REG00015 COL1A1 Collagen type I alpha 1 chain HGNC:2197 ENSG00000108821 CO1A1_HUMAN 1277 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.713524902 knock down down-regulator 0.035784129 REG00015 COL2A1 Collagen type II alpha 1 chain HGNC:2200 ENSG00000139219 CO2A1_HUMAN 1280 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.55E+00 . . . REG00015 COL6A2 Collagen type VI alpha 2 chain HGNC:2212 ENSG00000142173 CO6A2_HUMAN 1292 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.780044018 knock down up-regulate 0.02025779 REG00015 COL6A3 Collagen type VI alpha 3 chain HGNC:2213 ENSG00000163359 CO6A3_HUMAN 1293 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.58E+00 . . . REG00015 COL9A2 Collagen type IX alpha 2 chain HGNC:2218 ENSG00000049089 CO9A2_HUMAN 1298 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 HECW1 HECT, C2 and WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 HGNC:22195 ENSG00000002746 HECW1_HUMAN 23072 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -3.395500676 knock out down-regulator 5.04E-09 REG00015 COBL Cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein HGNC:22199 ENSG00000106078 COBL_HUMAN 23242 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.14E+00 . . . REG00015 STRIP2 Striatin interacting protein 2 HGNC:22209 ENSG00000128578 STRP2_HUMAN 57464 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.653886616 knock out up-regulate 0.047743798 REG00015 KIAA1549 KIAA1549 HGNC:22219 ENSG00000122778 K1549_HUMAN 57670 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.23E+00 . . . REG00015 EEPD1 Endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase family domain containing 1 HGNC:22223 ENSG00000122547 EEPD1_HUMAN 80820 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.306915111 knock out up-regulate 0.000336611 REG00015 CCDC136 Coiled-coil domain containing 136 HGNC:22225 ENSG00000128596 CC136_HUMAN 64753 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.287175127 knock out down-regulator 0.011076292 REG00015 AMZ1 Archaelysin family metallopeptidase 1 HGNC:22231 ENSG00000174945 AMZ1_HUMAN 155185 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.82E+00 . . . REG00015 C7orf57 Chromosome 7 open reading frame 57 HGNC:22247 ENSG00000164746 CG057_HUMAN 136288 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.13E+00 . . . REG00015 SUN3 Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 3 HGNC:22429 ENSG00000164744 SUN3_HUMAN 256979 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.589724389 knock out up-regulate 0.017866109 REG00015 MED13 Mediator complex subunit 13 HGNC:22474 ENSG00000108510 MED13_HUMAN 9969 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.89E+00 . . . REG00015 ADAR Adenosine deaminase RNA specific HGNC:225 ENSG00000160710 DSRAD_HUMAN 103 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.04E+00 . . . REG00015 ADARB1 Adenosine deaminase RNA specific B1 HGNC:226 ENSG00000197381 RED1_HUMAN 104 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.220358351 knock out up-regulate 0.013506733 REG00015 GMPPA GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase A HGNC:22923 ENSG00000144591 GMPPA_HUMAN 29926 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.085978376 knock down down-regulator 0.031863656 REG00015 KBTBD3 Kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 3 HGNC:22934 ENSG00000182359 KBTB3_HUMAN 143879 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.620196821 knock out down-regulator 0.004527262 REG00015 NLRP14 NLR family pyrin domain containing 14 HGNC:22939 ENSG00000158077 NAL14_HUMAN 338323 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.66E+00 . . . REG00015 CPD Carboxypeptidase D HGNC:2301 ENSG00000108582 CBPD_HUMAN 1362 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.26E+00 . . . REG00015 ZRSR2 Zinc finger CCCH-type, RNA binding motif and serine/arginine rich 2 HGNC:23019 ENSG00000169249 U2AFM_HUMAN 8233 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.930465243 knock out down-regulator 1.14E-06 REG00015 DPEP2 Dipeptidase 2 HGNC:23028 ENSG00000167261 DPEP2_HUMAN 64174 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.32E+00 . . . REG00015 CPE Carboxypeptidase E HGNC:2303 ENSG00000109472 CBPE_HUMAN 1363 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.689936178 knock out up-regulate 0.000120121 REG00015 CDYL2 Chromodomain Y like 2 HGNC:23030 ENSG00000166446 CDYL2_HUMAN 124359 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.83E+00 . . . REG00015 FAT4 FAT atypical cadherin 4 HGNC:23109 ENSG00000196159 FAT4_HUMAN 79633 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.56E+00 . . . REG00015 FAT3 FAT atypical cadherin 3 HGNC:23112 ENSG00000165323 FAT3_HUMAN 120114 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.878160755 knock out down-regulator 0.02589088 REG00015 SYT16 Synaptotagmin 16 HGNC:23142 ENSG00000139973 SYT16_HUMAN 83851 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.701997343 knock out down-regulator 0.014430876 REG00015 ALG10 ALG10 alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase HGNC:23162 ENSG00000139133 AG10A_HUMAN 84920 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.587143028 knock down up-regulate 6.31E-09 REG00015 CPNE5 Copine 5 HGNC:2318 ENSG00000124772 CPNE5_HUMAN 57699 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.643743489 knock out down-regulator 0.00528493 REG00015 RIF1 Replication timing regulatory factor 1 HGNC:23207 ENSG00000080345 RIF1_HUMAN 55183 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.01E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF469 Zinc finger protein 469 HGNC:23216 ENSG00000225614 ZN469_HUMAN 84627 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 5.07E+00 . . . REG00015 NAALADL2 N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase like 2 HGNC:23219 ENSG00000177694 NADL2_HUMAN 254827 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.15E+00 . . . REG00015 SPATA13 Spermatogenesis associated 13 HGNC:23222 ENSG00000182957 SPT13_HUMAN 221178 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.28E+00 . . . REG00015 KCTD4 Potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 4 HGNC:23227 ENSG00000180332 KCTD4_HUMAN 386618 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.13E+00 . . . REG00015 SERINC2 Serine incorporator 2 HGNC:23231 ENSG00000168528 SERC2_HUMAN 347735 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.615627301 knock out down-regulator 0.015608594 REG00015 MYPN Myopalladin HGNC:23246 ENSG00000138347 MYPN_HUMAN 84665 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF805 Zinc finger protein 805 HGNC:23272 ENSG00000204524 ZN805_HUMAN 390980 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.79E+00 . . . REG00015 CPT1A Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A HGNC:2328 ENSG00000110090 CPT1A_HUMAN 1374 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.02E+00 . . . REG00015 NACA2 Nascent polypeptide associated complex subunit alpha 2 HGNC:23290 ENSG00000253506 NACA2_HUMAN 342538 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.74E+00 . . . REG00015 PBLD Phenazine biosynthesis like protein domain containing HGNC:23301 ENSG00000108187 PBLD_HUMAN 64081 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.499173286 knock down down-regulator 6.35E-05 REG00015 HKDC1 Hexokinase domain containing 1 HGNC:23302 ENSG00000156510 HKDC1_HUMAN 80201 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.617540498 knock out down-regulator 0.034882655 REG00015 ST8SIA6 ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 6 HGNC:23317 ENSG00000148488 SIA8F_HUMAN 338596 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.618053667 knock down down-regulator 0.020813652 REG00015 PHYHD1 Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase domain containing 1 HGNC:23396 ENSG00000175287 PHYD1_HUMAN 254295 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.406509264 knock down down-regulator 4.75E-05 REG00015 LRRC20 Leucine rich repeat containing 20 HGNC:23421 ENSG00000172731 LRC20_HUMAN 55222 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.612662445 knock down down-regulator 0.04798672 REG00015 KIAA1958 KIAA1958 HGNC:23427 ENSG00000165185 K1958_HUMAN 158405 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.66E+00 . . . REG00015 FGFBP3 Fibroblast growth factor binding protein 3 HGNC:23428 ENSG00000174721 FGFP3_HUMAN 143282 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.011558773 knock out up-regulate 0.000834775 REG00015 CCNJ Cyclin J HGNC:23434 ENSG00000107443 CCNJ_HUMAN 54619 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.8019092 knock down up-regulate 4.11E-05 REG00015 NUTM2E NUT family member 2E HGNC:23448 ENSG00000228570 NTM2E_HUMAN 283008 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.87E+00 . . . REG00015 NUTM2G NUT family member 2G HGNC:23449 ENSG00000188152 NTM2G_HUMAN 441457 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 NUTM2F NUT family member 2F HGNC:23450 ENSG00000130950 NTM2F_HUMAN 54754 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.97E+00 . . . REG00015 DOCK10 Dedicator of cytokinesis 10 HGNC:23479 ENSG00000135905 DOC10_HUMAN 55619 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.977641026 knock down up-regulate 0.023445458 REG00015 CREBBP CREB binding protein HGNC:2348 ENSG00000005339 CBP_HUMAN 1387 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.08E+00 . . . REG00015 MORC4 MORC family CW-type zinc finger 4 HGNC:23485 ENSG00000133131 MORC4_HUMAN 79710 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.59288689 knock out down-regulator 0.017725536 REG00015 CALHM2 Calcium homeostasis modulator family member 2 HGNC:23493 ENSG00000138172 CAHM2_HUMAN 51063 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.96524349 knock down up-regulate 0.000545308 REG00015 SLITRK6 SLIT and NTRK like family member 6 HGNC:23503 ENSG00000184564 SLIK6_HUMAN 84189 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.086211233 knock out up-regulate 0.004061026 REG00015 WBP1L WW domain binding protein 1 like HGNC:23510 ENSG00000166272 WBP1L_HUMAN 54838 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.708080526 knock down up-regulate 1.24E-30 REG00015 CHCHD1 Coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 1 HGNC:23518 ENSG00000172586 CHCH1_HUMAN 118487 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.835091649 knock down down-regulator 0.016090263 REG00015 ZNF488 Zinc finger protein 488 HGNC:23535 ENSG00000265763 ZN488_HUMAN 118738 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.864550558 knock out up-regulate 6.10E-07 REG00015 COBLL1 Cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein like 1 HGNC:23571 ENSG00000082438 COBL1_HUMAN 22837 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.640461457 knock out down-regulator 0.004214153 REG00015 MORC2 MORC family CW-type zinc finger 2 HGNC:23573 ENSG00000133422 MORC2_HUMAN 22880 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.713442535 knock down down-regulator 0.006548328 REG00015 HOOK3 Hook microtubule tethering protein 3 HGNC:23576 ENSG00000168172 HOOK3_HUMAN 84376 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 CRIM1 Cysteine rich transmembrane BMP regulator 1 HGNC:2359 ENSG00000150938 CRIM1_HUMAN 51232 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.01E+00 . . . REG00015 VPS13D Vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog D HGNC:23595 ENSG00000048707 VP13D_HUMAN 55187 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.52E+00 . . . REG00015 CRIP2 Cysteine rich protein 2 HGNC:2361 ENSG00000182809 CRIP2_HUMAN 1397 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.64783315 knock out up-regulate 0.002410017 REG00015 SLCO4C1 Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 4C1 HGNC:23612 ENSG00000173930 SO4C1_HUMAN 353189 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.762701997 knock out down-regulator 0.007087386 REG00015 SLC35F2 Solute carrier family 35 member F2 HGNC:23615 ENSG00000110660 S35F2_HUMAN 54733 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.815279005 knock down down-regulator 0.025785388 REG00015 PLGRKT Plasminogen receptor with a C-terminal lysine HGNC:23633 ENSG00000107020 PLRKT_HUMAN 55848 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.834186813 knock down up-regulate 0.03427717 REG00015 ANKRD18A Ankyrin repeat domain 18A HGNC:23643 ENSG00000180071 AN18A_HUMAN 253650 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.90E+00 . . . REG00015 ANKRD18A Ankyrin repeat domain 18A HGNC:23643 ENSG00000180071 AN18A_HUMAN 253650 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.002981705 knock out down-regulator 0.000767541 REG00015 MAMDC2 MAM domain containing 2 HGNC:23673 ENSG00000165072 MAMC2_HUMAN 256691 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.968098639 knock out up-regulate 4.95E-05 REG00015 BCL9L BCL9 like HGNC:23688 ENSG00000186174 BCL9L_HUMAN 283149 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.82E+00 . . . REG00015 DIXDC1 DIX domain containing 1 HGNC:23695 ENSG00000150764 DIXC1_HUMAN 85458 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.56E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF490 Zinc finger protein 490 HGNC:23705 ENSG00000188033 ZN490_HUMAN 57474 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.65E+00 . . . REG00015 ZSCAN5A Zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 5A HGNC:23710 ENSG00000131848 ZSA5A_HUMAN 79149 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.799874463 knock down down-regulator 3.63E-05 REG00015 WDR38 WD repeat domain 38 HGNC:23745 ENSG00000136918 WDR38_HUMAN 401551 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.96E+00 . . . REG00015 ENPP7 Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 7 HGNC:23764 ENSG00000182156 ENPP7_HUMAN 339221 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.26E+00 . . . REG00015 PLD4 Phospholipase D family member 4 HGNC:23792 ENSG00000166428 PLD4_HUMAN 122618 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.29E+00 . . . REG00015 SIPA1L3 Signal induced proliferation associated 1 like 3 HGNC:23801 ENSG00000105738 SI1L3_HUMAN 23094 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.77E+00 . . . REG00015 ASXL2 ASXL transcriptional regulator 2 HGNC:23805 ENSG00000143970 ASXL2_HUMAN 55252 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.62E+00 . . . REG00015 CCDC3 Coiled-coil domain containing 3 HGNC:23813 ENSG00000151468 CCDC3_HUMAN 83643 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.941152557 knock out down-regulator 0.034288865 REG00015 ABTB2 Ankyrin repeat and BTB domain containing 2 HGNC:23842 ENSG00000166016 ABTB2_HUMAN 25841 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.635122294 knock out down-regulator 0.038622009 REG00015 SLX4 SLX4 structure-specific endonuclease subunit HGNC:23845 ENSG00000188827 SLX4_HUMAN 84464 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.49E+00 . . . REG00015 RTP4 Receptor transporter protein 4 HGNC:23992 ENSG00000136514 RTP4_HUMAN 64108 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.682739017 knock out up-regulate 0.000628425 REG00015 ADCY9 Adenylate cyclase 9 HGNC:240 ENSG00000162104 ADCY9_HUMAN 115 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 SPC25 SPC25 component of NDC80 kinetochore complex HGNC:24031 ENSG00000152253 SPC25_HUMAN 57405 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.837298302 knock down down-regulator 0.012687177 REG00015 NOC3L NOC3 like DNA replication regulator HGNC:24034 ENSG00000173145 NOC3L_HUMAN 64318 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.645290324 knock down up-regulate 0.007522344 REG00015 CLMP CXADR like membrane protein HGNC:24039 ENSG00000166250 CLMP_HUMAN 79827 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.847921665 knock out up-regulate 0.000841888 REG00015 ARL11 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 11 HGNC:24046 ENSG00000152213 ARL11_HUMAN 115761 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.00E+00 . . . REG00015 CREBRF CREB3 regulatory factor HGNC:24050 ENSG00000164463 CRERF_HUMAN 153222 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.743737034 knock out up-regulate 0.000801347 REG00015 AMIGO3 Adhesion molecule with Ig like domain 3 HGNC:24075 ENSG00000176020 AMGO3_HUMAN 386724 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.07E+00 . . . REG00015 TMTC1 Transmembrane O-mannosyltransferase targeting cadherins 1 HGNC:24099 ENSG00000133687 TMTC1_HUMAN 83857 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.16E+00 . . . REG00015 RNASEH2C Ribonuclease H2 subunit C HGNC:24116 ENSG00000172922 RNH2C_HUMAN 84153 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.423507087 knock down up-regulate 0.000170379 REG00015 B3GNT8 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 8 HGNC:24139 ENSG00000177191 B3GN8_HUMAN 374907 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.14E+00 . . . REG00015 B3GNT8 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 8 HGNC:24139 ENSG00000177191 B3GN8_HUMAN 374907 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.861423374 knock down down-regulator 0.006875423 REG00015 CEND1 Cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation 1 HGNC:24153 ENSG00000184524 CEND_HUMAN 51286 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.00E+00 . . . REG00015 BMPER BMP binding endothelial regulator HGNC:24154 ENSG00000164619 BMPER_HUMAN 168667 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.75797571 knock down up-regulate 0.017326264 REG00015 BTNL9 Butyrophilin like 9 HGNC:24176 ENSG00000165810 BTNL9_HUMAN 153579 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.96E+00 . . . REG00015 CDK12 Cyclin dependent kinase 12 HGNC:24224 ENSG00000167258 CDK12_HUMAN 51755 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.64E+00 . . . REG00015 LY6K Lymphocyte antigen 6 family member K HGNC:24225 ENSG00000160886 LY6K_HUMAN 54742 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.831263905 knock down up-regulate 0.000335213 REG00015 CEP350 Centrosomal protein 350 HGNC:24238 ENSG00000135837 CE350_HUMAN 9857 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.48E+00 . . . REG00015 GLYCTK Glycerate kinase HGNC:24247 ENSG00000168237 GLCTK_HUMAN 132158 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.720680034 knock down down-regulator 0.045540283 REG00015 RBM15B RNA binding motif protein 15B HGNC:24303 ENSG00000259956 RB15B_HUMAN 29890 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.738064436 knock down down-regulator 3.04E-05 REG00015 NCAPG Non-SMC condensin I complex subunit G HGNC:24304 ENSG00000109805 CND3_HUMAN 64151 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.964926286 knock down up-regulate 0.000398726 REG00015 CSE1L Chromosome segregation 1 like HGNC:2431 ENSG00000124207 XPO2_HUMAN 1434 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.364410189 knock down down-regulator 0.039020644 REG00015 PLEKHO1 Pleckstrin homology domain containing O1 HGNC:24310 ENSG00000023902 PKHO1_HUMAN 51177 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.695979591 knock down down-regulator 0.002321682 REG00015 VGLL3 Vestigial like family member 3 HGNC:24327 ENSG00000206538 VGLL3_HUMAN 389136 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.25E+00 . . . REG00015 C1GALT1C1 C1GALT1 specific chaperone 1 HGNC:24338 ENSG00000171155 C1GLC_HUMAN 29071 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.802520766 knock down down-regulator 1.38E-05 REG00015 PHRF1 PHD and ring finger domains 1 HGNC:24351 ENSG00000070047 PHRF1_HUMAN 57661 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.19E+00 . . . REG00015 TSPYL2 TSPY like 2 HGNC:24358 ENSG00000184205 TSYL2_HUMAN 64061 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -4.958448951 knock out down-regulator 3.88E-06 REG00015 BOLA3 BolA family member 3 HGNC:24415 ENSG00000163170 BOLA3_HUMAN 388962 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.673555571 knock down down-regulator 0.01487183 REG00015 DNER Delta/notch like EGF repeat containing HGNC:24456 ENSG00000187957 DNER_HUMAN 92737 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.243472217 knock out down-regulator 1.18E-09 REG00015 DDN Dendrin HGNC:24458 ENSG00000181418 DEND_HUMAN 23109 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.877235975 knock out down-regulator 0.0172968 REG00015 FAM198A Golgi associated kinase 1A HGNC:24485 ENSG00000144649 GAK1A_HUMAN 729085 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 NEPRO Nucleolus and neural progenitor protein HGNC:24496 ENSG00000163608 NEPRO_HUMAN 25871 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.006715885 knock down down-regulator 5.50E-05 REG00015 C15orf39 Chromosome 15 open reading frame 39 HGNC:24497 ENSG00000167173 CO039_HUMAN 56905 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 VIRMA Vir like m6A methyltransferase associated HGNC:24500 ENSG00000164944 VIR_HUMAN 25962 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.656788379 knock down down-regulator 5.34E-05 REG00015 WDR62 WD repeat domain 62 HGNC:24502 ENSG00000075702 WDR62_HUMAN 284403 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.661468137 knock out down-regulator 9.28E-27 REG00015 FAM98A Family with sequence similarity 98 member A HGNC:24520 ENSG00000119812 FA98A_HUMAN 25940 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.945730304 knock out down-regulator 0.021103929 REG00015 ATL3 Atlastin GTPase 3 HGNC:24526 ENSG00000184743 ATLA3_HUMAN 25923 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.262331411 knock down up-regulate 0.037275355 REG00015 CDT1 Chromatin licensing and DNA replication factor 1 HGNC:24576 ENSG00000167513 CDT1_HUMAN 81620 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.844765222 knock out down-regulator 0.033428987 REG00015 FILIP1L Filamin A interacting protein 1 like HGNC:24589 ENSG00000168386 FIL1L_HUMAN 11259 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.669568521 knock out up-regulate 0.000329077 REG00015 STEAP3 STEAP3 metalloreductase HGNC:24592 ENSG00000115107 STEA3_HUMAN 55240 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.653891944 knock down down-regulator 0.000209597 REG00015 CXXC4 CXXC finger protein 4 HGNC:24593 ENSG00000168772 CXXC4_HUMAN 80319 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.386265928 knock out up-regulate 0.000202497 REG00015 ZNF521 Zinc finger protein 521 HGNC:24605 ENSG00000198795 ZN521_HUMAN 25925 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.89E+00 . . . REG00015 ENGASE Endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase HGNC:24622 ENSG00000167280 ENASE_HUMAN 64772 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.666012627 knock down up-regulate 0.001695037 REG00015 LIMA1 LIM domain and actin binding 1 HGNC:24636 ENSG00000050405 LIMA1_HUMAN 51474 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.811876593 knock out down-regulator 0.044727206 REG00015 DNAJC10 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C10 HGNC:24637 ENSG00000077232 DJC10_HUMAN 54431 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.849759138 knock down down-regulator 0.010451199 REG00015 CSPG4 Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 HGNC:2466 ENSG00000173546 CSPG4_HUMAN 1464 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.74E+00 . . . REG00015 FNDC3B Fibronectin type III domain containing 3B HGNC:24670 ENSG00000075420 FND3B_HUMAN 64778 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.39E+00 . . . REG00015 MICAL2 Microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing 2 HGNC:24693 ENSG00000133816 MICA2_HUMAN 9645 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.05E+00 . . . REG00015 MICAL3 Microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing 3 HGNC:24694 ENSG00000243156 MICA3_HUMAN 57553 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.36E+00 . . . REG00015 SNED1 Sushi, nidogen and EGF like domains 1 HGNC:24696 ENSG00000162804 SNED1_HUMAN 25992 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.749638933 knock out down-regulator 0.03304224 REG00015 CSRP2 Cysteine and glycine rich protein 2 HGNC:2470 ENSG00000175183 CSRP2_HUMAN 1466 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.774277458 knock down up-regulate 0.000131227 REG00015 HIST2H2BF H2B clustered histone 18 HGNC:24700 ENSG00000203814 H2B2F_HUMAN 440689 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.10E+00 . . . REG00015 E2F8 E2F transcription factor 8 HGNC:24727 ENSG00000129173 E2F8_HUMAN 79733 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.672857492 knock down down-regulator 0.020815173 REG00015 FAM228B Family with sequence similarity 228 member B HGNC:24736 ENSG00000219626 F228B_HUMAN 375190 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.681155778 knock down down-regulator 0.047029319 REG00015 DENND2C DENN domain containing 2C HGNC:24748 ENSG00000175984 DEN2C_HUMAN 163259 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.891399099 knock out down-regulator 4.70E-06 REG00015 CST3 Cystatin C HGNC:2475 ENSG00000101439 CYTC_HUMAN 1471 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.133097482 knock out down-regulator 0.001507129 REG00015 ZNF699 Zinc finger protein 699 HGNC:24750 ENSG00000196110 ZN699_HUMAN 374879 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.72E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF792 Zinc finger protein 792 HGNC:24751 ENSG00000180884 ZN792_HUMAN 126375 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 TPRG1 Tumor protein p63 regulated 1 HGNC:24759 ENSG00000188001 TPRG1_HUMAN 285386 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 2.206538644 knock out up-regulate 0.00044592 REG00015 CST4 Cystatin S HGNC:2476 ENSG00000101441 CYTS_HUMAN 1472 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.633902694 knock out down-regulator 0.01713192 REG00015 CST7 Cystatin F HGNC:2479 ENSG00000077984 CYTF_HUMAN 8530 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.934219838 knock out up-regulate 0.000664318 REG00015 C19orf35 PEAK family member 3 HGNC:24793 ENSG00000188305 PEAK3_HUMAN 374872 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.25E+00 . . . REG00015 KANK3 KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 3 HGNC:24796 ENSG00000186994 KANK3_HUMAN 256949 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.115506238 knock down up-regulate 7.44E-16 REG00015 RFFL Ring finger and FYVE like domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase HGNC:24821 ENSG00000092871 RFFL_HUMAN 117584 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.646177234 knock down up-regulate 6.06E-05 REG00015 GPRIN1 G protein regulated inducer of neurite outgrowth 1 HGNC:24835 ENSG00000169258 GRIN1_HUMAN 114787 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.16E+00 . . . REG00015 CSTF2 Cleavage stimulation factor subunit 2 HGNC:2484 ENSG00000101811 CSTF2_HUMAN 1478 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.692102369 knock down down-regulator 0.002504569 REG00015 PNPLA4 Patatin like phospholipase domain containing 4 HGNC:24887 ENSG00000006757 PLPL4_HUMAN 8228 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.796222462 knock down down-regulator 0.006858988 REG00015 C19orf80 Angiopoietin like 8 HGNC:24933 ENSG00000130173 ANGL8_HUMAN 55908 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.02E+00 . . . REG00015 HOPX HOP homeobox HGNC:24961 ENSG00000171476 HOP_HUMAN 84525 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.932824161 knock down down-regulator 0.020491046 REG00015 CCN2 Cellular communication network factor 2 HGNC:2500 ENSG00000118523 CCN2_HUMAN 1490 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.912924429 knock out down-regulator 0.020465563 REG00015 UBE2T Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 T HGNC:25009 ENSG00000077152 UBE2T_HUMAN 29089 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -3.240945333 knock down down-regulator 3.37E-05 REG00015 CTH Cystathionine gamma-lyase HGNC:2501 ENSG00000116761 CGL_HUMAN 1491 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.285820164 knock down up-regulate 0.000812703 REG00015 FAM89A Family with sequence similarity 89 member A HGNC:25057 ENSG00000182118 FA89A_HUMAN 375061 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.114442105 knock down down-regulator 0.037766281 REG00015 FAM89A Family with sequence similarity 89 member A HGNC:25057 ENSG00000182118 FA89A_HUMAN 375061 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.107316534 knock out down-regulator 8.94E-05 REG00015 DMKN Dermokine HGNC:25063 ENSG00000161249 DMKN_HUMAN 93099 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.599061344 knock out down-regulator 0.004830159 REG00015 MTSS2 MTSS I-BAR domain containing 2 HGNC:25094 ENSG00000132613 MTSS2_HUMAN 92154 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.740206186 knock out down-regulator 0.041201712 REG00015 SP140L SP140 nuclear body protein like HGNC:25105 ENSG00000185404 SP14L_HUMAN 93349 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.756265026 knock down down-regulator 0.004850043 REG00015 CTNNAL1 Catenin alpha like 1 HGNC:2512 ENSG00000119326 CTNL1_HUMAN 8727 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.945760312 knock down up-regulate 0.025768512 REG00015 SHISA3 Shisa family member 3 HGNC:25159 ENSG00000178343 SHSA3_HUMAN 152573 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.321356973 knock out up-regulate 0.003890248 REG00015 ZNF837 Zinc finger protein 837 HGNC:25164 ENSG00000152475 ZN837_HUMAN 116412 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 CHADL Chondroadherin like HGNC:25165 ENSG00000100399 CHADL_HUMAN 150356 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 TM4SF19 Transmembrane 4 L six family member 19 HGNC:25167 ENSG00000145107 T4S19_HUMAN 116211 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.955132202 knock out down-regulator 0.043235054 REG00015 TLCD1 TLC domain containing 1 HGNC:25177 ENSG00000160606 TLCD1_HUMAN 116238 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.44789754 knock out down-regulator 0.002566725 REG00015 CTPS1 CTP synthase 1 HGNC:2519 ENSG00000171793 PYRG1_HUMAN 1503 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.139991346 knock out up-regulate 0.000490804 REG00015 TMEM45B Transmembrane protein 45B HGNC:25194 ENSG00000151715 TM45B_HUMAN 120224 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 3.962739088 knock out up-regulate 0.000244009 REG00015 PRUNE2 Prune homolog 2 with BCH domain HGNC:25209 ENSG00000106772 PRUN2_HUMAN 158471 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.10E+00 . . . REG00015 CYRIB CYFIP related Rac1 interactor B HGNC:25216 ENSG00000153310 CYRIB_HUMAN 51571 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.796769441 knock down up-regulate 0.000330743 REG00015 ERLEC1 Endoplasmic reticulum lectin 1 HGNC:25222 ENSG00000068912 ERLEC_HUMAN 27248 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.944614325 knock down up-regulate 0.013606789 REG00015 AHDC1 AT-hook DNA binding motif containing 1 HGNC:25230 ENSG00000126705 AHDC1_HUMAN 27245 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.78E+00 . . . REG00015 CRISPLD2 Cysteine rich secretory protein LCCL domain containing 2 HGNC:25248 ENSG00000103196 CRLD2_HUMAN 83716 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.658978583 knock out up-regulate 0.000292937 REG00015 ZRANB3 Zinc finger RANBP2-type containing 3 HGNC:25249 ENSG00000121988 ZRAB3_HUMAN 84083 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.094725855 knock down up-regulate 0.039646115 REG00015 GRAMD1C GRAM domain containing 1C HGNC:25252 ENSG00000178075 ASTRC_HUMAN 54762 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.965892992 knock out down-regulator 1.01E-09 REG00015 ANKRD44 Ankyrin repeat domain 44 HGNC:25259 ENSG00000065413 ANR44_HUMAN 91526 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.37E+00 . . . REG00015 APOLD1 Apolipoprotein L domain containing 1 HGNC:25268 ENSG00000178878 APLD1_HUMAN 81575 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.894541832 knock down down-regulator 1.19E-07 REG00015 APOLD1 Apolipoprotein L domain containing 1 HGNC:25268 ENSG00000178878 APLD1_HUMAN 81575 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.592019841 knock out down-regulator 0.00012566 REG00015 CTSB Cathepsin B HGNC:2527 ENSG00000164733 CATB_HUMAN 1508 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.041680928 knock out up-regulate 0.000187967 REG00015 NSRP1 Nuclear speckle splicing regulatory protein 1 HGNC:25305 ENSG00000126653 NSRP1_HUMAN 84081 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.968551749 knock out down-regulator 0.000190026 REG00015 CTSF Cathepsin F HGNC:2531 ENSG00000174080 CATF_HUMAN 8722 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.929058981 knock out up-regulate 0.000476185 REG00015 HIST2H3D H3 clustered histone 13 HGNC:25311 ENSG00000183598 H32_HUMAN 653604 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.11E+00 . . . REG00015 FAHD2B Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase domain containing 2B HGNC:25318 ENSG00000144199 FAH2B_HUMAN 151313 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.795692971 knock down down-regulator 0.003461695 REG00015 CTTNBP2NL CTTNBP2 N-terminal like HGNC:25330 ENSG00000143079 CT2NL_HUMAN 55917 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.19E+00 . . . REG00015 SLC30A10 Solute carrier family 30 member 10 HGNC:25355 ENSG00000196660 ZNT10_HUMAN 55532 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.604323054 knock out down-regulator 0.031940697 REG00015 INTS14 Integrator complex subunit 14 HGNC:25372 ENSG00000138614 INT14_HUMAN 81556 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.627793514 knock down up-regulate 0.00055156 REG00015 CYRIA CYFIP related Rac1 interactor A HGNC:25373 ENSG00000197872 CYRIA_HUMAN 81553 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.896616477 knock out up-regulate 0.00028849 REG00015 FHIP1B FHF complex subunit HOOK interacting protein 1B HGNC:25378 ENSG00000051009 FHI1B_HUMAN 84067 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.666190028 knock down up-regulate 0.02667392 REG00015 TMEM163 Transmembrane protein 163 HGNC:25380 ENSG00000152128 TM163_HUMAN 81615 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.057837109 knock out up-regulate 0.001609599 REG00015 CCDC149 Coiled-coil domain containing 149 HGNC:25405 ENSG00000181982 CC149_HUMAN 91050 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.650016316 knock down down-regulator 0.042828654 REG00015 KIAA1217 KIAA1217 HGNC:25428 ENSG00000120549 SKT_HUMAN 56243 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.70E+00 . . . REG00015 SGK223 PEAK1 related, kinase-activating pseudokinase 1 HGNC:25438 ENSG00000275342 PRAG1_HUMAN 157285 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.20E+00 . . . REG00015 STOX2 Storkhead box 2 HGNC:25450 ENSG00000173320 STOX2_HUMAN 56977 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.47E+00 . . . REG00015 MTURN Maturin, neural progenitor differentiation regulator homolog HGNC:25457 ENSG00000180354 MTURN_HUMAN 222166 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.840286345 knock down up-regulate 2.86E-09 REG00015 CTSW Cathepsin W HGNC:2546 ENSG00000172543 CATW_HUMAN 1521 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.239193771 knock out up-regulate 0.002198895 REG00015 PUS3 Pseudouridine synthase 3 HGNC:25461 ENSG00000110060 PUS3_HUMAN 83480 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.825356648 knock down down-regulator 0.010928418 REG00015 TMEM45A Transmembrane protein 45A HGNC:25480 ENSG00000181458 TM45A_HUMAN 55076 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.632380582 knock down down-regulator 0.01569333 REG00015 KIF26B Kinesin family member 26B HGNC:25484 ENSG00000162849 KI26B_HUMAN 55083 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.21E+00 . . . REG00015 CELF2 CUGBP Elav-like family member 2 HGNC:2550 ENSG00000048740 CELF2_HUMAN 10659 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.871716998 knock down up-regulate 0.002529483 REG00015 VAC14 VAC14 component of PIKFYVE complex HGNC:25507 ENSG00000103043 VAC14_HUMAN 55697 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 3.05997889 knock out up-regulate 0.01324746 REG00015 FAM90A1 Family with sequence similarity 90 member A1 HGNC:25526 ENSG00000171847 F90A1_HUMAN 55138 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 EVA1B Eva-1 homolog B HGNC:25558 ENSG00000142694 EVA1B_HUMAN 55194 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.592581315 knock down down-regulator 0.041420895 REG00015 C1orf112 Chromosome 1 open reading frame 112 HGNC:25565 ENSG00000000460 CA112_HUMAN 55732 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.029788189 knock down up-regulate 0.032343497 REG00015 FANCI FA complementation group I HGNC:25568 ENSG00000140525 FANCI_HUMAN 55215 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.817407812 knock down up-regulate 0.008040174 REG00015 CUX1 Cut like homeobox 1 HGNC:2557 ENSG00000257923 . 1523 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.05E+00 . . . REG00015 CCDC87 Coiled-coil domain containing 87 HGNC:25579 ENSG00000182791 CCD87_HUMAN 55231 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.63E+00 . . . REG00015 SLC47A1 Solute carrier family 47 member 1 HGNC:25588 ENSG00000142494 S47A1_HUMAN 55244 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.857615228 knock out down-regulator 0.004373989 REG00015 SEPTIN11 Septin 11 HGNC:25589 ENSG00000138758 SEP11_HUMAN 55752 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 TTC17 Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 17 HGNC:25596 ENSG00000052841 TTC17_HUMAN 55761 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.041776894 knock down down-regulator 0.0245981 REG00015 TMEM143 Transmembrane protein 143 HGNC:25603 ENSG00000161558 TM143_HUMAN 55260 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -3.939979477 knock down down-regulator 2.36E-07 REG00015 TMEM100 Transmembrane protein 100 HGNC:25607 ENSG00000166292 TM100_HUMAN 55273 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.997696139 knock down down-regulator 0.00121649 REG00015 C4orf19 Chromosome 4 open reading frame 19 HGNC:25618 ENSG00000154274 CD019_HUMAN 55286 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.864471105 knock out down-regulator 0.021047274 REG00015 BCORL1 BCL6 corepressor like 1 HGNC:25657 ENSG00000085185 BCORL_HUMAN 63035 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 ZC3H11B Zinc finger CCCH-type containing 11B HGNC:25659 ENSG00000215817 ZC11B_HUMAN 643136 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.958113405 knock out down-regulator 3.20E-05 REG00015 ZKSCAN2 Zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 2 HGNC:25677 ENSG00000155592 ZKSC2_HUMAN 342357 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.36E+00 . . . REG00015 ANKRD53 Ankyrin repeat domain 53 HGNC:25691 ENSG00000144031 ANR53_HUMAN 79998 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 EFCC1 EF-hand and coiled-coil domain containing 1 HGNC:25692 ENSG00000114654 EFCC1_HUMAN 79825 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.689679346 knock down up-regulate 1.16E-05 REG00015 CARS2 Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial HGNC:25695 ENSG00000134905 SYCM_HUMAN 79587 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.827117716 knock out up-regulate 0.007804529 REG00015 CHD9 Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 9 HGNC:25701 ENSG00000177200 CHD9_HUMAN 80205 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.43E+00 . . . REG00015 COA7 Cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 7 HGNC:25716 ENSG00000162377 COA7_HUMAN 65260 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.810369503 knock out down-regulator 0.022403063 REG00015 AEN Apoptosis enhancing nuclease HGNC:25722 ENSG00000181026 AEN_HUMAN 64782 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.232075261 knock out down-regulator 0.001777197 REG00015 MAP7D3 MAP7 domain containing 3 HGNC:25742 ENSG00000129680 MA7D3_HUMAN 79649 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.658399506 knock out down-regulator 0.018746122 REG00015 TANGO6 Transport and golgi organization 6 homolog HGNC:25749 ENSG00000103047 TNG6_HUMAN 79613 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.13E+00 . . . REG00015 KRI1 KRI1 homolog HGNC:25769 ENSG00000129347 KRI1_HUMAN 65095 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.760455978 knock out up-regulate 0.042463077 REG00015 USB1 U6 snRNA biogenesis phosphodiesterase 1 HGNC:25792 ENSG00000103005 USB1_HUMAN 79650 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.326374711 knock out down-regulator 0.019419616 REG00015 FAM161A FAM161 centrosomal protein A HGNC:25808 ENSG00000170264 F161A_HUMAN 84140 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.37056574 knock down down-regulator 0.048991071 REG00015 THSD4 Thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 4 HGNC:25835 ENSG00000187720 THSD4_HUMAN 79875 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 SYDE2 Synapse defective Rho GTPase homolog 2 HGNC:25841 ENSG00000097096 SYDE2_HUMAN 84144 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.16E+00 . . . REG00015 SYDE2 Synapse defective Rho GTPase homolog 2 HGNC:25841 ENSG00000097096 SYDE2_HUMAN 84144 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.840683087 knock out up-regulate 0.021346467 REG00015 ZNF750 Zinc finger protein 750 HGNC:25843 ENSG00000141579 ZN750_HUMAN 79755 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 CLIP2 CAP-Gly domain containing linker protein 2 HGNC:2586 ENSG00000106665 CLIP2_HUMAN 7461 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.53E+00 . . . REG00015 FAM110D Family with sequence similarity 110 member D HGNC:25860 ENSG00000197245 F110D_HUMAN 79927 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.375630981 knock down down-regulator 0.019110402 REG00015 ZNF665 Zinc finger protein 665 HGNC:25885 ENSG00000197497 ZN665_HUMAN 79788 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.212722872 knock out up-regulate 0.01292395 REG00015 ORAI1 ORAI calcium release-activated calcium modulator 1 HGNC:25896 ENSG00000276045 CRCM1_HUMAN 84876 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.841065354 knock out down-regulator 0.000933814 REG00015 MFSD2A Major facilitator superfamily domain containing 2A HGNC:25897 ENSG00000168389 NLS1_HUMAN 84879 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.181371013 knock out down-regulator 3.63E-05 REG00015 ADM Adrenomedullin HGNC:259 ENSG00000148926 ADML_HUMAN 133 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 5.922561789 knock down up-regulate 9.97E-06 REG00015 AFAP1L2 Actin filament associated protein 1 like 2 HGNC:25901 ENSG00000169129 AF1L2_HUMAN 84632 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.74E+00 . . . REG00015 FAM222A Family with sequence similarity 222 member A HGNC:25915 ENSG00000139438 F222A_HUMAN 84915 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.754088407 knock out down-regulator 0.0197448 REG00015 CYP19A1 Cytochrome P450 family 19 subfamily A member 1 HGNC:2594 ENSG00000137869 CP19A_HUMAN 1588 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.806956967 knock out up-regulate 0.005373782 REG00015 KLHL24 Kelch like family member 24 HGNC:25947 ENSG00000114796 KLH24_HUMAN 54800 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.654479815 knock out down-regulator 2.93E-15 REG00015 GPATCH4 G-patch domain containing 4 (gene/pseudogene) HGNC:25982 ENSG00000160818 GPTC4_HUMAN 54865 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.657546535 knock out down-regulator 0.004788946 REG00015 DCAF16 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 16 HGNC:25987 ENSG00000163257 DCA16_HUMAN 54876 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.753032713 knock down up-regulate 0.005411411 REG00015 NSUN2 NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase 2 HGNC:25994 ENSG00000037474 NSUN2_HUMAN 54888 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.024512217 knock out up-regulate 0.013901176 REG00015 INO80D INO80 complex subunit D HGNC:25997 ENSG00000114933 IN80D_HUMAN 54891 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 CASZ1 Castor zinc finger 1 HGNC:26002 ENSG00000130940 CASZ1_HUMAN 54897 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.73E+00 . . . REG00015 CASZ1 Castor zinc finger 1 HGNC:26002 ENSG00000130940 CASZ1_HUMAN 54897 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.959848286 knock out up-regulate 0.000323165 REG00015 LYAR Ly1 antibody reactive HGNC:26021 ENSG00000145220 LYAR_HUMAN 55646 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.80683344 knock out up-regulate 8.91E-05 REG00015 CYP26A1 Cytochrome P450 family 26 subfamily A member 1 HGNC:2603 ENSG00000095596 CP26A_HUMAN 1592 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.756316902 knock down up-regulate 0.001237356 REG00015 THG1L TRNA-histidine guanylyltransferase 1 like HGNC:26053 ENSG00000113272 THG1_HUMAN 54974 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.700365448 knock down down-regulator 0.012571885 REG00015 HERC6 HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 6 HGNC:26072 ENSG00000138642 HERC6_HUMAN 55008 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.68E+00 . . . REG00015 FAM174C Family with sequence similarity 174 member C HGNC:26073 ENSG00000228300 F174C_HUMAN 55009 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.585791953 knock down down-regulator 0.016531534 REG00015 PID1 Phosphotyrosine interaction domain containing 1 HGNC:26084 ENSG00000153823 PCLI1_HUMAN 55022 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.915495032 knock out down-regulator 0.001690708 REG00015 SETD6 SET domain containing 6, protein lysine methyltransferase HGNC:26116 ENSG00000103037 SETD6_HUMAN 79918 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.820224733 knock out down-regulator 0.00186713 REG00015 FHOD3 Formin homology 2 domain containing 3 HGNC:26178 ENSG00000134775 FHOD3_HUMAN 80206 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.181049314 knock out up-regulate 5.53E-11 REG00015 MTARC1 Mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component 1 HGNC:26189 ENSG00000186205 MARC1_HUMAN 64757 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.003597751 knock out down-regulator 9.64E-07 REG00015 IQCA1 IQ motif containing with AAA domain 1 HGNC:26195 ENSG00000132321 DRC11_HUMAN 79781 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.49E+00 . . . REG00015 CYP2C18 Cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily C member 18 HGNC:2620 ENSG00000108242 CP2CI_HUMAN 1562 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.09E+00 . . . REG00015 FUZ Fuzzy planar cell polarity protein HGNC:26219 ENSG00000010361 FUZZY_HUMAN 80199 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 5.069188432 knock down up-regulate 0.017530282 REG00015 FAM124B Family with sequence similarity 124 member B HGNC:26224 ENSG00000124019 F124B_HUMAN 79843 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -4.781967455 knock down down-regulator 0.024064995 REG00015 NABP1 Nucleic acid binding protein 1 HGNC:26232 ENSG00000173559 SOSB2_HUMAN 64859 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.61548694 knock out up-regulate 7.43E-05 REG00015 MYO19 Myosin XIX HGNC:26234 ENSG00000278259 MYO19_HUMAN 80179 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.290820187 knock down down-regulator 0.021633553 REG00015 TMEM156 Transmembrane protein 156 HGNC:26260 ENSG00000121895 TM156_HUMAN 80008 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.654153274 knock out down-regulator 0.000578676 REG00015 POMK Protein O-mannose kinase HGNC:26267 ENSG00000185900 SG196_HUMAN 84197 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.09E+00 . . . REG00015 POMK Protein O-mannose kinase HGNC:26267 ENSG00000185900 SG196_HUMAN 84197 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.698060964 knock down down-regulator 0.004285252 REG00015 ARSJ Arylsulfatase family member J HGNC:26286 ENSG00000180801 ARSJ_HUMAN 79642 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 ADORA2A Adenosine A2a receptor HGNC:263 ENSG00000128271 AA2AR_HUMAN 135 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.55E+00 . . . REG00015 RSKR Ribosomal protein S6 kinase related HGNC:26314 ENSG00000167524 KS6R_HUMAN 124923 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.73972332 knock down down-regulator 0.006641408 REG00015 SPOCD1 SPOC domain containing 1 HGNC:26338 ENSG00000134668 SPOC1_HUMAN 90853 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.588048687 knock down down-regulator 0.037235408 REG00015 POU5F2 POU domain class 5, transcription factor 2 HGNC:26367 ENSG00000248483 PO5F2_HUMAN 134187 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.72E+00 . . . REG00015 DAW1 Dynein assembly factor with WD repeats 1 HGNC:26383 ENSG00000123977 DAW1_HUMAN 164781 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.020503323 knock out down-regulator 0.018362956 REG00015 AIFM3 Apoptosis inducing factor mitochondria associated 3 HGNC:26398 ENSG00000183773 AIFM3_HUMAN 150209 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF778 Zinc finger protein 778 HGNC:26479 ENSG00000170100 ZN778_HUMAN 197320 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.628303853 knock out down-regulator 0.00795657 REG00015 TMEM154 Transmembrane protein 154 HGNC:26489 ENSG00000170006 TM154_HUMAN 201799 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -3.82155341 knock out down-regulator 0.000537022 REG00015 DNHD1 Dynein heavy chain domain 1 HGNC:26532 ENSG00000179532 DNHD1_HUMAN 144132 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.705062976 knock down down-regulator 0.006402673 REG00015 CCN1 Cellular communication network factor 1 HGNC:2654 ENSG00000142871 CCN1_HUMAN 3491 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.615278585 knock out down-regulator 0.026840435 REG00015 LRRC71 Leucine rich repeat containing 71 HGNC:26556 ENSG00000160838 LRC71_HUMAN 149499 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.70E+00 . . . REG00015 RTP5 Receptor transporter protein 5 (putative) HGNC:26585 ENSG00000188011 RTP5_HUMAN 285093 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.58E+00 . . . REG00015 MLKL Mixed lineage kinase domain like pseudokinase HGNC:26617 ENSG00000168404 MLKL_HUMAN 197259 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.90224495 knock down up-regulate 0.044977091 REG00015 MLKL Mixed lineage kinase domain like pseudokinase HGNC:26617 ENSG00000168404 MLKL_HUMAN 197259 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.90224495 knock out up-regulate 0.044977091 REG00015 ZBTB38 Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 38 HGNC:26636 ENSG00000177311 ZBT38_HUMAN 253461 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.78E+00 . . . REG00015 MIER3 MIER family member 3 HGNC:26678 ENSG00000155545 MIER3_HUMAN 166968 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.02E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF660 Zinc finger protein 660 HGNC:26720 ENSG00000144792 ZN660_HUMAN 285349 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.098538348 knock down up-regulate 0.046800269 REG00015 ANKS6 Ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 6 HGNC:26724 ENSG00000165138 ANKS6_HUMAN 203286 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.302659449 knock down down-regulator 0.013527848 REG00015 ZNF781 Zinc finger protein 781 HGNC:26745 ENSG00000196381 ZN781_HUMAN 163115 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 3.636840387 knock down up-regulate 0.014359227 REG00015 DAPK2 Death associated protein kinase 2 HGNC:2675 ENSG00000035664 DAPK2_HUMAN 23604 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.677843283 knock out down-regulator 0.004444107 REG00015 CCDC88B Coiled-coil domain containing 88B HGNC:26757 ENSG00000168071 CC88B_HUMAN 283234 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.283951858 knock out down-regulator 0.001082289 REG00015 DAPK3 Death associated protein kinase 3 HGNC:2676 ENSG00000167657 DAPK3_HUMAN 1613 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.655103675 knock down down-regulator 0.002943282 REG00015 CFAP161 Cilia and flagella associated protein 161 HGNC:26782 ENSG00000156206 CF161_HUMAN 161502 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.64894768 knock down down-regulator 0.001296901 REG00015 ZFP41 ZFP41 zinc finger protein HGNC:26786 ENSG00000181638 ZFP41_HUMAN 286128 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.74E+00 . . . REG00015 KLHDC7A Kelch domain containing 7A HGNC:26791 ENSG00000179023 KLD7A_HUMAN 127707 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 CNIH3 Cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 3 HGNC:26802 ENSG00000143786 CNIH3_HUMAN 149111 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.252297156 knock down up-regulate 0.000347288 REG00015 FAM43A Family with sequence similarity 43 member A HGNC:26888 ENSG00000185112 FA43A_HUMAN 131583 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.641396142 knock out down-regulator 0.007705158 REG00015 APCDD1L APC down-regulated 1 like HGNC:26892 ENSG00000198768 APCDL_HUMAN 164284 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.07E+00 . . . REG00015 APCDD1L APC down-regulated 1 like HGNC:26892 ENSG00000198768 APCDL_HUMAN 164284 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.663957198 knock down down-regulator 0.001489724 REG00015 CCDC96 Coiled-coil domain containing 96 HGNC:26900 ENSG00000173013 CCD96_HUMAN 257236 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.61E+00 . . . REG00015 RELL2 RELT like 2 HGNC:26902 ENSG00000164620 RELL2_HUMAN 285613 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.592561198 knock down down-regulator 0.000541215 REG00015 RELL2 RELT like 2 HGNC:26902 ENSG00000164620 RELL2_HUMAN 285613 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.690148797 knock out down-regulator 1.24E-05 REG00015 ERCC6L2 ERCC excision repair 6 like 2 HGNC:26922 ENSG00000182150 ER6L2_HUMAN 375748 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.07E+00 . . . REG00015 CTDSPL2 CTD small phosphatase like 2 HGNC:26936 ENSG00000137770 CTSL2_HUMAN 51496 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.39E+00 . . . REG00015 CXXC5 CXXC finger protein 5 HGNC:26943 ENSG00000171604 CXXC5_HUMAN 51523 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.385202818 knock out down-regulator 0.004732481 REG00015 PDZD8 PDZ domain containing 8 HGNC:26974 ENSG00000165650 PDZD8_HUMAN 118987 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.01E+00 . . . REG00015 CPXM2 Carboxypeptidase X, M14 family member 2 HGNC:26977 ENSG00000121898 CPXM2_HUMAN 119587 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 SPNS2 Sphingolipid transporter 2 HGNC:26992 ENSG00000183018 SPNS2_HUMAN 124976 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.81E+00 . . . REG00015 SPNS2 Sphingolipid transporter 2 HGNC:26992 ENSG00000183018 SPNS2_HUMAN 124976 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.71077869 knock out down-regulator 0.010534038 REG00015 INO80C INO80 complex subunit C HGNC:26994 ENSG00000153391 IN80C_HUMAN 125476 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.774420836 knock out down-regulator 0.000890054 REG00015 MISP Mitotic spindle positioning HGNC:27000 ENSG00000099812 MISP_HUMAN 126353 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.618179634 knock out down-regulator 0.02473836 REG00015 LYPD6B LY6/PLAUR domain containing 6B HGNC:27018 ENSG00000150556 LPD6B_HUMAN 130576 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.856068189 knock out down-regulator 0.00510887 REG00015 PTRH1 Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase 1 homolog HGNC:27039 ENSG00000187024 PTH_HUMAN 138428 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.881565144 knock down down-regulator 0.000107829 REG00015 PLEKHA7 Pleckstrin homology domain containing A7 HGNC:27049 ENSG00000166689 PKHA7_HUMAN 144100 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.638690577 knock out down-regulator 0.00015507 REG00015 KRT80 Keratin 80 HGNC:27056 ENSG00000167767 K2C80_HUMAN 144501 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.64215954 knock out down-regulator 0.000982458 REG00015 SPACA6 Sperm acrosome associated 6 HGNC:27113 ENSG00000182310 SACA6_HUMAN 147650 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.938696738 knock out down-regulator 0.002671225 REG00015 DDAH1 Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 HGNC:2715 ENSG00000153904 DDAH1_HUMAN 23576 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.94464537 knock down down-regulator 1.13E-06 REG00015 ZNF827 Zinc finger protein 827 HGNC:27193 ENSG00000151612 ZN827_HUMAN 152485 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.64E+00 . . . REG00015 ESCO2 Establishment of sister chromatid cohesion N-acetyltransferase 2 HGNC:27230 ENSG00000171320 ESCO2_HUMAN 157570 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.829563693 knock down down-regulator 0.001718321 REG00015 DHFR2 Dihydrofolate reductase 2 HGNC:27309 ENSG00000178700 DYR2_HUMAN 200895 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.853183609 knock down up-regulate 0.000226662 REG00015 SMIM14 Small integral membrane protein 14 HGNC:27321 ENSG00000163683 SIM14_HUMAN 201895 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.849313009 knock out up-regulate 0.010397508 REG00015 ARHGAP30 Rho GTPase activating protein 30 HGNC:27414 ENSG00000186517 RHG30_HUMAN 257106 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.46E+00 . . . REG00015 GXYLT1 Glucoside xylosyltransferase 1 HGNC:27482 ENSG00000151233 GXLT1_HUMAN 283464 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.081570936 knock out up-regulate 4.20E-08 REG00015 DECR2 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase 2 HGNC:2754 ENSG00000242612 DECR2_HUMAN 26063 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.606400839 knock down up-regulate 0.00279841 REG00015 EXOC3L1 Exocyst complex component 3 like 1 HGNC:27540 ENSG00000179044 EX3L1_HUMAN 283849 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.70E+00 . . . REG00015 SIGLEC15 Sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 15 HGNC:27596 ENSG00000197046 SIG15_HUMAN 284266 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.08E+00 . . . REG00015 NWD1 NACHT and WD repeat domain containing 1 HGNC:27619 ENSG00000188039 NWD1_HUMAN 284434 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 DENR Density regulated re-initiation and release factor HGNC:2769 ENSG00000139726 DENR_HUMAN 8562 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.082205571 knock down up-regulate 1.53E-08 REG00015 IAH1 Isoamyl acetate hydrolyzing esterase 1 (putative) HGNC:27696 ENSG00000134330 IAH1_HUMAN 285148 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.778029101 knock down up-regulate 6.30E-05 REG00015 RP11-766F14.2 Chromosome 4 open reading frame 54 HGNC:27741 ENSG00000248713 CD054_HUMAN 285556 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.58E+00 . . . REG00015 TRIQK Triple QxxK/R motif containing HGNC:27828 ENSG00000205133 TRIQK_HUMAN 286144 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.416817081 knock out down-regulator 1.58E-05 REG00015 C17orf67 Chromosome 17 open reading frame 67 HGNC:27900 ENSG00000214226 CQ067_HUMAN 339210 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.711612383 knock out up-regulate 0.000950809 REG00015 MSL1 MSL complex subunit 1 HGNC:27905 ENSG00000188895 MSL1_HUMAN 339287 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.604833255 knock down down-regulator 0.045784003 REG00015 ADRA1D Adrenoceptor alpha 1D HGNC:280 ENSG00000171873 ADA1D_HUMAN 146 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.17681576 knock down down-regulator 7.50E-42 REG00015 KRCC1 Lysine rich coiled-coil 1 HGNC:28039 ENSG00000172086 KRCC1_HUMAN 51315 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.52229973 knock down up-regulate 0.000145041 REG00015 INKA2 Inka box actin regulator 2 HGNC:28045 ENSG00000197852 INKA2_HUMAN 55924 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.288009624 knock out up-regulate 0.001526006 REG00015 ZNF628 Zinc finger protein 628 HGNC:28054 ENSG00000197483 ZN628_HUMAN 89887 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.81E+00 . . . REG00015 TMEM97 Transmembrane protein 97 HGNC:28106 ENSG00000109084 SGMR2_HUMAN 27346 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.915316294 knock out down-regulator 0.003354428 REG00015 PPCDC Phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase HGNC:28107 ENSG00000138621 COAC_HUMAN 60490 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.962790818 knock down down-regulator 0.000211214 REG00015 SKA1 Spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 1 HGNC:28109 ENSG00000154839 SKA1_HUMAN 220134 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.652089247 knock down down-regulator 0.012103032 REG00015 PRRC2B Proline rich coiled-coil 2B HGNC:28121 ENSG00000288701 PRC2B_HUMAN 84726 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.28E+00 . . . REG00015 TCHP Trichoplein keratin filament binding HGNC:28135 ENSG00000139437 TCHP_HUMAN 84260 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.77999309 knock out up-regulate 0.000184452 REG00015 HPDL 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase like HGNC:28242 ENSG00000186603 HPDL_HUMAN 84842 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.060928636 knock down up-regulate 0.000323006 REG00015 FAM86B1 Family with sequence similarity 86 member B1 HGNC:28268 ENSG00000186523 F86B1_HUMAN 85002 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.903562375 knock down down-regulator 0.02780885 REG00015 TENT5B Terminal nucleotidyltransferase 5B HGNC:28273 ENSG00000158246 TET5B_HUMAN 115572 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.759509238 knock out up-regulate 0.00519581 REG00015 MFSD12 Major facilitator superfamily domain containing 12 HGNC:28299 ENSG00000161091 MFS12_HUMAN 126321 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.137753905 knock down down-regulator 6.08E-06 REG00015 TET3 Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 3 HGNC:28313 ENSG00000187605 TET3_HUMAN 200424 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.68E+00 . . . REG00015 ANKRD22 Ankyrin repeat domain 22 HGNC:28321 ENSG00000152766 ANR22_HUMAN 118932 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.085872534 knock out down-regulator 0.02693853 REG00015 TBC1D16 TBC1 domain family member 16 HGNC:28356 ENSG00000167291 TBC16_HUMAN 125058 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.08E+00 . . . REG00015 AUNIP Aurora kinase A and ninein interacting protein HGNC:28363 ENSG00000127423 AUNIP_HUMAN 79000 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.98702266 knock out up-regulate 1.44E-10 REG00015 FAM81A Family with sequence similarity 81 member A HGNC:28379 ENSG00000157470 FA81A_HUMAN 145773 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.951693819 knock out down-regulator 0.036599399 REG00015 SGMS2 Sphingomyelin synthase 2 HGNC:28395 ENSG00000164023 SMS2_HUMAN 166929 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.24E+00 . . . REG00015 TMEM67 Transmembrane protein 67 HGNC:28396 ENSG00000164953 MKS3_HUMAN 91147 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.919493029 knock down down-regulator 4.92E-06 REG00015 TRMT10A TRNA methyltransferase 10A HGNC:28403 ENSG00000145331 TM10A_HUMAN 93587 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.847405921 knock down down-regulator 0.003581954 REG00015 TMEM42 Transmembrane protein 42 HGNC:28444 ENSG00000169964 TMM42_HUMAN 131616 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.976742075 knock down down-regulator 0.00163719 REG00015 MRI1 Methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase 1 HGNC:28469 ENSG00000037757 MTNA_HUMAN 84245 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.629560358 knock down down-regulator 0.000721707 REG00015 POGLUT3 Protein O-glucosyltransferase 3 HGNC:28496 ENSG00000178202 PLGT3_HUMAN 143888 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.734327369 knock down down-regulator 0.010968298 REG00015 GLIS3 GLIS family zinc finger 3 HGNC:28510 ENSG00000107249 GLIS3_HUMAN 169792 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.836376859 knock down up-regulate 2.00E-14 REG00015 DGKE Diacylglycerol kinase epsilon HGNC:2852 ENSG00000153933 DGKE_HUMAN 8526 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.769291386 knock out up-regulate 0.011715468 REG00015 SLC44A5 Solute carrier family 44 member 5 HGNC:28524 ENSG00000137968 CTL5_HUMAN 204962 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.12993546 knock out down-regulator 0.000886454 REG00015 FAM76A Family with sequence similarity 76 member A HGNC:28530 ENSG00000009780 FA76A_HUMAN 199870 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.026837175 knock down up-regulate 0.035238039 REG00015 DGKH Diacylglycerol kinase eta HGNC:2854 ENSG00000102780 DGKH_HUMAN 160851 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.01E+00 . . . REG00015 DGKH Diacylglycerol kinase eta HGNC:2854 ENSG00000102780 DGKH_HUMAN 160851 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.04620949 knock out down-regulator 0.023563907 REG00015 DHCR24 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase HGNC:2859 ENSG00000116133 DHC24_HUMAN 1718 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.560895496 knock out up-regulate 0.001317916 REG00015 DHCR7 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase HGNC:2860 ENSG00000172893 DHCR7_HUMAN 1717 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.284340017 knock out up-regulate 0.00236402 REG00015 CMSS1 Cms1 ribosomal small subunit homolog HGNC:28666 ENSG00000184220 CMS1_HUMAN 84319 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.434049802 knock down down-regulator 0.038368508 REG00015 MARVELD1 MARVEL domain containing 1 HGNC:28674 ENSG00000155254 MALD1_HUMAN 83742 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.618235615 knock down down-regulator 0.009685867 REG00015 CABCOCO1 Ciliary associated calcium binding coiled-coil 1 HGNC:28678 ENSG00000183346 CBCO1_HUMAN 219621 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.027352452 knock down down-regulator 0.043048719 REG00015 C16orf89 Chromosome 16 open reading frame 89 HGNC:28687 ENSG00000153446 CP089_HUMAN 146556 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.70E+00 . . . REG00015 PTGR3 Prostaglandin reductase 3 HGNC:28697 ENSG00000180011 PTGR3_HUMAN 284273 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.842520267 knock down down-regulator 0.004043959 REG00015 LIX1L Limb and CNS expressed 1 like HGNC:28715 ENSG00000271601 LIX1L_HUMAN 128077 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.148614107 knock down up-regulate 0.002634876 REG00015 MARCHF3 Membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 3 HGNC:28728 ENSG00000173926 MARH3_HUMAN 115123 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.798172925 knock out down-regulator 0.034359082 REG00015 CCDC190 Coiled-coil domain containing 190 HGNC:28736 ENSG00000185860 CC190_HUMAN 339512 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.976964659 knock down down-regulator 0.018357309 REG00015 PRR14L Proline rich 14 like HGNC:28738 ENSG00000183530 PR14L_HUMAN 253143 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.29E+00 . . . REG00015 OAF Out at first homolog HGNC:28752 ENSG00000184232 OAF_HUMAN 220323 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.79934405 knock out down-regulator 0.00390433 REG00015 FNDC11 Fibronectin type III domain containing 11 HGNC:28764 ENSG00000125531 FND11_HUMAN 79025 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.727921693 knock down up-regulate 3.73E-05 REG00015 DIAPH2 Diaphanous related formin 2 HGNC:2877 ENSG00000147202 DIAP2_HUMAN 1730 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.47E+00 . . . REG00015 PBDC1 Polysaccharide biosynthesis domain containing 1 HGNC:28790 ENSG00000102390 PBDC1_HUMAN 51260 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.786795945 knock out up-regulate 0.000513841 REG00015 TMEM184A Transmembrane protein 184A HGNC:28797 ENSG00000164855 T184A_HUMAN 202915 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.690475321 knock out up-regulate 0.000701121 REG00015 GDPD5 Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 5 HGNC:28804 ENSG00000158555 GDPD5_HUMAN 81544 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.380350603 knock out up-regulate 0.000766095 REG00015 LRRC59 Leucine rich repeat containing 59 HGNC:28817 ENSG00000108829 LRC59_HUMAN 55379 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.784154619 knock down up-regulate 0.003752905 REG00015 SH2D5 SH2 domain containing 5 HGNC:28819 ENSG00000189410 SH2D5_HUMAN 400745 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.603533947 knock out down-regulator 0.015060486 REG00015 DIO1 Iodothyronine deiodinase 1 HGNC:2883 ENSG00000211452 IOD1_HUMAN 1733 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.10E+00 . . . REG00015 DIO2 Iodothyronine deiodinase 2 HGNC:2884 ENSG00000211448 IOD2_HUMAN 1734 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.202503118 knock out up-regulate 0.000119949 REG00015 ZNF630 Zinc finger protein 630 HGNC:28855 ENSG00000221994 ZN630_HUMAN 57232 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.635311193 knock down down-regulator 0.016386413 REG00015 HILPDA Hypoxia inducible lipid droplet associated HGNC:28859 ENSG00000135245 HLPDA_HUMAN 29923 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.354659525 knock down down-regulator 0.006057378 REG00015 INADL PATJ crumbs cell polarity complex component HGNC:28881 ENSG00000132849 INADL_HUMAN 10207 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.30E+00 . . . REG00015 DKC1 Dyskerin pseudouridine synthase 1 HGNC:2890 ENSG00000130826 DKC1_HUMAN 1736 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.430692375 knock out up-regulate 3.43E-05 REG00015 AIF1L Allograft inflammatory factor 1 like HGNC:28904 ENSG00000126878 AIF1L_HUMAN 83543 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.79264317 knock out up-regulate 0.001336363 REG00015 DNAJC12 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C12 HGNC:28908 ENSG00000108176 DJC12_HUMAN 56521 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.602460684 knock down down-regulator 0.006618781 REG00015 DKK1 Dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 1 HGNC:2891 ENSG00000107984 DKK1_HUMAN 22943 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.633415289 knock down up-regulate 0.013432121 REG00015 DKK1 Dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 1 HGNC:2891 ENSG00000107984 DKK1_HUMAN 22943 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.220585943 knock out up-regulate 0.026751778 REG00015 KIAA0100 KIAA0100 HGNC:28960 ENSG00000007202 K0100_HUMAN 9703 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 GINS1 GINS complex subunit 1 HGNC:28980 ENSG00000101003 PSF1_HUMAN 9837 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.899737921 knock down down-regulator 0.000902739 REG00015 ABCA1 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 1 HGNC:29 ENSG00000165029 ABCA1_HUMAN 19 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 GRK3 G protein-coupled receptor kinase 3 HGNC:290 ENSG00000100077 ARBK2_HUMAN 157 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.628696812 knock out up-regulate 8.90E-05 REG00015 FCHO1 FCH and mu domain containing endocytic adaptor 1 HGNC:29002 ENSG00000130475 FCHO1_HUMAN 23149 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.853821964 knock down up-regulate 0.004140768 REG00015 ZNF646 Zinc finger protein 646 HGNC:29004 ENSG00000167395 ZN646_HUMAN 9726 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.16E+00 . . . REG00015 TRIM66 Tripartite motif containing 66 HGNC:29005 ENSG00000166436 TRI66_HUMAN 9866 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.5508372 knock down down-regulator 0.021790532 REG00015 ZNF629 Zinc finger protein 629 HGNC:29008 ENSG00000102870 ZN629_HUMAN 23361 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.78E+00 . . . REG00015 TRANK1 Tetratricopeptide repeat and ankyrin repeat containing 1 HGNC:29011 ENSG00000168016 TRNK1_HUMAN 9881 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.77E+00 . . . REG00015 PLEKHM1 Pleckstrin homology and RUN domain containing M1 HGNC:29017 ENSG00000225190 PKHM1_HUMAN 9842 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.23E+00 . . . REG00015 SPECC1L Sperm antigen with calponin homology and coiled-coil domains 1 like HGNC:29022 ENSG00000100014 CYTSA_HUMAN 23384 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.47E+00 . . . REG00015 OTUD3 OTU deubiquitinase 3 HGNC:29038 ENSG00000169914 OTUD3_HUMAN 23252 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.635510836 knock out down-regulator 8.72E-05 REG00015 RPRD2 Regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 2 HGNC:29039 ENSG00000163125 RPRD2_HUMAN 23248 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.02E+00 . . . REG00015 KIAA0513 KIAA0513 HGNC:29058 ENSG00000135709 K0513_HUMAN 9764 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.05E+00 . . . REG00015 SUSD5 Sushi domain containing 5 HGNC:29061 ENSG00000173705 SUSD5_HUMAN 26032 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.970136989 knock down up-regulate 0.046175471 REG00015 ATRNL1 Attractin like 1 HGNC:29063 ENSG00000107518 ATRN1_HUMAN 26033 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 CCDC144A Coiled-coil domain containing 144A HGNC:29072 ENSG00000170160 C144A_HUMAN 9720 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.30E+00 . . . REG00015 MFAP3L Microfibril associated protein 3 like HGNC:29083 ENSG00000198948 MFA3L_HUMAN 9848 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.476183664 knock out down-regulator 0.00416941 REG00015 ATP2C2 ATPase secretory pathway Ca2+ transporting 2 HGNC:29103 ENSG00000064270 AT2C2_HUMAN 9914 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -5.095447875 knock out down-regulator 4.07E-06 REG00015 SEL1L3 SEL1L family member 3 HGNC:29108 ENSG00000091490 SE1L3_HUMAN 23231 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.718990819 knock out up-regulate 0.000759937 REG00015 IQSEC1 IQ motif and Sec7 domain ArfGEF 1 HGNC:29112 ENSG00000144711 IQEC1_HUMAN 9922 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.18E+00 . . . REG00015 MTCL1 Microtubule crosslinking factor 1 HGNC:29121 ENSG00000168502 MTCL1_HUMAN 23255 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 MTCL1 Microtubule crosslinking factor 1 HGNC:29121 ENSG00000168502 MTCL1_HUMAN 23255 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.692351098 knock down up-regulate 0.004826129 REG00015 ANKRD12 Ankyrin repeat domain 12 HGNC:29135 ENSG00000101745 ANR12_HUMAN 23253 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.53E+00 . . . REG00015 KDM4B Lysine demethylase 4B HGNC:29136 ENSG00000127663 KDM4B_HUMAN 23030 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.52E+00 . . . REG00015 FAM169A Family with sequence similarity 169 member A HGNC:29138 ENSG00000198780 F169A_HUMAN 26049 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.53842312 knock out down-regulator 0.01418154 REG00015 TBC1D30 TBC1 domain family member 30 HGNC:29164 ENSG00000111490 TBC30_HUMAN 23329 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.434606839 knock out down-regulator 0.01380436 REG00015 TTC28 Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 28 HGNC:29179 ENSG00000100154 TTC28_HUMAN 23331 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.52E+00 . . . REG00015 TNRC6B Trinucleotide repeat containing adaptor 6B HGNC:29190 ENSG00000100354 TNR6B_HUMAN 23112 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.81E+00 . . . REG00015 LIMCH1 LIM and calponin homology domains 1 HGNC:29191 ENSG00000064042 LIMC1_HUMAN 22998 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.47E+00 . . . REG00015 SLC45A4 Solute carrier family 45 member 4 HGNC:29196 ENSG00000022567 S45A4_HUMAN 57210 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.44E+00 . . . REG00015 TMCC3 Transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 3 HGNC:29199 ENSG00000057704 TMCC3_HUMAN 57458 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.63E+00 . . . REG00015 GRAMD1B GRAM domain containing 1B HGNC:29214 ENSG00000023171 ASTRB_HUMAN 57476 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.01E+00 . . . REG00015 PRR12 Proline rich 12 HGNC:29217 ENSG00000126464 PRR12_HUMAN 57479 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.07E+00 . . . REG00015 KIAA1211 Capping protein inhibiting regulator of actin dynamics HGNC:29219 ENSG00000109265 CRACD_HUMAN 57482 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.31E+00 . . . REG00015 HEG1 Heart development protein with EGF like domains 1 HGNC:29227 ENSG00000173706 HEG1_HUMAN 57493 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.14E+00 . . . REG00015 SH3PXD2B SH3 and PX domains 2B HGNC:29242 ENSG00000174705 SPD2B_HUMAN 285590 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.13E+00 . . . REG00015 KCTD16 Potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 16 HGNC:29244 ENSG00000183775 KCD16_HUMAN 57528 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.30E+00 . . . REG00015 RGAG1 Retrotransposon Gag like 9 HGNC:29245 ENSG00000243978 RTL9_HUMAN 57529 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 SOBP Sine oculis binding protein homolog HGNC:29256 ENSG00000112320 SOBP_HUMAN 55084 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.06E+00 . . . REG00015 TAOK1 TAO kinase 1 HGNC:29259 ENSG00000160551 TAOK1_HUMAN 57551 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.50E+00 . . . REG00015 DMBT1 Deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 HGNC:2926 ENSG00000187908 DMBT1_HUMAN 1755 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.653402484 knock out down-regulator 0.003854943 REG00015 ARRDC3 Arrestin domain containing 3 HGNC:29263 ENSG00000113369 ARRD3_HUMAN 57561 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.235828466 knock out up-regulate 0.016048831 REG00015 ZNFX1 Zinc finger NFX1-type containing 1 HGNC:29271 ENSG00000124201 ZNFX1_HUMAN 57169 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.33E+00 . . . REG00015 KIAA1462 Junctional cadherin 5 associated HGNC:29283 ENSG00000165757 JCAD_HUMAN 57608 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.57E+00 . . . REG00015 ISLR2 Immunoglobulin superfamily containing leucine rich repeat 2 HGNC:29286 ENSG00000167178 ISLR2_HUMAN 57611 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 NYAP2 Neuronal tyrosine-phosphorylated phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor 2 HGNC:29291 ENSG00000144460 NYAP2_HUMAN 57624 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.70E+00 . . . REG00015 WDFY4 WDFY family member 4 HGNC:29323 ENSG00000128815 WDFY4_HUMAN 57705 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.084098915 knock down down-regulator 1.12E-05 REG00015 ANO8 Anoctamin 8 HGNC:29329 ENSG00000074855 ANO8_HUMAN 57719 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.05970458 knock down down-regulator 0.001139041 REG00015 EPG5 Ectopic P-granules 5 autophagy tethering factor HGNC:29331 ENSG00000152223 EPG5_HUMAN 57724 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.02E+00 . . . REG00015 NCMAP Non-compact myelin associated protein HGNC:29332 ENSG00000184454 NCMAP_HUMAN 400746 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.774337099 knock out down-regulator 0.033441449 REG00015 RIMBP3 RIMS binding protein 3 HGNC:29344 ENSG00000275793 RIM3A_HUMAN 85376 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.79E+00 . . . REG00015 KIAA1671 KIAA1671 HGNC:29345 ENSG00000197077 K1671_HUMAN 85379 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.04E+00 . . . REG00015 CCSER1 Coiled-coil serine rich protein 1 HGNC:29349 ENSG00000184305 CCSE1_HUMAN 401145 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.53E+00 . . . REG00015 KIAA1683 IQ motif containing N HGNC:29350 ENSG00000130518 IQCN_HUMAN 80726 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 ZC3H12C Zinc finger CCCH-type containing 12C HGNC:29362 ENSG00000149289 ZC12C_HUMAN 85463 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.70E+00 . . . REG00015 CFAP74 Cilia and flagella associated protein 74 HGNC:29368 ENSG00000142609 CFA74_HUMAN 85452 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.51E+00 . . . REG00015 ITPRIPL1 ITPRIP like 1 HGNC:29371 ENSG00000198885 IPIL1_HUMAN 150771 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 KIAA1755 KIAA1755 HGNC:29372 ENSG00000149633 K1755_HUMAN 85449 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.985744611 knock out up-regulate 2.00E-10 REG00015 DNAH1 Dynein axonemal heavy chain 1 HGNC:2940 ENSG00000114841 DYH1_HUMAN 25981 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.48E+00 . . . REG00015 DNAH10 Dynein axonemal heavy chain 10 HGNC:2941 ENSG00000197653 DYH10_HUMAN 196385 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.07E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF526 Zinc finger protein 526 HGNC:29415 ENSG00000167625 ZN526_HUMAN 116115 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.07E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF618 Zinc finger protein 618 HGNC:29416 ENSG00000157657 ZN618_HUMAN 114991 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.75E+00 . . . REG00015 CCBE1 Collagen and calcium binding EGF domains 1 HGNC:29426 ENSG00000183287 CCBE1_HUMAN 147372 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.114168429 knock down down-regulator 0.043976267 REG00015 PEAK1 Pseudopodium enriched atypical kinase 1 HGNC:29431 ENSG00000173517 PEAK1_HUMAN 79834 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.76E+00 . . . REG00015 WWC1 WW and C2 domain containing 1 HGNC:29435 ENSG00000113645 KIBRA_HUMAN 23286 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.022871934 knock out up-regulate 3.35E-11 REG00015 KIF21B Kinesin family member 21B HGNC:29442 ENSG00000116852 KI21B_HUMAN 23046 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.06E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF580 Zinc finger protein 580 HGNC:29473 ENSG00000213015 ZN580_HUMAN 51157 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.880067057 knock out down-regulator 5.96E-07 REG00015 CENPK Centromere protein K HGNC:29479 ENSG00000123219 CENPK_HUMAN 64105 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.580724039 knock down up-regulate 0.045773487 REG00015 DNAH3 Dynein axonemal heavy chain 3 HGNC:2949 ENSG00000158486 DYH3_HUMAN 55567 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 LCOR Ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor HGNC:29503 ENSG00000196233 LCOR_HUMAN 84458 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.28E+00 . . . REG00015 GLDN Gliomedin HGNC:29514 ENSG00000186417 GLDN_HUMAN 342035 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.14944005 knock out up-regulate 5.15E-05 REG00015 C12orf57 Chromosome 12 open reading frame 57 HGNC:29521 ENSG00000111678 C10_HUMAN 113246 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.620788303 knock down down-regulator 0.019412627 REG00015 LARP1 La ribonucleoprotein 1, translational regulator HGNC:29531 ENSG00000155506 LARP1_HUMAN 23367 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 SUDS3 SDS3 homolog, SIN3A corepressor complex component HGNC:29545 ENSG00000111707 SDS3_HUMAN 64426 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.859380399 knock down down-regulator 0.000874148 REG00015 NEXN Nexilin F-actin binding protein HGNC:29557 ENSG00000162614 NEXN_HUMAN 91624 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.728950095 knock out up-regulate 0.019484307 REG00015 DNASE1L3 Deoxyribonuclease 1 like 3 HGNC:2959 ENSG00000163687 DNSL3_HUMAN 1776 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.89035295 knock down down-regulator 0.000111355 REG00015 MTDH Metadherin HGNC:29608 ENSG00000147649 LYRIC_HUMAN 92140 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.93E+00 . . . REG00015 DYNC1I1 Dynein cytoplasmic 1 intermediate chain 1 HGNC:2963 ENSG00000158560 DC1I1_HUMAN 1780 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.32E+00 . . . REG00015 MAGEF1 MAGE family member F1 HGNC:29639 ENSG00000177383 MAGF1_HUMAN 64110 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.684817595 knock down up-regulate 0.001809463 REG00015 MSMP Microseminoprotein, prostate associated HGNC:29663 ENSG00000215183 MSMP_HUMAN 692094 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.610652186 knock down down-regulator 0.000863884 REG00015 HIST2H2AA4 H2A clustered histone 19 HGNC:29668 ENSG00000272196 H2A2A_HUMAN 723790 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.19E+00 . . . REG00015 MSTO1 Misato mitochondrial distribution and morphology regulator 1 HGNC:29678 ENSG00000125459 MSTO1_HUMAN 55154 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.15519993 knock out down-regulator 0.001214102 REG00015 DNMT1 DNA methyltransferase 1 HGNC:2976 ENSG00000130816 DNMT1_HUMAN 1786 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.25E+00 . . . REG00015 MTIF3 Mitochondrial translational initiation factor 3 HGNC:29788 ENSG00000122033 IF3M_HUMAN 219402 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.724919617 knock down up-regulate 0.032788001 REG00015 MTUS1 Microtubule associated scaffold protein 1 HGNC:29789 ENSG00000129422 MTUS1_HUMAN 57509 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.723283126 knock down up-regulate 0.02636568 REG00015 MTUS1 Microtubule associated scaffold protein 1 HGNC:29789 ENSG00000129422 MTUS1_HUMAN 57509 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.702250712 knock out down-regulator 0.001670232 REG00015 DNMT3B DNA methyltransferase 3 beta HGNC:2979 ENSG00000088305 DNM3B_HUMAN 1789 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.704143858 knock out up-regulate 0.000575249 REG00015 MOB3A MOB kinase activator 3A HGNC:29802 ENSG00000172081 MOB3A_HUMAN 126308 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.352407083 knock down down-regulator 0.037292104 REG00015 MKL2 Myocardin related transcription factor B HGNC:29819 ENSG00000186260 MRTFB_HUMAN 57496 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.41E+00 . . . REG00015 XKRX XK related X-linked HGNC:29845 ENSG00000182489 XKR2_HUMAN 402415 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.626797487 knock out down-regulator 6.93E-05 REG00015 NCKAP5 NCK associated protein 5 HGNC:29847 ENSG00000176771 NCKP5_HUMAN 344148 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.55E+00 . . . REG00015 N4BP2 NEDD4 binding protein 2 HGNC:29851 ENSG00000078177 N4BP2_HUMAN 55728 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.46E+00 . . . REG00015 HECW2 HECT, C2 and WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 HGNC:29853 ENSG00000138411 HECW2_HUMAN 57520 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.82E+00 . . . REG00015 ABI3 ABI family member 3 HGNC:29859 ENSG00000108798 ABI3_HUMAN 51225 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.77E+00 . . . REG00015 DOC2B Double C2 domain beta HGNC:2986 ENSG00000272636 DOC2B_HUMAN 8447 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.810604331 knock down down-regulator 0.046788362 REG00015 NIT2 Nitrilase family member 2 HGNC:29878 ENSG00000114021 NIT2_HUMAN 56954 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.684826051 knock down up-regulate 0.011176414 REG00015 CENPV Centromere protein V HGNC:29920 ENSG00000166582 CENPV_HUMAN 201161 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.718438154 knock out down-regulator 0.048830573 REG00015 NOP58 NOP58 ribonucleoprotein HGNC:29926 ENSG00000055044 NOP58_HUMAN 51602 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.600789134 knock down up-regulate 0.012137971 REG00015 TENM2 Teneurin transmembrane protein 2 HGNC:29943 ENSG00000145934 TEN2_HUMAN 57451 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 TENM3 Teneurin transmembrane protein 3 HGNC:29944 ENSG00000218336 TEN3_HUMAN 55714 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.22E+00 . . . REG00015 OSCP1 Organic solute carrier partner 1 HGNC:29971 ENSG00000116885 OSCP1_HUMAN 127700 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.708092946 knock out down-regulator 0.035578737 REG00015 QRFP Pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide HGNC:29982 ENSG00000188710 OX26_HUMAN 347148 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.12E+00 . . . REG00015 MAGIX MAGI family member, X-linked HGNC:30006 ENSG00000269313 MAGIX_HUMAN 79917 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.590053485 knock down up-regulate 0.006164738 REG00015 HELZ2 Helicase with zinc finger 2 HGNC:30021 ENSG00000130589 HELZ2_HUMAN 85441 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 PPARGC1B PPARG coactivator 1 beta HGNC:30022 ENSG00000155846 PRGC2_HUMAN 133522 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.74E+00 . . . REG00015 PPARGC1B PPARG coactivator 1 beta HGNC:30022 ENSG00000155846 PRGC2_HUMAN 133522 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.6891 knock out down-regulator 0.02021 REG00015 JADE1 Jade family PHD finger 1 HGNC:30027 ENSG00000077684 JADE1_HUMAN 79960 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.997763875 knock down up-regulate 0.001713709 REG00015 PIK3AP1 Phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1 HGNC:30034 ENSG00000155629 BCAP_HUMAN 118788 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.78E+00 . . . REG00015 PIK3AP1 Phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1 HGNC:30034 ENSG00000155629 BCAP_HUMAN 118788 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.97961979 knock out up-regulate 1.34E-05 REG00015 PLB1 Phospholipase B1 HGNC:30041 ENSG00000163803 PLB1_HUMAN 151056 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.876167239 knock out down-regulator 0.005054571 REG00015 SMG1 SMG1 nonsense mediated mRNA decay associated PI3K related kinase HGNC:30045 ENSG00000157106 SMG1_HUMAN 23049 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.52E+00 . . . REG00015 POLR3G RNA polymerase III subunit G HGNC:30075 ENSG00000113356 RPC7_HUMAN 10622 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.917284798 knock down up-regulate 0.018011199 REG00015 VSIR V-set immunoregulatory receptor HGNC:30085 ENSG00000107738 VISTA_HUMAN 64115 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.403418905 knock out down-regulator 1.04E-38 REG00015 NAMPT Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase HGNC:30092 ENSG00000105835 NAMPT_HUMAN 10135 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.634168158 knock down up-regulate 0.015857172 REG00015 OSGIN1 Oxidative stress induced growth inhibitor 1 HGNC:30093 ENSG00000140961 OSGI1_HUMAN 29948 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.586310742 knock out down-regulator 0.034665507 REG00015 NPB Neuropeptide B HGNC:30099 ENSG00000183979 NPB_HUMAN 256933 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 ATAD2 ATPase family AAA domain containing 2 HGNC:30123 ENSG00000156802 ATAD2_HUMAN 29028 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.714713463 knock down down-regulator 2.02E-06 REG00015 MZB1 Marginal zone B and B1 cell specific protein HGNC:30125 ENSG00000170476 MZB1_HUMAN 51237 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.61E+00 . . . REG00015 GDF15 Growth differentiation factor 15 HGNC:30142 ENSG00000130513 GDF15_HUMAN 9518 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.886897195 knock out down-regulator 1.42E-13 REG00015 PRAC2 PRAC2 small nuclear protein HGNC:30143 ENSG00000229637 PRAC2_HUMAN 360205 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.84E+00 . . . REG00015 HSPB8 Heat shock protein family B (small) member 8 HGNC:30171 ENSG00000152137 HSPB8_HUMAN 26353 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.304882514 knock down down-regulator 0.005695111 REG00015 HSPB8 Heat shock protein family B (small) member 8 HGNC:30171 ENSG00000152137 HSPB8_HUMAN 26353 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.663464468 knock out down-regulator 9.39E-24 REG00015 FAM216A Family with sequence similarity 216 member A HGNC:30180 ENSG00000204856 F216A_HUMAN 29902 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.149301388 knock down down-regulator 0.005371797 REG00015 AAMDC Adipogenesis associated Mth938 domain containing HGNC:30205 ENSG00000087884 AAMDC_HUMAN 28971 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.49424556 knock down up-regulate 1.85E-15 REG00015 TANC2 Tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 HGNC:30212 ENSG00000170921 TANC2_HUMAN 26115 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.30E+00 . . . REG00015 BAMBI BMP and activin membrane bound inhibitor HGNC:30251 ENSG00000095739 BAMBI_HUMAN 25805 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.168136802 knock down down-regulator 0.031801586 REG00015 RAB11FIP1 RAB11 family interacting protein 1 HGNC:30265 ENSG00000156675 RFIP1_HUMAN 80223 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.91E+00 . . . REG00015 RAB3C RAB3C, member RAS oncogene family HGNC:30269 ENSG00000152932 RAB3C_HUMAN 115827 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.83E+00 . . . REG00015 RGL1 Ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator like 1 HGNC:30281 ENSG00000143344 RGL1_HUMAN 23179 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.05E+00 . . . REG00015 RPTOR Regulatory associated protein of MTOR complex 1 HGNC:30287 ENSG00000141564 RPTOR_HUMAN 57521 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 AEBP1 AE binding protein 1 HGNC:303 ENSG00000106624 AEBP1_HUMAN 165 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.80E+00 . . . REG00015 SEC16B SEC16 homolog B, endoplasmic reticulum export factor HGNC:30301 ENSG00000120341 SC16B_HUMAN 89866 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.846543499 knock down down-regulator 0.001049938 REG00015 RPA4 Replication protein A4 HGNC:30305 ENSG00000204086 RFA4_HUMAN 29935 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.78E+00 . . . REG00015 DRP2 Dystrophin related protein 2 HGNC:3032 ENSG00000102385 DRP2_HUMAN 1821 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.392377127 knock out down-regulator 0.028513778 REG00015 MPRIP Myosin phosphatase Rho interacting protein HGNC:30321 ENSG00000133030 MPRIP_HUMAN 23164 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.07E+00 . . . REG00015 MPRIP Myosin phosphatase Rho interacting protein HGNC:30321 ENSG00000133030 MPRIP_HUMAN 23164 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.284773362 knock down up-regulate 0.00081819 REG00015 ARHGEF28 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 28 HGNC:30322 ENSG00000214944 ARG28_HUMAN 64283 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.03E+00 . . . REG00015 ARHGEF28 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 28 HGNC:30322 ENSG00000214944 ARG28_HUMAN 64283 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.713199072 knock out up-regulate 0.027480471 REG00015 ATN1 Atrophin 1 HGNC:3033 ENSG00000111676 ATN1_HUMAN 1822 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.973662172 knock down up-regulate 2.09E-08 REG00015 POLR3H RNA polymerase III subunit H HGNC:30349 ENSG00000100413 RPC8_HUMAN 171568 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.431753442 knock down up-regulate 0.000164823 REG00015 RPP25 Ribonuclease P and MRP subunit p25 HGNC:30361 ENSG00000178718 RPP25_HUMAN 54913 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.864624453 knock out down-regulator 0.0003386 REG00015 CCDC18 Coiled-coil domain containing 18 HGNC:30370 ENSG00000122483 CCD18_HUMAN 343099 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.926956994 knock down down-regulator 0.00098276 REG00015 NENF Neudesin neurotrophic factor HGNC:30384 ENSG00000117691 NENF_HUMAN 29937 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.993693273 knock down down-regulator 6.85E-05 REG00015 EXOC4 Exocyst complex component 4 HGNC:30389 ENSG00000131558 EXOC4_HUMAN 60412 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.21E+00 . . . REG00015 RCAN1 Regulator of calcineurin 1 HGNC:3040 ENSG00000159200 RCAN1_HUMAN 1827 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.036935674 knock out up-regulate 0.004308217 REG00015 SEMA3G Semaphorin 3G HGNC:30400 ENSG00000010319 SEM3G_HUMAN 56920 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.707709101 knock down down-regulator 0.00980862 REG00015 HTRA3 HtrA serine peptidase 3 HGNC:30406 ENSG00000170801 HTRA3_HUMAN 94031 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -4.663207567 knock down down-regulator 0.042509048 REG00015 SHROOM3 Shroom family member 3 HGNC:30422 ENSG00000138771 SHRM3_HUMAN 57619 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.23E+00 . . . REG00015 SCUBE2 Signal peptide, CUB domain and EGF like domain containing 2 HGNC:30425 ENSG00000175356 SCUB2_HUMAN 57758 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.29E+00 . . . REG00015 SCUBE2 Signal peptide, CUB domain and EGF like domain containing 2 HGNC:30425 ENSG00000175356 SCUB2_HUMAN 57758 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.83343993 knock down up-regulate 0.035538165 REG00015 MB21D2 Mab-21 domain containing 2 HGNC:30438 ENSG00000180611 M21D2_HUMAN 151963 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.283526444 knock out up-regulate 1.61E-05 REG00015 PLD6 Phospholipase D family member 6 HGNC:30447 ENSG00000179598 PLD6_HUMAN 201164 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.791213485 knock out up-regulate 8.01E-05 REG00015 GALNT18 Polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 18 HGNC:30488 ENSG00000110328 GLT18_HUMAN 374378 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.86326908 knock out down-regulator 5.04E-08 REG00015 TSC22D3 TSC22 domain family member 3 HGNC:3051 ENSG00000157514 T22D3_HUMAN 1831 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.141450886 knock out down-regulator 0.001403204 REG00015 WDR44 WD repeat domain 44 HGNC:30512 ENSG00000131725 WDR44_HUMAN 54521 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.06E+00 . . . REG00015 DSP Desmoplakin HGNC:3052 ENSG00000096696 DESP_HUMAN 1832 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.11E+00 . . . REG00015 SLC46A1 Solute carrier family 46 member 1 HGNC:30521 ENSG00000076351 PCFT_HUMAN 113235 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.721337274 knock out down-regulator 0.008809712 REG00015 SNX29 Sorting nexin 29 HGNC:30542 ENSG00000048471 SNX29_HUMAN 92017 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.72E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF627 Zinc finger protein 627 HGNC:30570 ENSG00000198551 ZN627_HUMAN 199692 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.977208995 knock out up-regulate 0.010321196 REG00015 PIGZ Phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class Z HGNC:30596 ENSG00000119227 PIGZ_HUMAN 80235 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.205839974 knock down up-regulate 2.59E-06 REG00015 FAM72C Family with sequence similarity 72 member C HGNC:30602 ENSG00000263513 FA72C_HUMAN 554282 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.775440354 knock down down-regulator 0.005754175 REG00015 DUSP1 Dual specificity phosphatase 1 HGNC:3064 ENSG00000120129 DUS1_HUMAN 1843 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.899564248 knock down up-regulate 0.021243177 REG00015 DUSP10 Dual specificity phosphatase 10 HGNC:3065 ENSG00000143507 DUS10_HUMAN 11221 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.179180007 knock down down-regulator 0.019498982 REG00015 STON2 Stonin 2 HGNC:30652 ENSG00000140022 STON2_HUMAN 85439 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.57E+00 . . . REG00015 XRN1 5'-3' exoribonuclease 1 HGNC:30654 ENSG00000114127 XRN1_HUMAN 54464 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.21E+00 . . . REG00015 SYNPO Synaptopodin HGNC:30672 ENSG00000171992 SYNPO_HUMAN 11346 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.145993388 knock out down-regulator 0.007345006 REG00015 WDR63 Dynein axonemal intermediate chain 3 HGNC:30711 ENSG00000162643 DNAI3_HUMAN 126820 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.17E+00 . . . REG00015 DUSP6 Dual specificity phosphatase 6 HGNC:3072 ENSG00000139318 DUS6_HUMAN 1848 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.811119116 knock out down-regulator 0.001201854 REG00015 STXBP5L Syntaxin binding protein 5L HGNC:30757 ENSG00000145087 STB5L_HUMAN 9515 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.818714961 knock out down-regulator 0.019536303 REG00015 TRAIP TRAF interacting protein HGNC:30764 ENSG00000183763 TRAIP_HUMAN 10293 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.114790876 knock down down-regulator 0.00140947 REG00015 ZNF675 Zinc finger protein 675 HGNC:30768 ENSG00000197372 ZN675_HUMAN 171392 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.648570294 knock down down-regulator 0.025781113 REG00015 TCEB3B Elongin A2 HGNC:30771 ENSG00000206181 ELOA2_HUMAN 51224 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.04E+00 . . . REG00015 NAA15 N-alpha-acetyltransferase 15, NatA auxiliary subunit HGNC:30782 ENSG00000164134 NAA15_HUMAN 80155 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.682777355 knock down up-regulate 0.002054104 REG00015 TSPAN11 Tetraspanin 11 HGNC:30795 ENSG00000110900 TSN11_HUMAN 441631 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.93E+00 . . . REG00015 TRIB2 Tribbles pseudokinase 2 HGNC:30809 ENSG00000071575 TRIB2_HUMAN 28951 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 4.425310539 knock out up-regulate 1.30E-05 REG00015 CDK2AP2 Cyclin dependent kinase 2 associated protein 2 HGNC:30833 ENSG00000167797 CDKA2_HUMAN 10263 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.011583017 knock down up-regulate 0.000278036 REG00015 CENPN Centromere protein N HGNC:30873 ENSG00000166451 CENPN_HUMAN 55839 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.545405548 knock down down-regulator 0.031704913 REG00015 AVPI1 Arginine vasopressin induced 1 HGNC:30898 ENSG00000119986 AVPI1_HUMAN 60370 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.794331463 knock out down-regulator 0.020263443 REG00015 VWA1 Von Willebrand factor A domain containing 1 HGNC:30910 ENSG00000179403 VWA1_HUMAN 64856 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.106612572 knock out down-regulator 1.05E-18 REG00015 WFIKKN1 WAP, follistatin/kazal, immunoglobulin, kunitz and netrin domain containing 1 HGNC:30912 ENSG00000127578 WFKN1_HUMAN 117166 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.10E+00 . . . REG00015 DYRK1B Dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 1B HGNC:3092 ENSG00000105204 DYR1B_HUMAN 9149 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.639239755 knock down down-regulator 0.003803286 REG00015 ZNF532 Zinc finger protein 532 HGNC:30940 ENSG00000074657 ZN532_HUMAN 55205 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.01E+00 . . . REG00015 ZBTB10 Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 10 HGNC:30953 ENSG00000205189 ZBT10_HUMAN 65986 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.10E+00 . . . REG00015 DYSF Dysferlin HGNC:3097 ENSG00000135636 DYSF_HUMAN 8291 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.809003545 knock out up-regulate 0.018477776 REG00015 RAMAC RNA guanine-7 methyltransferase activating subunit HGNC:31022 ENSG00000169612 RAMAC_HUMAN 83640 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.74985242 knock down down-regulator 0.002801473 REG00015 MYO18A Myosin XVIIIA HGNC:31104 ENSG00000196535 MY18A_HUMAN 399687 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.02E+00 . . . REG00015 EBP EBP cholestenol delta-isomerase HGNC:3133 ENSG00000147155 EBP_HUMAN 10682 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.609564099 knock out down-regulator 0.039862535 REG00015 IDNK IDNK gluconokinase HGNC:31367 ENSG00000148057 GNTK_HUMAN 414328 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 3.164484687 knock down up-regulate 0.041123913 REG00015 GPR179 G protein-coupled receptor 179 HGNC:31371 ENSG00000277399 GP179_HUMAN 440435 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 C1QTNF8 C1q and TNF related 8 HGNC:31374 ENSG00000184471 C1QT8_HUMAN 390664 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.44E+00 . . . REG00015 ECHS1 Enoyl-CoA hydratase, short chain 1 HGNC:3151 ENSG00000127884 ECHM_HUMAN 1892 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.979735865 knock down down-regulator 0.000440513 REG00015 S1PR3 Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 3 HGNC:3167 ENSG00000213694 S1PR3_HUMAN 1903 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.018395023 knock out down-regulator 0.005970844 REG00015 ANO7 Anoctamin 7 HGNC:31677 ENSG00000146205 ANO7_HUMAN 50636 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.64E+00 . . . REG00015 LPAR2 Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2 HGNC:3168 ENSG00000064547 LPAR2_HUMAN 9170 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.693044658 knock out down-regulator 0.000143751 REG00015 YY2 YY2 transcription factor HGNC:31684 ENSG00000230797 TYY2_HUMAN 404281 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.789748572 knock down up-regulate 5.62E-09 REG00015 S1PR4 Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 4 HGNC:3170 ENSG00000125910 S1PR4_HUMAN 8698 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 EDIL3 EGF like repeats and discoidin domains 3 HGNC:3173 ENSG00000164176 EDIL3_HUMAN 10085 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.90671451 knock out up-regulate 0.000123166 REG00015 EDN1 Endothelin 1 HGNC:3176 ENSG00000078401 EDN1_HUMAN 1906 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.900264765 knock out up-regulate 0.000320981 REG00015 EDNRA Endothelin receptor type A HGNC:3179 ENSG00000151617 EDNRA_HUMAN 1909 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.674265704 knock out up-regulate 0.022810399 REG00015 EDNRB Endothelin receptor type B HGNC:3180 ENSG00000136160 EDNRB_HUMAN 1910 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.81E+00 . . . REG00015 EEA1 Early endosome antigen 1 HGNC:3185 ENSG00000102189 EEA1_HUMAN 8411 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.38E+00 . . . REG00015 NOTCH2NLA Notch 2 N-terminal like A HGNC:31862 ENSG00000264343 NT2NA_HUMAN 388677 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.591744145 knock down up-regulate 0.027069462 REG00015 RGL4 Ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator like 4 HGNC:31911 ENSG00000159496 RGDSR_HUMAN 266747 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.06E+00 . . . REG00015 LCA5 Lebercilin LCA5 HGNC:31923 ENSG00000135338 LCA5_HUMAN 167691 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.780769668 knock out down-regulator 0.003965304 REG00015 FOXD4L6 Forkhead box D4 like 6 HGNC:31986 ENSG00000273514 FX4L6_HUMAN 653404 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.17E+00 . . . REG00015 ABCA2 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 2 HGNC:32 ENSG00000107331 ABCA2_HUMAN 20 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.060629044 knock down up-regulate 0.006411804 REG00015 H3-7 H3.7 histone (putative) HGNC:32060 ENSG00000273213 H37_HUMAN 440686 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.614492575 knock down up-regulate 1.98E-26 REG00015 AGL Amylo-alpha-1, 6-glucosidase, 4-alpha-glucanotransferase HGNC:321 ENSG00000162688 GDE_HUMAN 178 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.562745128 knock down up-regulate 0.000129057 REG00015 GOLGA6C Golgin A6 family member C HGNC:32206 ENSG00000167195 GOG6C_HUMAN 653641 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.81E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF705A Zinc finger protein 705A HGNC:32281 ENSG00000196946 Z705A_HUMAN 440077 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.12E+00 . . . REG00015 EGF Epidermal growth factor HGNC:3229 ENSG00000138798 EGF_HUMAN 1950 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.04E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF704 Zinc finger protein 704 HGNC:32291 ENSG00000164684 ZN704_HUMAN 619279 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.88E+00 . . . REG00015 EGFR Epidermal growth factor receptor HGNC:3236 ENSG00000146648 EGFR_HUMAN 1956 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.19E+00 . . . REG00015 BDH2 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 2 HGNC:32389 ENSG00000164039 BDH2_HUMAN 56898 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.937917688 knock out up-regulate 0.000469663 REG00015 LRRC75A Leucine rich repeat containing 75A HGNC:32403 ENSG00000181350 LR75A_HUMAN 388341 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.515067468 knock down up-regulate 0.001512326 REG00015 TTLL13P Tubulin tyrosine ligase like 13 HGNC:32484 ENSG00000213471 TTL13_HUMAN 440307 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.19E+00 . . . REG00015 EIF2B2 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit beta HGNC:3258 ENSG00000119718 EI2BB_HUMAN 8892 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.636743784 knock down down-regulator 0.015714465 REG00015 AGO2 Argonaute RISC catalytic component 2 HGNC:3263 ENSG00000123908 AGO2_HUMAN 27161 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.14E+00 . . . REG00015 TRIM16L Tripartite motif containing 16 like HGNC:32670 ENSG00000108448 TR16L_HUMAN 147166 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.247941711 knock out down-regulator 1.89E-05 REG00015 ARMS2 Age-related maculopathy susceptibility 2 HGNC:32685 ENSG00000254636 ARMS2_HUMAN 387715 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.20E+00 . . . REG00015 ANKRD36C Ankyrin repeat domain 36C HGNC:32946 ENSG00000174501 AN36C_HUMAN 400986 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 EIF4G1 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 1 HGNC:3296 ENSG00000114867 IF4G1_HUMAN 1981 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.19E+00 . . . REG00015 EID3 EP300 interacting inhibitor of differentiation 3 HGNC:32961 ENSG00000255150 EID3_HUMAN 493861 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.64E+00 . . . REG00015 EIF5A Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A HGNC:3300 ENSG00000132507 IF5A1_HUMAN 1984 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.195317214 knock down down-regulator 4.02E-05 REG00015 ZNF324B Zinc finger protein 324B HGNC:33107 ENSG00000249471 Z324B_HUMAN 388569 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.00E+00 . . . REG00015 ACOT1 Acyl-CoA thioesterase 1 HGNC:33128 ENSG00000184227 ACOT1_HUMAN 641371 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.678301623 knock down down-regulator 0.012794833 REG00015 ACOT1 Acyl-CoA thioesterase 1 HGNC:33128 ENSG00000184227 ACOT1_HUMAN 641371 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.814895589 knock out down-regulator 0.012454503 REG00015 ASCL5 Achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 5 HGNC:33169 ENSG00000232237 ASCL5_HUMAN 647219 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.25E+00 . . . REG00015 ELF4 E74 like ETS transcription factor 4 HGNC:3319 ENSG00000102034 ELF4_HUMAN 2000 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.489170919 knock down down-regulator 0.001159373 REG00015 ELN Elastin HGNC:3327 ENSG00000049540 ELN_HUMAN 2006 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.20E+00 . . . REG00015 ZBED6 Zinc finger BED-type containing 6 HGNC:33273 ENSG00000257315 ZBED6_HUMAN 9877 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.19E+00 . . . REG00015 EML1 EMAP like 1 HGNC:3330 ENSG00000066629 EMAL1_HUMAN 2009 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 EXOG Exo/endonuclease G HGNC:3347 ENSG00000157036 EXOG_HUMAN 9941 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.213565822 knock out down-regulator 0.002741527 REG00015 MEX3A Mex-3 RNA binding family member A HGNC:33482 ENSG00000254726 MEX3A_HUMAN 92312 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.138525614 knock down down-regulator 0.000963901 REG00015 ENO1 Enolase 1 HGNC:3350 ENSG00000074800 ENOA_HUMAN 2023 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.585636572 knock down down-regulator 0.007077624 REG00015 PALM2-AKAP2 PALM2 and AKAP2 fusion HGNC:33529 ENSG00000157654 . 445815 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.49E+00 . . . REG00015 ENO2 Enolase 2 HGNC:3353 ENSG00000111674 ENOG_HUMAN 2026 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.083338815 knock down down-regulator 0.00273234 REG00015 ENO3 Enolase 3 HGNC:3354 ENSG00000108515 ENOB_HUMAN 2027 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.726409485 knock down down-regulator 0.013277515 REG00015 ENPP1 Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 HGNC:3356 ENSG00000197594 ENPP1_HUMAN 5167 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.628304423 knock out up-regulate 0.000289232 REG00015 ENPP3 Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 3 HGNC:3358 ENSG00000154269 ENPP3_HUMAN 5169 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.51E+00 . . . REG00015 TMEM191C Transmembrane protein 191C HGNC:33601 ENSG00000206140 T191C_HUMAN 645426 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -4.592999921 knock out down-regulator 8.19E-06 REG00015 PEAR1 Platelet endothelial aggregation receptor 1 HGNC:33631 ENSG00000187800 PEAR1_HUMAN 375033 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF385C Zinc finger protein 385C HGNC:33722 ENSG00000187595 Z385C_HUMAN 201181 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.64E+00 . . . REG00015 EP300 E1A binding protein p300 HGNC:3373 ENSG00000100393 EP300_HUMAN 2033 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.49E+00 . . . REG00015 EPB41L1 Erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 1 HGNC:3378 ENSG00000088367 E41L1_HUMAN 2036 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.36E+00 . . . REG00015 EPB41L1 Erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 1 HGNC:3378 ENSG00000088367 E41L1_HUMAN 2036 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.757848722 knock out up-regulate 0.000482094 REG00015 ACP7 Acid phosphatase 7, tartrate resistant (putative) HGNC:33781 ENSG00000183760 ACP7_HUMAN 390928 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.6103013 knock out up-regulate 0.024005884 REG00015 TMEM200B Transmembrane protein 200B HGNC:33785 ENSG00000253304 T200B_HUMAN 399474 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.781384094 knock down down-regulator 0.007712261 REG00015 IGIP IgA inducing protein HGNC:33847 ENSG00000182700 IGIP_HUMAN 492311 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.707487396 knock out down-regulator 0.014696233 REG00015 FAM196A Inhibitory synaptic factor 2A HGNC:33859 ENSG00000188916 INSY2_HUMAN 642938 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.72E+00 . . . REG00015 SMIM15 Small integral membrane protein 15 HGNC:33861 ENSG00000188725 SIM15_HUMAN 643155 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.679854628 knock down up-regulate 0.018679614 REG00015 RIMBP3B RIMS binding protein 3B HGNC:33891 ENSG00000274600 RIM3B_HUMAN 440804 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 RIMBP3C RIMS binding protein 3C HGNC:33892 ENSG00000183246 RIM3C_HUMAN 150221 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.21E+00 . . . REG00015 POTEE POTE ankyrin domain family member E HGNC:33895 ENSG00000188219 POTEE_HUMAN 445582 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 5.08E+00 . . . REG00015 APLNR Apelin receptor HGNC:339 ENSG00000134817 APJ_HUMAN 187 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.020742051 knock down up-regulate 0.001082309 REG00015 POTEF POTE ankyrin domain family member F HGNC:33905 ENSG00000196604 POTEF_HUMAN 728378 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.84E+00 . . . REG00015 EPHB2 EPH receptor B2 HGNC:3393 ENSG00000133216 EPHB2_HUMAN 2048 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -4.201715449 knock out down-regulator 6.88E-05 REG00015 EPHB6 EPH receptor B6 HGNC:3396 ENSG00000106123 EPHB6_HUMAN 2051 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.589786476 knock out down-regulator 0.043569761 REG00015 PLEKHM3 Pleckstrin homology domain containing M3 HGNC:34006 ENSG00000178385 PKHM3_HUMAN 389072 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.67E+00 . . . REG00015 EPHX2 Epoxide hydrolase 2 HGNC:3402 ENSG00000120915 HYES_HUMAN 2053 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.892866659 knock down down-regulator 0.038835215 REG00015 TMEM210 Transmembrane protein 210 HGNC:34059 ENSG00000185863 TM210_HUMAN 100505993 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.58E+00 . . . REG00015 EPS8 Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8 HGNC:3420 ENSG00000151491 EPS8_HUMAN 2059 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.644154548 knock down up-regulate 0.009001985 REG00015 FAM160A1 FHF complex subunit HOOK interacting protein 1A HGNC:34237 ENSG00000164142 FHI1A_HUMAN 729830 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.55E+00 . . . REG00015 LRRD1 Leucine rich repeats and death domain containing 1 HGNC:34300 ENSG00000240720 LRRD1_HUMAN 401387 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.27E+00 . . . REG00015 TRNP1 TMF1 regulated nuclear protein 1 HGNC:34348 ENSG00000253368 TRNP1_HUMAN 388610 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.071014298 knock down down-regulator 0.004607736 REG00015 TRNP1 TMF1 regulated nuclear protein 1 HGNC:34348 ENSG00000253368 TRNP1_HUMAN 388610 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.724180513 knock out down-regulator 0.011317082 REG00015 C1orf226 Chromosome 1 open reading frame 226 HGNC:34351 ENSG00000239887 CA226_HUMAN 400793 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.04E+00 . . . REG00015 C1orf226 Chromosome 1 open reading frame 226 HGNC:34351 ENSG00000239887 CA226_HUMAN 400793 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.809448215 knock out up-regulate 0.006291542 REG00015 C2orf68 Chromosome 2 open reading frame 68 HGNC:34353 ENSG00000168887 CB068_HUMAN 388969 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.799556928 knock down up-regulate 0.047352935 REG00015 ODF3B Outer dense fiber of sperm tails 3B HGNC:34388 ENSG00000177989 ODF3B_HUMAN 440836 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.845732253 knock down up-regulate 0.006394539 REG00015 MATCAP1 Microtubule associated tyrosine carboxypeptidase 1 HGNC:34408 ENSG00000196123 K895L_HUMAN 653319 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.664796448 knock down down-regulator 0.028907646 REG00015 KLHL38 Kelch like family member 38 HGNC:34435 ENSG00000175946 KLH38_HUMAN 340359 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.58E+00 . . . REG00015 FAM180B Family with sequence similarity 180 member B HGNC:34451 ENSG00000196666 F180B_HUMAN 399888 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.06E+00 . . . REG00015 ERN1 Endoplasmic reticulum to nucleus signaling 1 HGNC:3449 ENSG00000178607 ERN1_HUMAN 2081 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.715448745 knock down down-regulator 0.006818944 REG00015 SMIM10L2B Small integral membrane protein 10 like 2B HGNC:34500 ENSG00000196972 SIL2B_HUMAN 644596 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.49E+00 . . . REG00015 ESR2 Estrogen receptor 2 HGNC:3468 ENSG00000140009 ESR2_HUMAN 2100 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.910538064 knock out down-regulator 0.004781239 REG00015 AHNAK AHNAK nucleoprotein HGNC:347 ENSG00000124942 AHNK_HUMAN 79026 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.04E+00 . . . REG00015 AHR Aryl hydrocarbon receptor HGNC:348 ENSG00000106546 AHR_HUMAN 196 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.34E+00 . . . REG00015 AHR Aryl hydrocarbon receptor HGNC:348 ENSG00000106546 AHR_HUMAN 196 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.600684534 knock out up-regulate 0.000548723 REG00015 ETFB Electron transfer flavoprotein subunit beta HGNC:3482 ENSG00000105379 ETFB_HUMAN 2109 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.685935909 knock down down-regulator 0.002021951 REG00015 ETS2 ETS proto-oncogene 2, transcription factor HGNC:3489 ENSG00000157557 ETS2_HUMAN 2114 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.894920048 knock out down-regulator 0.030241873 REG00015 ETV1 ETS variant transcription factor 1 HGNC:3490 ENSG00000006468 ETV1_HUMAN 2115 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.91850307 knock out up-regulate 0.001294046 REG00015 EVC EvC ciliary complex subunit 1 HGNC:3497 ENSG00000072840 EVC_HUMAN 2121 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.99E+00 . . . REG00015 EVI2B Ecotropic viral integration site 2B HGNC:3500 ENSG00000185862 EVI2B_HUMAN 2124 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.673741363 knock out up-regulate 0.008004641 REG00015 LRRC70 Leucine rich repeat containing 70 HGNC:35155 ENSG00000186105 LRR70_HUMAN 100130733 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.622353616 knock down up-regulate 0.0140481 REG00015 EXTL3 Exostosin like glycosyltransferase 3 HGNC:3518 ENSG00000012232 EXTL3_HUMAN 2137 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 SRGAP2B SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 2B HGNC:35237 ENSG00000196369 SRG2B_HUMAN 647135 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 ANKRD33B Ankyrin repeat domain 33B HGNC:35240 ENSG00000164236 AN33B_HUMAN 651746 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.16E+00 . . . REG00015 F13A1 Coagulation factor XIII A chain HGNC:3531 ENSG00000124491 F13A_HUMAN 2162 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.204773003 knock out down-regulator 0.01314531 REG00015 F2RL1 F2R like trypsin receptor 1 HGNC:3538 ENSG00000164251 PAR2_HUMAN 2150 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.30E+00 . . . REG00015 F2RL3 F2R like thrombin or trypsin receptor 3 HGNC:3540 ENSG00000127533 PAR4_HUMAN 9002 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.10220232 knock out down-regulator 0.001992151 REG00015 F3 Coagulation factor III, tissue factor HGNC:3541 ENSG00000117525 TF_HUMAN 2152 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -3.370018835 knock out down-regulator 0.005000016 REG00015 EML6 EMAP like 6 HGNC:35412 ENSG00000214595 EMAL6_HUMAN 400954 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.086320989 knock down up-regulate 5.03E-05 REG00015 NEURL1B Neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1B HGNC:35422 ENSG00000214357 NEU1B_HUMAN 54492 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.804297894 knock out up-regulate 0.006608505 REG00015 ACSL1 Acyl-CoA synthetase long chain family member 1 HGNC:3569 ENSG00000151726 ACSL1_HUMAN 2180 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.17628606 knock out up-regulate 8.16E-05 REG00015 ACSL3 Acyl-CoA synthetase long chain family member 3 HGNC:3570 ENSG00000123983 ACSL3_HUMAN 2181 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.254619649 knock out up-regulate 0.001131567 REG00015 FADS1 Fatty acid desaturase 1 HGNC:3574 ENSG00000149485 FADS1_HUMAN 3992 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.704704946 knock out up-regulate 1.32E-19 REG00015 FADS2 Fatty acid desaturase 2 HGNC:3575 ENSG00000134824 FADS2_HUMAN 9415 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.041368083 knock out up-regulate 5.49E-12 REG00015 FADS3 Fatty acid desaturase 3 HGNC:3576 ENSG00000221968 FADS3_HUMAN 3995 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.931273784 knock out down-regulator 0.011002562 REG00015 FANCC FA complementation group C HGNC:3584 ENSG00000158169 FANCC_HUMAN 2176 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.805722916 knock out down-regulator 0.000161635 REG00015 FASN Fatty acid synthase HGNC:3594 ENSG00000169710 FAS_HUMAN 2194 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.722373818 knock out up-regulate 0.001010163 REG00015 FAT1 FAT atypical cadherin 1 HGNC:3595 ENSG00000083857 FAT1_HUMAN 2195 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.56E+00 . . . REG00015 FAT1 FAT atypical cadherin 1 HGNC:3595 ENSG00000083857 FAT1_HUMAN 2195 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.206766059 knock down up-regulate 0.019131673 REG00015 FBLN1 Fibulin 1 HGNC:3600 ENSG00000077942 FBLN1_HUMAN 2192 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.707744393 knock out up-regulate 4.81E-07 REG00015 FBP1 Fructose-bisphosphatase 1 HGNC:3606 ENSG00000165140 F16P1_HUMAN 2203 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.665253614 knock out down-regulator 0.010247299 REG00015 FCN3 Ficolin 3 HGNC:3625 ENSG00000142748 FCN3_HUMAN 8547 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.921320382 knock down down-regulator 7.53E-12 REG00015 FDFT1 Farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase 1 HGNC:3629 ENSG00000079459 FDFT_HUMAN 2222 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.607404274 knock out up-regulate 3.35E-07 REG00015 AK5 Adenylate kinase 5 HGNC:365 ENSG00000154027 KAD5_HUMAN 26289 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.6732901 knock out up-regulate 0.000601052 REG00015 FEN1 Flap structure-specific endonuclease 1 HGNC:3650 ENSG00000168496 FEN1_HUMAN 2237 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.20746159 knock out down-regulator 6.74E-50 REG00015 MYOF Myoferlin HGNC:3656 ENSG00000138119 MYOF_HUMAN 26509 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 FES FES proto-oncogene, tyrosine kinase HGNC:3657 ENSG00000182511 FES_HUMAN 2242 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 AKAP12 A-kinase anchoring protein 12 HGNC:370 ENSG00000131016 AKA12_HUMAN 9590 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.38E+00 . . . REG00015 FH Fumarate hydratase HGNC:3700 ENSG00000091483 FUMH_HUMAN 2271 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 3.314948842 knock down up-regulate 0.002149953 REG00015 POTEI POTE ankyrin domain family member I HGNC:37093 ENSG00000196834 POTEI_HUMAN 653269 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 5.20E+00 . . . REG00015 AKAP13 A-kinase anchoring protein 13 HGNC:371 ENSG00000170776 AKP13_HUMAN 11214 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 DNAH10OS Dynein axonemal heavy chain 10 opposite strand HGNC:37121 ENSG00000250091 D10OS_HUMAN 642797 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.93E+00 . . . REG00015 C11orf94 Chromosome 11 open reading frame 94 HGNC:37213 ENSG00000234776 CK094_HUMAN 143678 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.03E+00 . . . REG00015 FKBP7 FKBP prolyl isomerase 7 HGNC:3723 ENSG00000079150 FKBP7_HUMAN 51661 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.59507028 knock out down-regulator 0.00124971 REG00015 C17orf105 CFAP97 domain containing 1 HGNC:37241 ENSG00000231256 CF97D_HUMAN 284067 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.74E+00 . . . REG00015 ZNF880 Zinc finger protein 880 HGNC:37249 ENSG00000221923 ZN880_HUMAN 400713 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.473721687 knock down up-regulate 0.008374938 REG00015 SMIM20 Small integral membrane protein 20 HGNC:37260 ENSG00000250317 SIM20_HUMAN 389203 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.217973715 knock down up-regulate 0.032724479 REG00015 INSYN2B Inhibitory synaptic factor family member 2B HGNC:37271 ENSG00000204767 INY2B_HUMAN 100131897 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.025635378 knock out up-regulate 0.001407918 REG00015 ACTR3C Actin related protein 3C HGNC:37282 ENSG00000106526 ARP3C_HUMAN 653857 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.30759206 knock out up-regulate 0.000515664 REG00015 AKAP3 A-kinase anchoring protein 3 HGNC:373 ENSG00000111254 AKAP3_HUMAN 10566 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.771795957 knock down down-regulator 1.23E-10 REG00015 FLG Filaggrin HGNC:3748 ENSG00000143631 FILA_HUMAN 2312 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.772483747 knock out up-regulate 4.50E-06 REG00015 FLNC Filamin C HGNC:3756 ENSG00000128591 FLNC_HUMAN 2318 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.635686156 knock out up-regulate 3.27E-06 REG00015 AKAP6 A-kinase anchoring protein 6 HGNC:376 ENSG00000151320 AKAP6_HUMAN 9472 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.94E+00 . . . REG00015 FLRT1 Fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 1 HGNC:3760 ENSG00000126500 FLRT1_HUMAN 23769 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.05E+00 . . . REG00015 FMN1 Formin 1 HGNC:3768 ENSG00000248905 FMN1_HUMAN 342184 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.25E+00 . . . REG00015 FMOD Fibromodulin HGNC:3774 ENSG00000122176 FMOD_HUMAN 2331 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.39E+00 . . . REG00015 FN1 Fibronectin 1 HGNC:3778 ENSG00000115414 FINC_HUMAN 2335 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.286319362 knock out up-regulate 0.00013937 REG00015 AKAP8 A-kinase anchoring protein 8 HGNC:378 ENSG00000105127 AKAP8_HUMAN 10270 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 4.812736037 knock out up-regulate 0.027684039 REG00015 FOS Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit HGNC:3796 ENSG00000170345 FOS_HUMAN 2353 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.235810501 knock out up-regulate 5.33E-09 REG00015 FOSB FosB proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit HGNC:3797 ENSG00000125740 FOSB_HUMAN 2354 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.667590119 knock out up-regulate 1.97E-05 REG00015 FOXD3 Forkhead box D3 HGNC:3804 ENSG00000187140 FOXD3_HUMAN 27022 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 FOXI1 Forkhead box I1 HGNC:3815 ENSG00000168269 FOXI1_HUMAN 2299 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 FOXL1 Forkhead box L1 HGNC:3817 ENSG00000176678 FOXL1_HUMAN 2300 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.259586226 knock down up-regulate 6.38E-16 REG00015 FOXO3B Forkhead box O3B HGNC:3822 ENSG00000240445 FXO3B_HUMAN 2310 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.12E+00 . . . REG00015 FPR1 Formyl peptide receptor 1 HGNC:3826 ENSG00000171051 FPR1_HUMAN 2357 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.13627356 knock out down-regulator 3.42E-09 REG00015 AKR1C1 Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C1 HGNC:384 ENSG00000187134 AK1C1_HUMAN 1645 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 2.657822076 knock out up-regulate 0.020846559 REG00015 AKR1C2 Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C2 HGNC:385 ENSG00000151632 AK1C2_HUMAN 1646 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.617954904 knock out up-regulate 5.22E-08 REG00015 FXN Frataxin HGNC:3951 ENSG00000165060 FRDA_HUMAN 2395 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.929214453 knock out up-regulate 4.55E-06 REG00015 FSCN2 Fascin actin-bundling protein 2, retinal HGNC:3960 ENSG00000186765 FSCN2_HUMAN 25794 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.02E+00 . . . REG00015 FST Follistatin HGNC:3971 ENSG00000134363 FST_HUMAN 10468 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.661259948 knock down down-regulator 0.006166974 REG00015 FST Follistatin HGNC:3971 ENSG00000134363 FST_HUMAN 10468 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.786096914 knock out down-regulator 0.002633255 REG00015 FSTL3 Follistatin like 3 HGNC:3973 ENSG00000070404 FSTL3_HUMAN 10272 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.671952298 knock out up-regulate 0.002999535 REG00015 LIMS4 LIM zinc finger domain containing 4 HGNC:39941 ENSG00000256671 LIMS4_HUMAN 100288695 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.658788299 knock down up-regulate 0.004704934 REG00015 TEX22 Testis expressed 22 HGNC:40026 ENSG00000226174 TEX22_HUMAN 647310 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.775456687 knock down up-regulate 0.005841289 REG00015 SMIM5 Small integral membrane protein 5 HGNC:40030 ENSG00000204323 SMIM5_HUMAN 643008 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.20E+00 . . . REG00015 SMIM6 Small integral membrane protein 6 HGNC:40032 ENSG00000259120 SMIM6_HUMAN 100130933 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.70E+00 . . . REG00015 C19orf81 Chromosome 19 open reading frame 81 HGNC:40041 ENSG00000235034 CS081_HUMAN 342918 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.046332734 knock down up-regulate 3.22E-05 REG00015 MED14OS MED14 opposite strand HGNC:40162 ENSG00000234636 M14OS_HUMAN 100873985 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.34E+00 . . . REG00015 FXYD3 FXYD domain containing ion transport regulator 3 HGNC:4027 ENSG00000089356 FXYD3_HUMAN 5349 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.49E+00 . . . REG00015 FYB FYN binding protein 1 HGNC:4036 ENSG00000082074 FYB1_HUMAN 2533 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 FZD9 Frizzled class receptor 9 HGNC:4047 ENSG00000188763 FZD9_HUMAN 8326 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.770718929 knock down down-regulator 3.12E-07 REG00015 ALDH3A1 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family member A1 HGNC:405 ENSG00000108602 AL3A1_HUMAN 218 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 7.152154906 knock out up-regulate 5.80E-06 REG00015 ALDH1B1 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member B1 HGNC:407 ENSG00000137124 AL1B1_HUMAN 219 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.717545552 knock out down-regulator 0.002017255 REG00015 B4GALNT1 Beta-1,4-N-acetyl-galactosaminyltransferase 1 HGNC:4117 ENSG00000135454 B4GN1_HUMAN 2583 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.609714506 knock out up-regulate 0.008575314 REG00015 GAS7 Growth arrest specific 7 HGNC:4169 ENSG00000007237 GAS7_HUMAN 8522 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.41E+00 . . . REG00015 GAS7 Growth arrest specific 7 HGNC:4169 ENSG00000007237 GAS7_HUMAN 8522 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.096718367 knock out up-regulate 7.45E-30 REG00015 GBE1 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme 1 HGNC:4180 ENSG00000114480 GLGB_HUMAN 2632 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.821591462 knock down down-regulator 0.021159796 REG00015 GBP1 Guanylate binding protein 1 HGNC:4182 ENSG00000117228 GBP1_HUMAN 2633 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.38E+00 . . . REG00015 GBX2 Gastrulation brain homeobox 2 HGNC:4186 ENSG00000168505 GBX2_HUMAN 2637 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.639258761 knock down up-regulate 0.026087896 REG00015 GCAT Glycine C-acetyltransferase HGNC:4188 ENSG00000100116 KBL_HUMAN 23464 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.834136798 knock down down-regulator 0.000566469 REG00015 CCDC166 Coiled-coil domain containing 166 HGNC:41910 ENSG00000255181 CC166_HUMAN 100130274 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.05E+00 . . . REG00015 GCH1 GTP cyclohydrolase 1 HGNC:4193 ENSG00000131979 GCH1_HUMAN 2643 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.092484952 knock out down-regulator 1.91E-63 REG00015 GCHFR GTP cyclohydrolase I feedback regulator HGNC:4194 ENSG00000137880 GFRP_HUMAN 2644 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.949885868 knock down down-regulator 1.42E-06 REG00015 NPIPA3 Nuclear pore complex interacting protein family member A3 HGNC:41978 ENSG00000224712 NPIA3_HUMAN 642778 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.63E+00 . . . REG00015 NPIPA2 Nuclear pore complex interacting protein family member A2 HGNC:41979 ENSG00000254852 NPIA2_HUMAN 642799 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.757155712 knock down down-regulator 3.82E-05 REG00015 GDF7 Growth differentiation factor 7 HGNC:4222 ENSG00000143869 GDF7_HUMAN 151449 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 GFAP Glial fibrillary acidic protein HGNC:4235 ENSG00000131095 GFAP_HUMAN 2670 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.84E+00 . . . REG00015 GFPT1 Glutamine--fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 1 HGNC:4241 ENSG00000198380 GFPT1_HUMAN 2673 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.642620954 knock down up-regulate 0.022480548 REG00015 GGT5 Gamma-glutamyltransferase 5 HGNC:4260 ENSG00000099998 GGT5_HUMAN 2687 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.750239026 knock down down-regulator 2.64E-07 REG00015 GJA4 Gap junction protein alpha 4 HGNC:4278 ENSG00000187513 CXA4_HUMAN 2701 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.150013268 knock down up-regulate 4.19E-06 REG00015 ALMS1 ALMS1 centrosome and basal body associated protein HGNC:428 ENSG00000116127 ALMS1_HUMAN 7840 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.80E+00 . . . REG00015 GJB3 Gap junction protein beta 3 HGNC:4285 ENSG00000188910 CXB3_HUMAN 2707 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.21381457 knock out down-regulator 5.35E-11 REG00015 GK Glycerol kinase HGNC:4289 ENSG00000198814 GLPK_HUMAN 2710 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.711087762 knock out up-regulate 0.000525269 REG00015 ANKRD65 Ankyrin repeat domain 65 HGNC:42950 ENSG00000235098 ANR65_HUMAN 441869 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.653982019 knock out up-regulate 2.08E-08 REG00015 GCLM Glutamate-cysteine ligase modifier subunit HGNC:4312 ENSG00000023909 GSH0_HUMAN 2730 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.012234731 knock down up-regulate 0.012589726 REG00015 GLG1 Golgi glycoprotein 1 HGNC:4316 ENSG00000090863 GSLG1_HUMAN 2734 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.04E+00 . . . REG00015 GLI2 GLI family zinc finger 2 HGNC:4318 ENSG00000074047 GLI2_HUMAN 2736 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 GLI3 GLI family zinc finger 3 HGNC:4319 ENSG00000106571 GLI3_HUMAN 2737 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.86E+00 . . . REG00015 GLP2R Glucagon like peptide 2 receptor HGNC:4325 ENSG00000065325 GLP2R_HUMAN 9340 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.659583553 knock out down-regulator 1.98E-55 REG00015 ALOX15B Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase type B HGNC:434 ENSG00000179593 LX15B_HUMAN 247 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 ALPP Alkaline phosphatase, placental HGNC:439 ENSG00000163283 PPB1_HUMAN 250 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.6091649 knock out up-regulate 0.011228603 REG00015 GNAT2 G protein subunit alpha transducin 2 HGNC:4394 ENSG00000134183 GNAT2_HUMAN 2780 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.87E+00 . . . REG00015 SBK3 SH3 domain binding kinase family member 3 HGNC:44121 ENSG00000231274 SBK3_HUMAN 100130827 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.637326862 knock down up-regulate 0.004680638 REG00015 SPTY2D1OS SPTY2D1 opposite strand HGNC:44122 ENSG00000247595 SPTOS_HUMAN 100506540 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.720617306 knock down down-regulator 0.005581448 REG00015 PINLYP Phospholipase A2 inhibitor and LY6/PLAUR domain containing HGNC:44206 ENSG00000234465 PINLY_HUMAN 390940 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.853410626 knock down down-regulator 0.001231772 REG00015 GOLGA8M Golgin A8 family member M HGNC:44404 ENSG00000188626 GOG8M_HUMAN 653720 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.64E+00 . . . REG00015 GOLGA8N Golgin A8 family member N HGNC:44405 ENSG00000232653 GOG8N_HUMAN 643699 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.898296735 knock down down-regulator 0.036169867 REG00015 GOLGA8O Golgin A8 family member O HGNC:44406 ENSG00000206127 GOG8O_HUMAN 728047 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 GPC5 Glypican 5 HGNC:4453 ENSG00000179399 GPC5_HUMAN 2262 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 CEP295NL CEP295 N-terminal like HGNC:44659 ENSG00000178404 C295L_HUMAN 100653515 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.86E+00 . . . REG00015 ZBED1 Zinc finger BED-type containing 1 HGNC:447 ENSG00000214717 ZBED1_HUMAN 9189 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 GPR17 G protein-coupled receptor 17 HGNC:4471 ENSG00000144230 GPR17_HUMAN 2840 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.793431313 knock out down-regulator 0.040604444 REG00015 GPR20 G protein-coupled receptor 20 HGNC:4475 ENSG00000204882 GPR20_HUMAN 2843 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.50E+00 . . . REG00015 ALX4 ALX homeobox 4 HGNC:450 ENSG00000052850 ALX4_HUMAN 60529 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.87E+00 . . . REG00015 GPR52 G protein-coupled receptor 52 HGNC:4508 ENSG00000203737 GPR52_HUMAN 9293 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.29E+00 . . . REG00015 KISS1R KISS1 receptor HGNC:4510 ENSG00000116014 KISSR_HUMAN 84634 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.81E+00 . . . REG00015 GPR75 G protein-coupled receptor 75 HGNC:4526 ENSG00000119737 GPR75_HUMAN 10936 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.11E+00 . . . REG00015 GPR84 G protein-coupled receptor 84 HGNC:4535 ENSG00000139572 GPR84_HUMAN 53831 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.00E+00 . . . REG00015 GPX2 Glutathione peroxidase 2 HGNC:4554 ENSG00000176153 GPX2_HUMAN 2877 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.06E+00 . . . REG00015 RAPGEF1 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1 HGNC:4568 ENSG00000107263 RPGF1_HUMAN 2889 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.28E+00 . . . REG00015 GRIK4 Glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 4 HGNC:4582 ENSG00000149403 GRIK4_HUMAN 2900 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.785823777 knock out down-regulator 2.78E-40 REG00015 GRIN1 Glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 1 HGNC:4584 ENSG00000176884 NMDZ1_HUMAN 2902 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.37E+00 . . . REG00015 ARHGAP35 Rho GTPase activating protein 35 HGNC:4591 ENSG00000160007 RHG35_HUMAN 2909 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.71E+00 . . . REG00015 GSN Gelsolin HGNC:4620 ENSG00000148180 GELS_HUMAN 2934 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.801373198 knock out up-regulate 9.84E-10 REG00015 GSTZ1 Glutathione S-transferase zeta 1 HGNC:4643 ENSG00000100577 MAAI_HUMAN 2954 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.625630618 knock down down-regulator 0.005270869 REG00015 GTPBP1 GTP binding protein 1 HGNC:4669 ENSG00000100226 GTPB1_HUMAN 9567 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.767871631 knock down down-regulator 3.72E-11 REG00015 H1-0 H1.0 linker histone HGNC:4714 ENSG00000189060 H10_HUMAN 3005 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.061213176 knock down down-regulator 0.004530897 REG00015 HIST1H1C H1.2 linker histone, cluster member HGNC:4716 ENSG00000187837 H12_HUMAN 3006 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.22E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H1E H1.4 linker histone, cluster member HGNC:4718 ENSG00000168298 H14_HUMAN 3008 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 5.04E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2AE H2A clustered histone 8 HGNC:4724 ENSG00000277075 H2A1B_HUMAN 3012 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.62E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2AI H2A clustered histone 13 HGNC:4725 ENSG00000196747 H2A1_HUMAN 8329 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.68E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2AK H2A clustered histone 15 HGNC:4726 ENSG00000275221 H2A1_HUMAN 8330 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.84E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2AJ H2A clustered histone 14 HGNC:4727 ENSG00000276368 H2A1J_HUMAN 8331 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.53E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2AD H2A clustered histone 7 HGNC:4729 ENSG00000196866 H2A1D_HUMAN 3013 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.77E+00 . . . REG00015 H2AC6 H2A clustered histone 6 HGNC:4733 ENSG00000180573 H2A1C_HUMAN 8334 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.731343215 knock down up-regulate 1.93E-42 REG00015 HIST1H2AB H2A clustered histone 4 HGNC:4734 ENSG00000278463 H2A1B_HUMAN 8335 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.23E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2AM H2A clustered histone 17 HGNC:4735 ENSG00000278677 H2A1_HUMAN 8336 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.94E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST2H2AA3 H2A clustered histone 18 HGNC:4736 ENSG00000203812 H2A2A_HUMAN 8337 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.19E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2AG H2A clustered histone 11 HGNC:4737 ENSG00000196787 H2A1_HUMAN 8969 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.43E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST2H2AC H2A clustered histone 20 HGNC:4738 ENSG00000184260 H2A2C_HUMAN 8338 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.63E+00 . . . REG00015 H2AX H2A.X variant histone HGNC:4739 ENSG00000188486 H2AX_HUMAN 3014 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.138404993 knock down down-regulator 0.033897696 REG00015 H2AZ1 H2A.Z variant histone 1 HGNC:4741 ENSG00000164032 H2AZ_HUMAN 3015 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.041367813 knock down down-regulator 0.021926846 REG00015 HIST1H2BG H2B clustered histone 8 HGNC:4746 ENSG00000273802 H2B1C_HUMAN 8339 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.57E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2BD H2B clustered histone 5 HGNC:4747 ENSG00000158373 H2B1D_HUMAN 3017 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.32E+00 . . . REG00015 H2BC5 H2B clustered histone 5 HGNC:4747 ENSG00000158373 H2B1D_HUMAN 3017 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.308901133 knock down down-regulator 0.001894555 REG00015 HIST1H2BL H2B clustered histone 13 HGNC:4748 ENSG00000185130 H2B1L_HUMAN 8340 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.86E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2BN H2B clustered histone 15 HGNC:4749 ENSG00000233822 H2B1N_HUMAN 8341 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.14E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2BM H2B clustered histone 14 HGNC:4750 ENSG00000273703 H2B1M_HUMAN 8342 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.11E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2BF H2B clustered histone 7 HGNC:4752 ENSG00000277224 H2B1C_HUMAN 8343 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.53E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2BC H2B clustered histone 4 HGNC:4757 ENSG00000180596 H2B1C_HUMAN 8347 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.52E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H2BO H2B clustered histone 17 HGNC:4758 ENSG00000274641 H2B1O_HUMAN 8348 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.25E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST2H2BE H2B clustered histone 21 HGNC:4760 ENSG00000184678 H2B2E_HUMAN 8349 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.38E+00 . . . REG00015 H2BC21 H2B clustered histone 21 HGNC:4760 ENSG00000184678 H2B2E_HUMAN 8349 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.677790006 knock down up-regulate 9.12E-25 REG00015 H2BFS H2B clustered histone 12 like HGNC:4762 ENSG00000234289 H2BFS_HUMAN 102724334 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H3A H3 clustered histone 1 HGNC:4766 ENSG00000275714 H31_HUMAN 8350 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.19E+00 . . . REG00015 H3C1 H3 clustered histone 1 HGNC:4766 ENSG00000275714 H31_HUMAN 8350 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.232941855 knock down up-regulate 0.018785168 REG00015 HIST1H3D H3 clustered histone 4 HGNC:4767 ENSG00000197409 H31_HUMAN 8351 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.25E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H3F H3 clustered histone 7 HGNC:4773 ENSG00000277775 H31_HUMAN 8968 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.93E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H3B H3 clustered histone 2 HGNC:4776 ENSG00000286522 H31_HUMAN 8358 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.42E+00 . . . REG00015 H3C2 H3 clustered histone 2 HGNC:4776 ENSG00000286522 H31_HUMAN 8358 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.646682131 knock down up-regulate 0.000687425 REG00015 HIST1H4A H4 clustered histone 1 HGNC:4781 ENSG00000278637 H4_HUMAN 8359 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.09E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H4J H4 clustered histone 11 HGNC:4785 ENSG00000197238 H4_HUMAN 8363 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.63E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H4C H4 clustered histone 3 HGNC:4787 ENSG00000197061 H4_HUMAN 8364 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.71E+00 . . . REG00015 H4C3 H4 clustered histone 3 HGNC:4787 ENSG00000197061 H4_HUMAN 8364 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.035397878 knock down up-regulate 3.83E-12 REG00015 HIST1H4H H4 clustered histone 8 HGNC:4788 ENSG00000158406 H4_HUMAN 8365 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.06E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H4B H4 clustered histone 2 HGNC:4789 ENSG00000278705 H4_HUMAN 8366 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.96E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST1H4E H4 clustered histone 5 HGNC:4790 ENSG00000276966 H4_HUMAN 8367 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.88E+00 . . . REG00015 HIST2H4A H4 clustered histone 14 HGNC:4794 ENSG00000270882 H4_HUMAN 8370 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.66E+00 . . . REG00015 HAS2 Hyaluronan synthase 2 HGNC:4819 ENSG00000170961 HYAS2_HUMAN 3037 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 3.879412927 knock out up-regulate 0.027089751 REG00015 HBE1 Hemoglobin subunit epsilon 1 HGNC:4830 ENSG00000213931 HBE_HUMAN 3046 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.82E+00 . . . REG00015 HBS1L HBS1 like translational GTPase HGNC:4834 ENSG00000112339 HBS1L_HUMAN 10767 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.998523053 knock down down-regulator 0.022463946 REG00015 ANGPT1 Angiopoietin 1 HGNC:484 ENSG00000154188 ANGP1_HUMAN 284 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.642588192 knock out down-regulator 4.55E-06 REG00015 HTT Huntingtin HGNC:4851 ENSG00000197386 HD_HUMAN 3064 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.19E+00 . . . REG00015 HDAC1 Histone deacetylase 1 HGNC:4852 ENSG00000116478 HDAC1_HUMAN 3065 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.30913395 knock down down-regulator 0.020606353 REG00015 HERC1 HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 1 HGNC:4867 ENSG00000103657 HERC1_HUMAN 8925 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.345272145 knock down up-regulate 5.69E-10 REG00015 CFH Complement factor H HGNC:4883 ENSG00000000971 CFAH_HUMAN 3075 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.454778268 knock out up-regulate 0.001011033 REG00015 HGFAC HGF activator HGNC:4894 ENSG00000109758 HGFA_HUMAN 3083 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.52E+00 . . . REG00015 HIP1 Huntingtin interacting protein 1 HGNC:4913 ENSG00000127946 HIP1_HUMAN 3092 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.14E+00 . . . REG00015 ANK1 Ankyrin 1 HGNC:492 ENSG00000029534 ANK1_HUMAN 286 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.57E+00 . . . REG00015 HIVEP1 HIVEP zinc finger 1 HGNC:4920 ENSG00000095951 ZEP1_HUMAN 3096 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.86E+00 . . . REG00015 HIVEP2 HIVEP zinc finger 2 HGNC:4921 ENSG00000010818 ZEP2_HUMAN 3097 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.08E+00 . . . REG00015 HK2 Hexokinase 2 HGNC:4923 ENSG00000159399 HXK2_HUMAN 3099 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -3.663333257 knock down down-regulator 0.045651184 REG00015 ANK2 Ankyrin 2 HGNC:493 ENSG00000145362 ANK2_HUMAN 287 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.65E+00 . . . REG00015 KANTR KANTR integral membrane protein HGNC:49510 ENSG00000232593 . 102723508 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.38E+00 . . . REG00015 HLA-DRB5 Major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 5 HGNC:4953 ENSG00000198502 DRB5_HUMAN 3127 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.856072907 knock out up-regulate 0.000109898 REG00015 NBPF26 NBPF member 26 HGNC:49571 ENSG00000273136 NBPFP_HUMAN 101060684 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.12E+00 . . . REG00015 MCTS2 MCTS family member 2 HGNC:49760 ENSG00000101898 MCTS2_HUMAN 100101490 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.720815337 knock down up-regulate 0.026363415 REG00015 SMIM10L1 Small integral membrane protein 10 like 1 HGNC:49847 ENSG00000256537 SIML1_HUMAN 100129361 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.787541363 knock down up-regulate 0.007445413 REG00015 A1BG Alpha-1-B glycoprotein HGNC:5 ENSG00000121410 A1BG_HUMAN 1 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.70E+00 . . . REG00015 HMGCL 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase HGNC:5005 ENSG00000117305 HMGCL_HUMAN 3155 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.792125401 knock down up-regulate 0.004004806 REG00015 HMGCS1 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 1 HGNC:5007 ENSG00000112972 HMCS1_HUMAN 3157 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.195123036 knock out up-regulate 0.001704705 REG00015 HMMR Hyaluronan mediated motility receptor HGNC:5012 ENSG00000072571 HMMR_HUMAN 3161 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.234106995 knock down down-regulator 0.012956836 REG00015 HMOX1 Heme oxygenase 1 HGNC:5013 ENSG00000100292 HMOX1_HUMAN 3162 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 3.445020934 knock down up-regulate 0.049452809 REG00015 HMOX1 Heme oxygenase 1 HGNC:5013 ENSG00000100292 HMOX1_HUMAN 3162 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.16155164 knock out up-regulate 7.24E-06 REG00015 HMOX2 Heme oxygenase 2 HGNC:5014 ENSG00000103415 HMOX2_HUMAN 3163 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -4.585594641 knock down down-regulator 0.028910729 REG00015 HNF4G Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 gamma HGNC:5026 ENSG00000164749 HNF4G_HUMAN 3174 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 HNMT Histamine N-methyltransferase HGNC:5028 ENSG00000150540 HNMT_HUMAN 3176 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.639155259 knock down up-regulate 0.002859297 REG00015 HNRNPF Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F HGNC:5039 ENSG00000169813 HNRPF_HUMAN 3185 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.410758456 knock down down-regulator 0.036126135 REG00015 HOXA6 Homeobox A6 HGNC:5107 ENSG00000106006 HXA6_HUMAN 3203 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.60E+00 . . . REG00015 HOXB9 Homeobox B9 HGNC:5120 ENSG00000170689 HXB9_HUMAN 3219 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.417039232 knock out down-regulator 4.98E-10 REG00015 C1GALT1C1L C1GALT1 specific chaperone 1 like HGNC:51617 ENSG00000223658 C1C1L_HUMAN 728819 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.650444211 knock down down-regulator 6.23E-06 REG00015 HPX Hemopexin HGNC:5171 ENSG00000110169 HEMO_HUMAN 3263 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.672466004 knock down down-regulator 0.037119286 REG00015 HS3ST3B1 Heparan sulfate-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 3B1 HGNC:5198 ENSG00000125430 HS3SB_HUMAN 9953 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.771684542 knock out down-regulator 0.000289599 REG00015 HSPA1A Heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1A HGNC:5232 ENSG00000204389 HS71A_HUMAN 3303 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.92E+00 . . . REG00015 HSPA1A Heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1A HGNC:5232 ENSG00000204389 HS71A_HUMAN 3303 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.696204912 knock down up-regulate 0.026895796 REG00015 HSPA1B Heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1B HGNC:5233 ENSG00000204388 HS71B_HUMAN 3304 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.59E+00 . . . REG00015 HSPA6 Heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 6 HGNC:5239 ENSG00000173110 HSP76_HUMAN 3310 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.22E+00 . . . REG00015 HSPB1 Heat shock protein family B (small) member 1 HGNC:5246 ENSG00000106211 HSPB1_HUMAN 3315 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.569592742 knock down up-regulate 0.043536834 REG00015 TNC Tenascin C HGNC:5318 ENSG00000041982 TENA_HUMAN 3371 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.39E+00 . . . REG00015 HYAL4 Hyaluronidase 4 HGNC:5323 ENSG00000106302 HYAL4_HUMAN 23553 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 2.23596697 knock out up-regulate 0.029008537 REG00015 ICAM2 Intercellular adhesion molecule 2 HGNC:5345 ENSG00000108622 ICAM2_HUMAN 3384 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.150704301 knock out up-regulate 0.000222726 REG00015 ID1 Inhibitor of DNA binding 1, HLH protein HGNC:5360 ENSG00000125968 ID1_HUMAN 3397 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.906036855 knock out up-regulate 4.83E-07 REG00015 ID4 Inhibitor of DNA binding 4, HLH protein HGNC:5363 ENSG00000172201 ID4_HUMAN 3400 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.693669765 knock out down-regulator 0.000210748 REG00015 IER3 Immediate early response 3 HGNC:5392 ENSG00000137331 IEX1_HUMAN 8870 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 4.641856723 knock down up-regulate 0.016600406 REG00015 SP110 SP110 nuclear body protein HGNC:5401 ENSG00000135899 SP110_HUMAN 3431 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.91716629 knock out down-regulator 0.00456746 REG00015 ANXA3 Annexin A3 HGNC:541 ENSG00000138772 ANXA3_HUMAN 306 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.336604306 knock down up-regulate 0.000948855 REG00015 IFITM1 Interferon induced transmembrane protein 1 HGNC:5412 ENSG00000185885 IFM1_HUMAN 8519 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.652415697 knock out up-regulate 0.005063495 REG00015 IFNA1 Interferon alpha 1 HGNC:5417 ENSG00000197919 IFNA1_HUMAN 3439 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.17E+00 . . . REG00015 IGF1R Insulin like growth factor 1 receptor HGNC:5465 ENSG00000140443 IGF1R_HUMAN 3480 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.64E+00 . . . REG00015 XNDC1N XRCC1 N-terminal domain containing 1, N-terminal like HGNC:54661 ENSG00000254469 XNDC1_HUMAN 100133315 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.786022891 knock down up-regulate 3.37E-07 REG00015 IGF2R Insulin like growth factor 2 receptor HGNC:5467 ENSG00000197081 MPRI_HUMAN 3482 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 IGFALS Insulin like growth factor binding protein acid labile subunit HGNC:5468 ENSG00000099769 ALS_HUMAN 3483 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.19E+00 . . . REG00015 IGFBP3 Insulin like growth factor binding protein 3 HGNC:5472 ENSG00000146674 IBP3_HUMAN 3486 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.665651875 knock down up-regulate 0.000312515 REG00015 IGFBP6 Insulin like growth factor binding protein 6 HGNC:5475 ENSG00000167779 IBP6_HUMAN 3489 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.526931244 knock down down-regulator 7.79E-06 REG00015 AOX1 Aldehyde oxidase 1 HGNC:553 ENSG00000138356 AOXA_HUMAN 316 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.817552446 knock out down-regulator 7.17E-18 REG00015 APC APC regulator of WNT signaling pathway HGNC:583 ENSG00000134982 APC_HUMAN 324 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.37E+00 . . . REG00015 IL10 Interleukin 10 HGNC:5962 ENSG00000136634 IL10_HUMAN 3586 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.415759407 knock out down-regulator 1.52E-06 REG00015 IL11 Interleukin 11 HGNC:5966 ENSG00000095752 IL11_HUMAN 3589 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.602808997 knock out up-regulate 0.000124383 REG00015 APLP1 Amyloid beta precursor like protein 1 HGNC:597 ENSG00000105290 APLP1_HUMAN 333 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.717555114 knock down down-regulator 5.17E-08 REG00015 IL15RA Interleukin 15 receptor subunit alpha HGNC:5978 ENSG00000134470 I15RA_HUMAN 3601 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.700322967 knock down down-regulator 1.51E-06 REG00015 IL1RL1 Interleukin 1 receptor like 1 HGNC:5998 ENSG00000115602 ILRL1_HUMAN 9173 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.901692298 knock down up-regulate 1.39E-05 REG00015 IL20RB Interleukin 20 receptor subunit beta HGNC:6004 ENSG00000174564 I20RB_HUMAN 53833 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.823034809 knock out up-regulate 2.25E-06 REG00015 INCENP Inner centromere protein HGNC:6058 ENSG00000149503 INCE_HUMAN 3619 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.40E+00 . . . REG00015 ING2 Inhibitor of growth family member 2 HGNC:6063 ENSG00000168556 ING2_HUMAN 3622 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 2.875639995 knock down up-regulate 3.20E-09 REG00015 INHBB Inhibin subunit beta B HGNC:6067 ENSG00000163083 INHBB_HUMAN 3625 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.52998734 knock out down-regulator 1.71E-06 REG00015 APOC1 Apolipoprotein C1 HGNC:607 ENSG00000130208 APOC1_HUMAN 341 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.672757567 knock out down-regulator 3.31E-10 REG00015 INPP5D Inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase D HGNC:6079 ENSG00000168918 SHIP1_HUMAN 3635 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.54E+00 . . . REG00015 INSIG1 Insulin induced gene 1 HGNC:6083 ENSG00000186480 INSI1_HUMAN 3638 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.643369231 knock out up-regulate 0.000167486 REG00015 INSR Insulin receptor HGNC:6091 ENSG00000171105 INSR_HUMAN 3643 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.44E+00 . . . REG00015 IQGAP1 IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1 HGNC:6110 ENSG00000140575 IQGA1_HUMAN 8826 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.01E+00 . . . REG00015 IRF4 Interferon regulatory factor 4 HGNC:6119 ENSG00000137265 IRF4_HUMAN 3662 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.22E+00 . . . REG00015 IRF6 Interferon regulatory factor 6 HGNC:6121 ENSG00000117595 IRF6_HUMAN 3664 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.749243259 knock out up-regulate 0.001612047 REG00015 IRS1 Insulin receptor substrate 1 HGNC:6125 ENSG00000169047 IRS1_HUMAN 3667 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.29E+00 . . . REG00015 IRS2 Insulin receptor substrate 2 HGNC:6126 ENSG00000185950 IRS2_HUMAN 8660 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.57E+00 . . . REG00015 APOE Apolipoprotein E HGNC:613 ENSG00000130203 APOE_HUMAN 348 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.7014163 knock down down-regulator 9.02E-06 REG00015 ISG20 Interferon stimulated exonuclease gene 20 HGNC:6130 ENSG00000172183 ISG20_HUMAN 3669 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.500663815 knock down up-regulate 0.000128288 REG00015 ITGA1 Integrin subunit alpha 1 HGNC:6134 ENSG00000213949 ITA1_HUMAN 3672 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.78E+00 . . . REG00015 ITGA11 Integrin subunit alpha 11 HGNC:6136 ENSG00000137809 ITA11_HUMAN 22801 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.14E+00 . . . REG00015 ITGA7 Integrin subunit alpha 7 HGNC:6143 ENSG00000135424 ITA7_HUMAN 3679 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.751101326 knock down up-regulate 5.36E-06 REG00015 ITGA9 Integrin subunit alpha 9 HGNC:6145 ENSG00000144668 ITA9_HUMAN 3680 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.74E+00 . . . REG00015 ITGBL1 Integrin subunit beta like 1 HGNC:6164 ENSG00000198542 ITGBL_HUMAN 9358 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.757016847 knock out down-regulator 8.55E-05 REG00015 ITPR1 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 HGNC:6180 ENSG00000150995 ITPR1_HUMAN 3708 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.44E+00 . . . REG00015 ITPR2 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2 HGNC:6181 ENSG00000123104 ITPR2_HUMAN 3709 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.94E+00 . . . REG00015 ITPR3 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3 HGNC:6182 ENSG00000096433 ITPR3_HUMAN 3710 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.17E+00 . . . REG00015 JAK1 Janus kinase 1 HGNC:6190 ENSG00000162434 JAK1_HUMAN 3716 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.28E+00 . . . REG00015 CD82 CD82 molecule HGNC:6210 ENSG00000085117 CD82_HUMAN 3732 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.180161348 knock down down-regulator 0.027337718 REG00015 KCNAB3 Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A regulatory beta subunit 3 HGNC:6230 ENSG00000170049 KCAB3_HUMAN 9196 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.16 knock down down-regulator 0.002159 REG00015 KCND1 Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 1 HGNC:6237 ENSG00000102057 KCND1_HUMAN 3750 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.8042 knock down up-regulate 0.0008053 REG00015 KCNJ1 Potassium inwardly rectifying channel subfamily J member 1 HGNC:6255 ENSG00000151704 KCNJ1_HUMAN 3758 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 KCNMA1 Potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily M alpha 1 HGNC:6284 ENSG00000156113 KCMA1_HUMAN 3778 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 4.75E+00 . . . REG00015 KCNN4 Potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily N member 4 HGNC:6293 ENSG00000104783 KCNN4_HUMAN 3783 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.370528022 knock out up-regulate 8.88E-06 REG00015 KCNQ3 Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 3 HGNC:6297 ENSG00000184156 KCNQ3_HUMAN 3786 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.7469 knock out up-regulate 0.03019 REG00015 SHROOM2 Shroom family member 2 HGNC:630 ENSG00000146950 SHRM2_HUMAN 357 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.02E+00 . . . REG00015 KCNS2 Potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily S member 2 HGNC:6301 ENSG00000156486 KCNS2_HUMAN 3788 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.20E+00 . . . REG00015 KCNS3 Potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily S member 3 HGNC:6302 ENSG00000170745 KCNS3_HUMAN 3790 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.6988 knock out down-regulator 3.62E-06 REG00015 KIF3B Kinesin family member 3B HGNC:6320 ENSG00000101350 KIF3B_HUMAN 9371 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.709421387 knock down up-regulate 0.004131206 REG00015 KIF3C Kinesin family member 3C HGNC:6321 ENSG00000084731 KIF3C_HUMAN 3797 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.35E+00 . . . REG00015 KIF5C Kinesin family member 5C HGNC:6325 ENSG00000168280 KIF5C_HUMAN 3800 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.80E+00 . . . REG00015 AQP1 Aquaporin 1 (Colton blood group) HGNC:633 ENSG00000240583 AQP1_HUMAN 358 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.60575253 knock out down-regulator 0.002493255 REG00015 AQP2 Aquaporin 2 HGNC:634 ENSG00000167580 AQP2_HUMAN 359 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.00E+00 . . . REG00015 KITLG KIT ligand HGNC:6343 ENSG00000049130 SCF_HUMAN 4254 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.342915725 knock out down-regulator 1.89E-08 REG00015 KLF12 Kruppel like factor 12 HGNC:6346 ENSG00000118922 KLF12_HUMAN 11278 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.44E+00 . . . REG00015 AQP3 Aquaporin 3 (Gill blood group) HGNC:636 ENSG00000165272 AQP3_HUMAN 360 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.986993362 knock down down-regulator 3.08E-07 REG00015 KLRC2 Killer cell lectin like receptor C2 HGNC:6375 ENSG00000205809 NKG2C_HUMAN 3822 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.750589359 knock out up-regulate 6.08E-17 REG00015 KLRC3 Killer cell lectin like receptor C3 HGNC:6376 ENSG00000205810 NKG2E_HUMAN 3823 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.413462804 knock out up-regulate 2.86E-26 REG00015 KIF22 Kinesin family member 22 HGNC:6391 ENSG00000079616 KIF22_HUMAN 3835 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.817021904 knock down down-regulator 0.001652193 REG00015 TNPO1 Transportin 1 HGNC:6401 ENSG00000083312 TNPO1_HUMAN 3842 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.20E+00 . . . REG00015 MAFB MAF bZIP transcription factor B HGNC:6408 ENSG00000204103 MAFB_HUMAN 9935 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.95E+00 . . . REG00015 KRT81 Keratin 81 HGNC:6458 ENSG00000205426 KRT81_HUMAN 3887 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.943685609 knock out up-regulate 0.00049169 REG00015 KRT83 Keratin 83 HGNC:6460 ENSG00000170523 KRT83_HUMAN 3889 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.019101075 knock out up-regulate 0.000797653 REG00015 KRT86 Keratin 86 HGNC:6463 ENSG00000170442 KRT86_HUMAN 3892 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.684058015 knock out up-regulate 4.01E-99 REG00015 AFF3 AF4/FMR2 family member 3 HGNC:6473 ENSG00000144218 AFF3_HUMAN 3899 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.05E+00 . . . REG00015 LAMA3 Laminin subunit alpha 3 HGNC:6483 ENSG00000053747 LAMA3_HUMAN 3909 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.650666225 knock down up-regulate 0.004069565 REG00015 LAMC1 Laminin subunit gamma 1 HGNC:6492 ENSG00000135862 LAMC1_HUMAN 3915 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.97E+00 . . . REG00015 AREG Amphiregulin HGNC:651 ENSG00000109321 AREG_HUMAN 374 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -4.665601416 knock out down-regulator 0.014399615 REG00015 LARGE LARGE xylosyl- and glucuronyltransferase 1 HGNC:6511 ENSG00000133424 LARG1_HUMAN 9215 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.38E+00 . . . REG00015 LATS2 Large tumor suppressor kinase 2 HGNC:6515 ENSG00000150457 LATS2_HUMAN 26524 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.44E+00 . . . REG00015 LBP Lipopolysaccharide binding protein HGNC:6517 ENSG00000129988 LBP_HUMAN 3929 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.643596239 knock out down-regulator 0.041946643 REG00015 LCP1 Lymphocyte cytosolic protein 1 HGNC:6528 ENSG00000136167 PLSL_HUMAN 3936 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.6486771 knock out up-regulate 0.00077186 REG00015 LDLR Low density lipoprotein receptor HGNC:6547 ENSG00000130164 LDLR_HUMAN 3949 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.20E+00 . . . REG00015 LDLR Low density lipoprotein receptor HGNC:6547 ENSG00000130164 LDLR_HUMAN 3949 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.008021791 knock out down-regulator 0.000685549 REG00015 LEPR Leptin receptor HGNC:6554 ENSG00000116678 LEPR_HUMAN 3953 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.655795619 knock out down-regulator 7.63E-05 REG00015 LFNG LFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase HGNC:6560 ENSG00000106003 LFNG_HUMAN 3955 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 3.100651011 knock down up-regulate 0.023513095 REG00015 LHB Luteinizing hormone subunit beta HGNC:6584 ENSG00000104826 LSHB_HUMAN 3972 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 LHX1 LIM homeobox 1 HGNC:6593 ENSG00000273706 LHX1_HUMAN 3975 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.03E+00 . . . REG00015 TRIM23 Tripartite motif containing 23 HGNC:660 ENSG00000113595 TRI23_HUMAN 373 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.618166641 knock down up-regulate 0.041069396 REG00015 LIPG Lipase G, endothelial type HGNC:6623 ENSG00000101670 LIPE_HUMAN 9388 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.461302472 knock down up-regulate 0.04293529 REG00015 LLGL2 LLGL scribble cell polarity complex component 2 HGNC:6629 ENSG00000073350 L2GL2_HUMAN 3993 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.711525667 knock out up-regulate 0.038116363 REG00015 LMAN1L Lectin, mannose binding 1 like HGNC:6632 ENSG00000140506 LMA1L_HUMAN 79748 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.15E+00 . . . REG00015 LMO2 LIM domain only 2 HGNC:6642 ENSG00000135363 RBTN2_HUMAN 4005 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.937879706 knock out down-regulator 0.013994749 REG00015 VWA5A Von Willebrand factor A domain containing 5A HGNC:6658 ENSG00000110002 VMA5A_HUMAN 4013 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.035923739 knock down down-regulator 7.90E-11 REG00015 LOXL1 Lysyl oxidase like 1 HGNC:6665 ENSG00000129038 LOXL1_HUMAN 4016 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.85430828 knock down up-regulate 0.001000128 REG00015 LPL Lipoprotein lipase HGNC:6677 ENSG00000175445 LIPL_HUMAN 4023 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.008200239 knock down up-regulate 0.034652315 REG00015 LPL Lipoprotein lipase HGNC:6677 ENSG00000175445 LIPL_HUMAN 4023 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.008200239 knock out up-regulate 0.034652315 REG00015 LPP LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma HGNC:6679 ENSG00000145012 LPP_HUMAN 4026 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.30E+00 . . . REG00015 LRP1 LDL receptor related protein 1 HGNC:6692 ENSG00000123384 LRP1_HUMAN 4035 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.17E+00 . . . REG00015 LRP6 LDL receptor related protein 6 HGNC:6698 ENSG00000070018 LRP6_HUMAN 4040 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.72E+00 . . . REG00015 LRP8 LDL receptor related protein 8 HGNC:6700 ENSG00000157193 LRP8_HUMAN 7804 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.416691411 knock down down-regulator 4.75E-27 REG00015 LRP8 LDL receptor related protein 8 HGNC:6700 ENSG00000157193 LRP8_HUMAN 7804 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.561613118 knock out down-regulator 2.45E-12 REG00015 LSS Lanosterol synthase HGNC:6708 ENSG00000160285 LSS_HUMAN 4047 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.595787422 knock out up-regulate 1.51E-09 REG00015 LTBP1 Latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 1 HGNC:6714 ENSG00000049323 LTBP1_HUMAN 4052 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.06E+00 . . . REG00015 LTBP1 Latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 1 HGNC:6714 ENSG00000049323 LTBP1_HUMAN 4052 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.608977208 knock out up-regulate 1.08E-07 REG00015 RHOG Ras homolog family member G HGNC:672 ENSG00000177105 RHOG_HUMAN 391 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.604206635 knock down up-regulate 0.011160363 REG00015 LY75 Lymphocyte antigen 75 HGNC:6729 ENSG00000054219 LY75_HUMAN 4065 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.680092044 knock down down-regulator 2.61E-05 REG00015 MAB21L1 Mab-21 like 1 HGNC:6757 ENSG00000180660 MB211_HUMAN 4081 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.20E+00 . . . REG00015 MAB21L2 Mab-21 like 2 HGNC:6758 ENSG00000181541 MB212_HUMAN 10586 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.64E+00 . . . REG00015 ARHGAP8 Rho GTPase activating protein 8 HGNC:677 ENSG00000241484 RHG08_HUMAN 23779 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.93E+00 . . . REG00015 MAN1A2 Mannosidase alpha class 1A member 2 HGNC:6822 ENSG00000198162 MA1A2_HUMAN 10905 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.46E+00 . . . REG00015 MAN2A1 Mannosidase alpha class 2A member 1 HGNC:6824 ENSG00000112893 MA2A1_HUMAN 4124 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.613803953 knock down up-regulate 1.32E-07 REG00015 MAP1A Microtubule associated protein 1A HGNC:6835 ENSG00000166963 MAP1A_HUMAN 4130 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.23E+00 . . . REG00015 MAP1B Microtubule associated protein 1B HGNC:6836 ENSG00000131711 MAP1B_HUMAN 4131 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.42E+00 . . . REG00015 ARHGEF4 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 4 HGNC:684 ENSG00000136002 ARHG4_HUMAN 50649 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.04E+00 . . . REG00015 MAPK13 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 13 HGNC:6875 ENSG00000156711 MK13_HUMAN 5603 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.807139598 knock out up-regulate 0.035044243 REG00015 MAPK8IP1 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 1 HGNC:6882 ENSG00000121653 JIP1_HUMAN 9479 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.956804982 knock down down-regulator 0.017266199 REG00015 MAT2A Methionine adenosyltransferase 2A HGNC:6904 ENSG00000168906 METK2_HUMAN 4144 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.732757612 knock down down-regulator 0.007157853 REG00015 MATN2 Matrilin 2 HGNC:6908 ENSG00000132561 MATN2_HUMAN 4147 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.970707526 knock out up-regulate 7.73E-14 REG00015 MB Myoglobin HGNC:6915 ENSG00000198125 MYG_HUMAN 4151 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.788487903 knock out up-regulate 0.014915565 REG00015 MCC MCC regulator of WNT signaling pathway HGNC:6935 ENSG00000171444 CRCM_HUMAN 4163 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.58E+00 . . . REG00015 MCM4 Minichromosome maintenance complex component 4 HGNC:6947 ENSG00000104738 MCM4_HUMAN 4173 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 MEF2C Myocyte enhancer factor 2C HGNC:6996 ENSG00000081189 MEF2C_HUMAN 4208 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.384021044 knock out up-regulate 0.004488899 REG00015 MEST Mesoderm specific transcript HGNC:7028 ENSG00000106484 MEST_HUMAN 4232 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.30E+00 . . . REG00015 METTL1 Methyltransferase 1, tRNA methylguanosine HGNC:7030 ENSG00000037897 TRMB_HUMAN 4234 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.672902923 knock down down-regulator 0.032202365 REG00015 MFAP2 Microfibril associated protein 2 HGNC:7033 ENSG00000117122 MFAP2_HUMAN 4237 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.110984159 knock out up-regulate 0.021173674 REG00015 MFNG MFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase HGNC:7038 ENSG00000100060 MFNG_HUMAN 4242 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.08E+00 . . . REG00015 MGAT5 Alpha-1,6-mannosylglycoprotein 6-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase HGNC:7049 ENSG00000152127 MGT5A_HUMAN 4249 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.32E+00 . . . REG00015 MGST1 Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 HGNC:7061 ENSG00000008394 MGST1_HUMAN 4257 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.852054883 knock down down-regulator 0.012495427 REG00015 MID1 Midline 1 HGNC:7095 ENSG00000101871 TRI18_HUMAN 4281 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.16E+00 . . . REG00015 MITF Melanocyte inducing transcription factor HGNC:7105 ENSG00000187098 MITF_HUMAN 4286 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.636007822 knock out up-regulate 0.004660456 REG00015 ATXN3 Ataxin 3 HGNC:7106 ENSG00000066427 ATX3_HUMAN 4287 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -4.082585302 knock down down-regulator 0.009241343 REG00015 MKI67 Marker of proliferation Ki-67 HGNC:7107 ENSG00000148773 KI67_HUMAN 4288 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.04E+00 . . . REG00015 KMT2A Lysine methyltransferase 2A HGNC:7132 ENSG00000118058 KMT2A_HUMAN 4297 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.52E+00 . . . REG00015 KMT2D Lysine methyltransferase 2D HGNC:7133 ENSG00000167548 KMT2D_HUMAN 8085 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.27E+00 . . . REG00015 AFF1 AF4/FMR2 family member 1 HGNC:7135 ENSG00000172493 AFF1_HUMAN 4299 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.06E+00 . . . REG00015 MLLT4 Afadin, adherens junction formation factor HGNC:7137 ENSG00000130396 AFAD_HUMAN 4301 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.00E+00 . . . REG00015 MME Membrane metalloendopeptidase HGNC:7154 ENSG00000196549 NEP_HUMAN 4311 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.68E+00 . . . REG00015 MMP15 Matrix metallopeptidase 15 HGNC:7161 ENSG00000102996 MMP15_HUMAN 4324 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -6.299741994 knock out down-regulator 0.004402981 REG00015 MN1 MN1 proto-oncogene, transcriptional regulator HGNC:7180 ENSG00000169184 MN1_HUMAN 4330 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.50E+00 . . . REG00015 KIF20B Kinesin family member 20B HGNC:7212 ENSG00000138182 KI20B_HUMAN 9585 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.416253562 knock down down-regulator 4.02E-21 REG00015 MPHOSPH6 M-phase phosphoprotein 6 HGNC:7214 ENSG00000135698 MPH6_HUMAN 10200 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.369143055 knock down up-regulate 0.000389217 REG00015 MPP1 MAGUK p55 scaffold protein 1 HGNC:7219 ENSG00000130830 EM55_HUMAN 4354 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.890210732 knock out up-regulate 0.000137478 REG00015 MPP3 MAGUK p55 scaffold protein 3 HGNC:7221 ENSG00000161647 MPP3_HUMAN 4356 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.61251403 knock out down-regulator 0.00223066 REG00015 ART1 ADP-ribosyltransferase 1 HGNC:723 ENSG00000129744 NAR1_HUMAN 417 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.54E+00 . . . REG00015 ART4 ADP-ribosyltransferase 4 (inactive) (Dombrock blood group) HGNC:726 ENSG00000111339 NAR4_HUMAN 420 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.602190286 knock down down-regulator 0.000689189 REG00015 MSH5 MutS homolog 5 HGNC:7328 ENSG00000204410 MSH5_HUMAN 4439 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.605631731 knock down up-regulate 0.018093547 REG00015 ASCL2 Achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 2 HGNC:739 ENSG00000183734 ASCL2_HUMAN 430 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.17E+00 . . . REG00015 MSX2 Msh homeobox 2 HGNC:7392 ENSG00000120149 MSX2_HUMAN 4488 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.077343261 knock out down-regulator 0.049744728 REG00015 MT1E Metallothionein 1E HGNC:7397 ENSG00000169715 MT1E_HUMAN 4493 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.169388088 knock down up-regulate 1.70E-09 REG00015 ABCG2 ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 2 (Junior blood group) HGNC:74 ENSG00000118777 ABCG2_HUMAN 9429 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.838760046 knock out up-regulate 4.82E-37 REG00015 MT2A Metallothionein 2A HGNC:7406 ENSG00000125148 MT2_HUMAN 4502 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -5.358968764 knock down down-regulator 0.043905392 REG00015 MT3 Metallothionein 3 HGNC:7408 ENSG00000087250 MT3_HUMAN 4504 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 5.480313252 knock down up-regulate 0.035420121 REG00015 MTHFD1 Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase, cyclohydrolase and formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase 1 HGNC:7432 ENSG00000100714 C1TC_HUMAN 4522 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.59579799 knock down up-regulate 0.02389137 REG00015 ASIP Agouti signaling protein HGNC:745 ENSG00000101440 ASIP_HUMAN 434 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.36E+00 . . . REG00015 MUC12 Mucin 12, cell surface associated HGNC:7510 ENSG00000205277 MUC12_HUMAN 10071 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.64E+00 . . . REG00015 MUC5AC Mucin 5AC, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming HGNC:7515 ENSG00000215182 MUC5A_HUMAN 4586 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.32E+00 . . . REG00015 MUC5B Mucin 5B, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming HGNC:7516 ENSG00000117983 MUC5B_HUMAN 727897 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.15E+00 . . . REG00015 MUC6 Mucin 6, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming HGNC:7517 ENSG00000184956 MUC6_HUMAN 4588 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.05E+00 . . . REG00015 CDHR5 Cadherin related family member 5 HGNC:7521 ENSG00000099834 CDHR5_HUMAN 53841 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.21E+00 . . . REG00015 MUSK Muscle associated receptor tyrosine kinase HGNC:7525 ENSG00000030304 MUSK_HUMAN 4593 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.7443122 knock out down-regulator 0.028294873 REG00015 MVD Mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase HGNC:7529 ENSG00000167508 MVD1_HUMAN 4597 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.139490913 knock out down-regulator 0.003877717 REG00015 MVK Mevalonate kinase HGNC:7530 ENSG00000110921 KIME_HUMAN 4598 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.599000042 knock out up-regulate 0.009220106 REG00015 MXI1 MAX interactor 1, dimerization protein HGNC:7534 ENSG00000119950 MXI1_HUMAN 4601 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.598121747 knock out up-regulate 1.67E-06 REG00015 MXRA5 Matrix remodeling associated 5 HGNC:7539 ENSG00000101825 MXRA5_HUMAN 25878 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.34E+00 . . . REG00015 MYH10 Myosin heavy chain 10 HGNC:7568 ENSG00000133026 MYH10_HUMAN 4628 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.89E+00 . . . REG00015 MYH9 Myosin heavy chain 9 HGNC:7579 ENSG00000100345 MYH9_HUMAN 4627 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.91E+00 . . . REG00015 MYLK Myosin light chain kinase HGNC:7590 ENSG00000065534 MYLK_HUMAN 4638 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 MYO10 Myosin X HGNC:7593 ENSG00000145555 MYO10_HUMAN 4651 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.00E+00 . . . REG00015 MYO1A Myosin IA HGNC:7595 ENSG00000166866 MYO1A_HUMAN 4640 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.81E+00 . . . REG00015 MYO1D Myosin ID HGNC:7598 ENSG00000176658 MYO1D_HUMAN 4642 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.15E+00 . . . REG00015 MYO1E Myosin IE HGNC:7599 ENSG00000157483 MYO1E_HUMAN 4643 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.30E+00 . . . REG00015 MYO5A Myosin VA HGNC:7602 ENSG00000197535 MYO5A_HUMAN 4644 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.98E+00 . . . REG00015 MYO5C Myosin VC HGNC:7604 ENSG00000128833 MYO5C_HUMAN 55930 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.07E+00 . . . REG00015 MYO9A Myosin IXA HGNC:7608 ENSG00000066933 MYO9A_HUMAN 4649 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.65E+00 . . . REG00015 PPP1R12A Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12A HGNC:7618 ENSG00000058272 MYPT1_HUMAN 4659 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.86E+00 . . . REG00015 PPP1R12B Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12B HGNC:7619 ENSG00000077157 MYPT2_HUMAN 4660 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.45E+00 . . . REG00015 NCK1 NCK adaptor protein 1 HGNC:7664 ENSG00000158092 NCK1_HUMAN 4690 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.682175501 knock down up-regulate 0.004114244 REG00015 NCL Nucleolin HGNC:7667 ENSG00000115053 NUCL_HUMAN 4691 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.685298115 knock out up-regulate 0.00571134 REG00015 NCOA2 Nuclear receptor coactivator 2 HGNC:7669 ENSG00000140396 NCOA2_HUMAN 10499 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.71E+00 . . . REG00015 NCOR2 Nuclear receptor corepressor 2 HGNC:7673 ENSG00000196498 NCOR2_HUMAN 9612 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 NDST1 N-deacetylase and N-sulfotransferase 1 HGNC:7680 ENSG00000070614 NDST1_HUMAN 3340 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.14E+00 . . . REG00015 ABL2 ABL proto-oncogene 2, non-receptor tyrosine kinase HGNC:77 ENSG00000143322 ABL2_HUMAN 27 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.26E+00 . . . REG00015 NEDD4L NEDD4 like E3 ubiquitin protein ligase HGNC:7728 ENSG00000049759 NED4L_HUMAN 23327 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.843048015 knock out up-regulate 0.000491907 REG00015 SERPINC1 Serpin family C member 1 HGNC:775 ENSG00000117601 ANT3_HUMAN 462 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.19E+00 . . . REG00015 ZFHX3 Zinc finger homeobox 3 HGNC:777 ENSG00000140836 ZFHX3_HUMAN 463 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.96E+00 . . . REG00015 NF2 NF2, moesin-ezrin-radixin like (MERLIN) tumor suppressor HGNC:7773 ENSG00000186575 MERL_HUMAN 4771 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.810901834 knock out up-regulate 0.001607972 REG00015 NFAT5 Nuclear factor of activated T cells 5 HGNC:7774 ENSG00000102908 NFAT5_HUMAN 10725 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.50E+00 . . . REG00015 NFIC Nuclear factor I C HGNC:7786 ENSG00000141905 NFIC_HUMAN 4782 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.27E+00 . . . REG00015 ATCAY ATCAY kinesin light chain interacting caytaxin HGNC:779 ENSG00000167654 ATCAY_HUMAN 85300 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.52E+00 . . . REG00015 ABLIM1 Actin binding LIM protein 1 HGNC:78 ENSG00000099204 ABLM1_HUMAN 3983 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.745220641 knock out down-regulator 0.017597812 REG00015 NGF Nerve growth factor HGNC:7808 ENSG00000134259 NGF_HUMAN 4803 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.760236086 knock out up-regulate 4.67E-05 REG00015 NGFR Nerve growth factor receptor HGNC:7809 ENSG00000064300 TNR16_HUMAN 4804 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.53E+00 . . . REG00015 NME1 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 1 HGNC:7849 ENSG00000239672 NDKA_HUMAN 4830 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.734411939 knock down up-regulate 0.009054323 REG00015 NME2 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 2 HGNC:7850 ENSG00000243678 NDKB_HUMAN 4831 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.644263956 knock out up-regulate 0.003855974 REG00015 NNMT Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase HGNC:7861 ENSG00000166741 NNMT_HUMAN 4837 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.75605793 knock out up-regulate 0.001496666 REG00015 NOP2 NOP2 nucleolar protein HGNC:7867 ENSG00000111641 NOP2_HUMAN 4839 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.687686628 knock out up-regulate 0.007994915 REG00015 NOTCH1 Notch receptor 1 HGNC:7881 ENSG00000148400 NOTC1_HUMAN 4851 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.79E+00 . . . REG00015 NOTCH2 Notch receptor 2 HGNC:7882 ENSG00000134250 NOTC2_HUMAN 4853 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.62E+00 . . . REG00015 NOTCH3 Notch receptor 3 HGNC:7883 ENSG00000074181 NOTC3_HUMAN 4854 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.111370164 knock down up-regulate 0.010442053 REG00015 NPC1 NPC intracellular cholesterol transporter 1 HGNC:7897 ENSG00000141458 NPC1_HUMAN 4864 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.649114981 knock out down-regulator 0.005725141 REG00015 ATIC 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase/IMP cyclohydrolase HGNC:794 ENSG00000138363 PUR9_HUMAN 471 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.649173674 knock down down-regulator 0.006430222 REG00015 NR1H3 Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 3 HGNC:7966 ENSG00000025434 NR1H3_HUMAN 10062 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.008216697 knock down down-regulator 0.049455774 REG00015 NR3C1 Nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 1 HGNC:7978 ENSG00000113580 GCR_HUMAN 2908 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.03E+00 . . . REG00015 NR3C2 Nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 2 HGNC:7979 ENSG00000151623 MCR_HUMAN 4306 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.88E+00 . . . REG00015 NR3C2 Nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 2 HGNC:7979 ENSG00000151623 MCR_HUMAN 4306 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.169121158 knock down down-regulator 6.69E-06 REG00015 NRCAM Neuronal cell adhesion molecule HGNC:7994 ENSG00000091129 NRCAM_HUMAN 4897 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.957214518 knock out down-regulator 0.034904516 REG00015 NRGN Neurogranin HGNC:8000 ENSG00000154146 NEUG_HUMAN 4900 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.831805492 knock out down-regulator 0.01245739 REG00015 NRP2 Neuropilin 2 HGNC:8005 ENSG00000118257 NRP2_HUMAN 8828 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.735740333 knock out up-regulate 0.035871618 REG00015 NRXN1 Neurexin 1 HGNC:8008 ENSG00000179915 . 9378 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.00E+00 . . . REG00015 NT5E 5'-nucleotidase ecto HGNC:8021 ENSG00000135318 5NTD_HUMAN 4907 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.602233523 knock down up-regulate 0.014648084 REG00015 NTN3 Netrin 3 HGNC:8030 ENSG00000162068 NET3_HUMAN 4917 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.776697384 knock out down-regulator 2.19E-08 REG00015 ATP1B1 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 1 HGNC:804 ENSG00000143153 AT1B1_HUMAN 481 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.379243432 knock down down-regulator 0.023076556 REG00015 NUCB2 Nucleobindin 2 HGNC:8044 ENSG00000070081 NUCB2_HUMAN 4925 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.795170012 knock down down-regulator 5.29E-05 REG00015 NXF3 Nuclear RNA export factor 3 HGNC:8073 ENSG00000147206 NXF3_HUMAN 56000 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.50E+00 . . . REG00015 ODC1 Ornithine decarboxylase 1 HGNC:8109 ENSG00000115758 DCOR_HUMAN 4953 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.599291307 knock out down-regulator 0.024280963 REG00015 ATP2A1 ATPase sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting 1 HGNC:811 ENSG00000196296 AT2A1_HUMAN 487 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.890171398 knock down down-regulator 0.010258228 REG00015 ONECUT2 One cut homeobox 2 HGNC:8139 ENSG00000119547 ONEC2_HUMAN 9480 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.49E+00 . . . REG00015 OPA1 OPA1 mitochondrial dynamin like GTPase HGNC:8140 ENSG00000198836 OPA1_HUMAN 4976 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.45E+00 . . . REG00015 OPHN1 Oligophrenin 1 HGNC:8148 ENSG00000079482 OPHN1_HUMAN 4983 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.41E+00 . . . REG00015 OPRL1 Opioid related nociceptin receptor 1 HGNC:8155 ENSG00000125510 OPRX_HUMAN 4987 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.923800286 knock down down-regulator 0.000122879 REG00015 OR1K1 Olfactory receptor family 1 subfamily K member 1 HGNC:8212 ENSG00000165204 OR1K1_HUMAN 392392 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.93E+00 . . . REG00015 ATP5MC1 ATP synthase membrane subunit c locus 1 HGNC:841 ENSG00000159199 AT5G1_HUMAN 516 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.841637849 knock down down-regulator 1.69E-08 REG00015 SLC22A13 Solute carrier family 22 member 13 HGNC:8494 ENSG00000172940 S22AD_HUMAN 9390 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.28E+00 . . . REG00015 OXCT1 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase 1 HGNC:8527 ENSG00000083720 SCOT1_HUMAN 5019 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.806314693 knock down up-regulate 0.002139186 REG00015 P2RX1 Purinergic receptor P2X 1 HGNC:8533 ENSG00000108405 P2RX1_HUMAN 5023 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.91E+00 . . . REG00015 P2RX5 Purinergic receptor P2X 5 HGNC:8536 ENSG00000083454 P2RX5_HUMAN 5026 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.7446948 knock out down-regulator 0.002410072 REG00015 P4HA1 Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 1 HGNC:8546 ENSG00000122884 P4HA1_HUMAN 5033 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.245041345 knock out down-regulator 0.001407483 REG00015 ATP6V1E1 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit E1 HGNC:857 ENSG00000131100 VATE1_HUMAN 529 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.757469906 knock down down-regulator 3.17E-22 REG00015 SERPINB2 Serpin family B member 2 HGNC:8584 ENSG00000197632 PAI2_HUMAN 5055 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.586033131 knock out up-regulate 0.020095801 REG00015 PAPSS2 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate synthase 2 HGNC:8604 ENSG00000198682 PAPS2_HUMAN 9060 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.706145808 knock out up-regulate 0.005710882 REG00015 PARN Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease HGNC:8609 ENSG00000140694 PARN_HUMAN 5073 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.885491067 knock down up-regulate 0.020299528 REG00015 PCDH1 Protocadherin 1 HGNC:8655 ENSG00000156453 PCDH1_HUMAN 5097 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.43E+00 . . . REG00015 PCDH7 Protocadherin 7 HGNC:8659 ENSG00000169851 PCDH7_HUMAN 5099 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.94E+00 . . . REG00015 ATP6V0A4 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a4 HGNC:866 ENSG00000105929 VPP4_HUMAN 50617 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.744683492 knock out down-regulator 5.59E-05 REG00015 ATP7A ATPase copper transporting alpha HGNC:869 ENSG00000165240 ATP7A_HUMAN 538 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.08E+00 . . . REG00015 ATP7B ATPase copper transporting beta HGNC:870 ENSG00000123191 ATP7B_HUMAN 540 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.02E+00 . . . REG00015 SERPINA5 Serpin family A member 5 HGNC:8723 ENSG00000188488 IPSP_HUMAN 5104 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.637162283 knock out down-regulator 0.032104041 REG00015 PCNA Proliferating cell nuclear antigen HGNC:8729 ENSG00000132646 PCNA_HUMAN 5111 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.619303035 knock down down-regulator 0.02548664 REG00015 PCOLCE Procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer HGNC:8738 ENSG00000106333 PCOC1_HUMAN 5118 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.133605092 knock down down-regulator 0.004346373 REG00015 PCSK1 Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 HGNC:8743 ENSG00000175426 NEC1_HUMAN 5122 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.203180852 knock out down-regulator 0.005313946 REG00015 PCYT2 Phosphate cytidylyltransferase 2, ethanolamine HGNC:8756 ENSG00000185813 PCY2_HUMAN 5833 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.232169684 knock out up-regulate 0.003674946 REG00015 PDE1C Phosphodiesterase 1C HGNC:8776 ENSG00000154678 PDE1C_HUMAN 5137 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.81E+00 . . . REG00015 PDE9A Phosphodiesterase 9A HGNC:8795 ENSG00000160191 PDE9A_HUMAN 5152 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.643134725 knock out down-regulator 0.030572684 REG00015 PDGFA Platelet derived growth factor subunit A HGNC:8799 ENSG00000197461 PDGFA_HUMAN 5154 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.467347945 knock down down-regulator 0.038037493 REG00015 PDPK1 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase 1 HGNC:8816 ENSG00000140992 PDPK1_HUMAN 5170 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.25E+00 . . . REG00015 SLC26A4 Solute carrier family 26 member 4 HGNC:8818 ENSG00000091137 S26A4_HUMAN 5172 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.07E+00 . . . REG00015 PECAM1 Platelet and endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 HGNC:8823 ENSG00000261371 PECA1_HUMAN 5175 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.391938024 knock out down-regulator 0.003856956 REG00015 PEMT Phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase HGNC:8830 ENSG00000133027 PEMT_HUMAN 10400 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.849897875 knock down down-regulator 0.000557968 REG00015 PER2 Period circadian regulator 2 HGNC:8846 ENSG00000132326 PER2_HUMAN 8864 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.06E+00 . . . REG00015 PEX11A Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 alpha HGNC:8852 ENSG00000166821 PX11A_HUMAN 8800 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.828054327 knock out down-regulator 0.000469149 REG00015 PFKFB2 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 2 HGNC:8873 ENSG00000123836 F262_HUMAN 5208 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 1.159709028 knock out up-regulate 0.012423181 REG00015 PGD Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase HGNC:8891 ENSG00000142657 6PGD_HUMAN 5226 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.772110706 knock out down-regulator 0.010449186 REG00015 PGK1 Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 HGNC:8896 ENSG00000102144 PGK1_HUMAN 5230 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.359975675 knock out down-regulator 0.004226568 REG00015 PHGDH Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase HGNC:8923 ENSG00000092621 SERA_HUMAN 26227 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.756233798 knock down down-regulator 0.000133997 REG00015 SERPINA1 Serpin family A member 1 HGNC:8941 ENSG00000197249 A1AT_HUMAN 5265 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.929321284 knock out down-regulator 2.96E-06 REG00015 SERPINB9 Serpin family B member 9 HGNC:8955 ENSG00000170542 SPB9_HUMAN 5272 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.934791357 knock down up-regulate 0.000825767 REG00015 PISD Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase HGNC:8999 ENSG00000241878 PISD_HUMAN 23761 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.838043609 knock out up-regulate 0.000422506 REG00015 PKDREJ Polycystin family receptor for egg jelly HGNC:9015 ENSG00000130943 PKDRE_HUMAN 10343 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 3.32E+00 . . . REG00015 PKIB CAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor beta HGNC:9018 ENSG00000135549 IPKB_HUMAN 5570 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.373285508 knock out down-regulator 1.64E-05 REG00015 PKM Pyruvate kinase M1/2 HGNC:9021 ENSG00000067225 KPYM_HUMAN 5315 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.886645477 knock down down-regulator 0.006705916 REG00015 PLAG1 PLAG1 zinc finger HGNC:9045 ENSG00000181690 PLAG1_HUMAN 5324 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.621150582 knock out down-regulator 0.047221971 REG00015 AXL AXL receptor tyrosine kinase HGNC:905 ENSG00000167601 UFO_HUMAN 558 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.392678377 knock down up-regulate 0.014303968 REG00015 PLAU Plasminogen activator, urokinase HGNC:9052 ENSG00000122861 UROK_HUMAN 5328 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.60568406 knock down down-regulator 0.005735577 REG00015 PLAUR Plasminogen activator, urokinase receptor HGNC:9053 ENSG00000011422 UPAR_HUMAN 5329 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -2.136944603 knock down down-regulator 3.26E-08 REG00015 PLCL1 Phospholipase C like 1 (inactive) HGNC:9063 ENSG00000115896 PLCL1_HUMAN 5334 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.817041598 knock down up-regulate 0.014302992 REG00015 PLEC Plectin HGNC:9069 ENSG00000178209 PLEC_HUMAN 5339 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.46E+00 . . . REG00015 PLXNA2 Plexin A2 HGNC:9100 ENSG00000076356 PLXA2_HUMAN 5362 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.20E+00 . . . REG00015 PMCH Pro-melanin concentrating hormone HGNC:9109 ENSG00000183395 MCH_HUMAN 5367 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.625198201 knock down down-regulator 0.006607543 REG00015 PMM2 Phosphomannomutase 2 HGNC:9115 ENSG00000140650 PMM2_HUMAN 5373 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -2.476544913 knock out down-regulator 0.000116461 REG00015 EXOSC9 Exosome component 9 HGNC:9137 ENSG00000123737 EXOS9_HUMAN 5393 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.764284585 knock down up-regulate 0.018195942 REG00015 B2M Beta-2-microglobulin HGNC:914 ENSG00000166710 B2MG_HUMAN 567 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.606638875 knock out down-regulator 0.007914835 REG00015 PNN Pinin, desmosome associated protein HGNC:9162 ENSG00000100941 PININ_HUMAN 5411 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.845778814 knock out up-regulate 0.002578549 REG00015 PODXL Podocalyxin like HGNC:9171 ENSG00000128567 PODXL_HUMAN 5420 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.13E+00 . . . REG00015 POLR2A RNA polymerase II subunit A HGNC:9187 ENSG00000181222 RPB1_HUMAN 5430 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.753326206 knock down up-regulate 0.002887846 REG00015 B3GALT4 Beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 4 HGNC:919 ENSG00000235863 B3GT4_HUMAN 8705 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.977158911 knock down up-regulate 0.022365093 REG00015 POU2F2 POU class 2 homeobox 2 HGNC:9213 ENSG00000028277 PO2F2_HUMAN 5452 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 2.58E+00 . . . REG00015 POU6F1 POU class 6 homeobox 1 HGNC:9224 ENSG00000184271 PO6F1_HUMAN 5463 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.228 knock down up-regulate 0.006666 REG00015 PLPP2 Phospholipid phosphatase 2 HGNC:9230 ENSG00000141934 PLPP2_HUMAN 8612 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.212753916 knock down down-regulator 0.000406057 REG00015 PPIF Peptidylprolyl isomerase F HGNC:9259 ENSG00000108179 PPIF_HUMAN 10105 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.307815356 knock out down-regulator 0.000205118 REG00015 PPL Periplakin HGNC:9273 ENSG00000118898 PEPL_HUMAN 5493 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.35E+00 . . . REG00015 BACE2 Beta-secretase 2 HGNC:934 ENSG00000182240 BACE2_HUMAN 25825 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 1.111112101 knock down up-regulate 0.015630312 REG00015 PRCP Prolylcarboxypeptidase HGNC:9344 ENSG00000137509 PCP_HUMAN 5547 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.839077785 knock down down-regulator 0.004190806 REG00015 PRDM1 PR/SET domain 1 HGNC:9346 ENSG00000057657 PRDM1_HUMAN 639 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.63E+00 . . . REG00015 PRIM1 DNA primase subunit 1 HGNC:9369 ENSG00000198056 PRI1_HUMAN 5557 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 0.68285036 knock down up-regulate 0.001896853 REG00015 PRKACB Protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit beta HGNC:9381 ENSG00000142875 KAPCB_HUMAN 5567 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.690483726 knock down down-regulator 0.00453142 REG00015 PRKAG2 Protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 2 HGNC:9386 ENSG00000106617 AAKG2_HUMAN 51422 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.992035561 knock out down-regulator 0.013993338 REG00015 PRKCD Protein kinase C delta HGNC:9399 ENSG00000163932 KPCD_HUMAN 5580 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.618412886 knock down down-regulator 0.018452932 REG00015 PRKCE Protein kinase C epsilon HGNC:9401 ENSG00000171132 KPCE_HUMAN 5581 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.70E+00 . . . REG00015 PRKCE Protein kinase C epsilon HGNC:9401 ENSG00000171132 KPCE_HUMAN 5581 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.348942727 knock out down-regulator 0.008889128 REG00015 PRKCZ Protein kinase C zeta HGNC:9412 ENSG00000067606 KPCZ_HUMAN 5590 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.675425432 knock out down-regulator 0.008282694 REG00015 PRLR Prolactin receptor HGNC:9446 ENSG00000113494 PRLR_HUMAN 5618 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.91E+00 . . . REG00015 PRSS2 Serine protease 2 HGNC:9483 ENSG00000275896 TRY2_HUMAN 5645 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.818162396 knock down down-regulator 0.048607104 REG00015 PSG4 Pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 4 HGNC:9521 ENSG00000243137 PSG4_HUMAN 5672 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 0.807 knock out up-regulate 0.0009773 REG00015 PSG5 Pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 5 HGNC:9522 ENSG00000204941 PSG5_HUMAN 5673 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.133723424 knock out down-regulator 0.004858372 REG00015 PSMA6 Proteasome 20S subunit alpha 6 HGNC:9535 ENSG00000100902 PSA6_HUMAN 5687 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.114135345 knock down down-regulator 0.001292344 REG00015 PSMC4 Proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase 4 HGNC:9551 ENSG00000013275 PRS6B_HUMAN 5704 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.204109608 knock down down-regulator 0.010354124 REG00015 PTCH1 Patched 1 HGNC:9585 ENSG00000185920 PTC1_HUMAN 5727 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.10E+00 . . . REG00015 PTGFR Prostaglandin F receptor HGNC:9600 ENSG00000122420 PF2R_HUMAN 5737 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -1.107611528 knock out down-regulator 0.001383966 REG00015 BAZ2A Bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 2A HGNC:962 ENSG00000076108 BAZ2A_HUMAN 11176 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.42E+00 . . . REG00015 BAZ2B Bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 2B HGNC:963 ENSG00000123636 BAZ2B_HUMAN 29994 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.30E+00 . . . REG00015 PTPN14 Protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 14 HGNC:9647 ENSG00000152104 PTN14_HUMAN 5784 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.90E+00 . . . REG00015 PTPRE Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type E HGNC:9669 ENSG00000132334 PTPRE_HUMAN 5791 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.17E+00 . . . REG00015 PTPRF Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type F HGNC:9670 ENSG00000142949 PTPRF_HUMAN 5792 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 PTPRG Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type G HGNC:9671 ENSG00000144724 PTPRG_HUMAN 5793 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.95E+00 . . . REG00015 PTPRK Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type K HGNC:9674 ENSG00000152894 PTPRK_HUMAN 5796 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.08E+00 . . . REG00015 PTPRR Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type R HGNC:9680 ENSG00000153233 PTPRR_HUMAN 5801 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.605364976 knock down down-regulator 0.016792084 REG00015 BBS4 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4 HGNC:969 ENSG00000140463 BBS4_HUMAN 585 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -4.01432038 knock down down-regulator 0 REG00015 PVR PVR cell adhesion molecule HGNC:9705 ENSG00000073008 PVR_HUMAN 5817 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.126772907 knock down down-regulator 0.001810159 REG00015 QPCT Glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase HGNC:9753 ENSG00000115828 QPCT_HUMAN 25797 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.623533352 knock out down-regulator 0.000699219 REG00015 RABIF RAB interacting factor HGNC:9797 ENSG00000183155 MSS4_HUMAN 5877 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.835496162 knock down down-regulator 0.002613489 REG00015 RAC3 Rac family small GTPase 3 HGNC:9803 ENSG00000169750 RAC3_HUMAN 5881 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.842294365 knock down down-regulator 0.00055887 REG00015 RACGAP1 Rac GTPase activating protein 1 HGNC:9804 ENSG00000161800 RGAP1_HUMAN 29127 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.917183004 knock down down-regulator 0.000692755 REG00015 RAD54L RAD54 like HGNC:9826 ENSG00000085999 RAD54_HUMAN 8438 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.594874797 knock down down-regulator 0.005098291 REG00015 RAI1 Retinoic acid induced 1 HGNC:9834 ENSG00000108557 RAI1_HUMAN 10743 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.80E+00 . . . REG00015 RARRES2 Retinoic acid receptor responder 2 HGNC:9868 ENSG00000106538 RARR2_HUMAN 5919 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.950634104 knock out down-regulator 0.007642754 REG00015 PLAAT4 Phospholipase A and acyltransferase 4 HGNC:9869 ENSG00000133321 PLAT4_HUMAN 5920 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.752222299 knock out down-regulator 0.000637652 REG00015 RASAL2 RAS protein activator like 2 HGNC:9874 ENSG00000075391 NGAP_HUMAN 9462 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.70E+00 . . . REG00015 RASGRP2 RAS guanyl releasing protein 2 HGNC:9879 ENSG00000068831 GRP2_HUMAN 10235 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.49E+00 . . . REG00015 RASGRP2 RAS guanyl releasing protein 2 HGNC:9879 ENSG00000068831 GRP2_HUMAN 10235 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.864525464 knock down down-regulator 0.04573202 REG00015 RB1 RB transcriptional corepressor 1 HGNC:9884 ENSG00000139687 RB_HUMAN 5925 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.308607465 knock down down-regulator 0.000395069 REG00015 RBBP7 RB binding protein 7, chromatin remodeling factor HGNC:9890 ENSG00000102054 RBBP7_HUMAN 5931 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -1.233295243 knock down down-regulator 0.000307966 REG00015 RECQL RecQ like helicase HGNC:9948 ENSG00000004700 RECQ1_HUMAN 5965 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.976541247 knock down down-regulator 0.005032857 REG00015 RERE Arginine-glutamic acid dipeptide repeats HGNC:9965 ENSG00000142599 RERE_HUMAN 473 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.38E+00 . . . REG00015 REST RE1 silencing transcription factor HGNC:9966 ENSG00000084093 REST_HUMAN 5978 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.20E+00 . . . REG00015 RFC4 Replication factor C subunit 4 HGNC:9972 ENSG00000163918 RFC4_HUMAN 5984 Gene with protein product Protein coding Human umbilical vein endothelial cells . Homo sapiens Healthy . RNA-seq 34582888 GSE167067 -0.860284473 knock down down-regulator 0.000548252 REG00015 RFX3 Regulatory factor X3 HGNC:9984 ENSG00000080298 RFX3_HUMAN 5991 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.09E+00 . . . REG00015 RGS12 Regulator of G protein signaling 12 HGNC:9994 ENSG00000159788 RGS12_HUMAN 6002 Gene with protein product Protein coding HeLa CVCL_0030 Homo sapiens Cervical cancer 2C77: Cervix uteri cancer RIP-seq 29507755 GSE102493 1.45E+00 . . . REG00015 RGS2 Regulator of G protein signaling 2 HGNC:9998 ENSG00000116741 RGS2_HUMAN 5997 Gene with protein product Protein coding MDA-MB-231 cell line CVCL_0062 Homo sapiens Breast cancer 2C60: Breast cancer RNA-seq . GSE185494 -0.667126249 knock out down-regulator 0.003611023